
Company Introduction

900 Employees
Contact Person
群暉科技 (Synology Inc.) 創立於西元 2000 年,是一家年輕且充滿活力的公司。Synology 以台灣自有品牌行銷全球一百多個國家,目前已累積超過千萬名使用者,佈建遍及全球各種產業,其中更不乏數千名使用者同時在線的關鍵服務,維繫著許多企業的營運命脈。我們謹慎看待自己對客戶的使命,嚴格要求產品在不同應用環境下皆能穩定且高效地運行,為客戶妥善管理、保護每一份資料。 - 守護您的資料,是我們的使命 圍繞著「資料管理」主軸,Synology 以 NAS 及 SAN 儲存為基礎,發展出橫跨檔案伺服器、資料備份、影像監控、網路通訊等解決方案,滿足從科技愛好者、中小企業、到大型企業的各種資料管理需求。 Synology 的產品組合垂直整合軟硬體,從硬體產品、系統平台、及軟體應用皆自主開發,確保產品品質穩定,可乘載高達數千使用者的關鍵應用。同時藉由整合產品中各項軟硬體部件,讓使用者能以更實惠的成本解決資料管理挑戰,享受到「價實質精」的服務。 此外,看好混合雲的應用趨勢,Synology 於 2017 年自建公有雲 Synology C2,從機房、硬體設備、服務架構、到軟體應用完全自主開發,目前設有德國法蘭克福、美國西雅圖、台灣台北三個資料中心,提供全球使用者資料隱私及安全無虞的雲端服務。 更多關於 Synology 產品及解決方案資訊,請參閱官方網站 - 加入我們,邁向職涯新高度 Synology 集結追求共同目標的熱血創新者,互相分享、學習,相輔相成實踐理想,建立全方位的頂尖團隊,並隨業務發展在歐洲、美洲、亞太等地區設有六個子公司,共有超過千名全職員工。身為 Synologist 的我們堅持不懈的彼此激發靈感、追求創新、化不可能為可能,因應時勢不斷追求改變為產品注入新的想法。 加入我們,你將有機會在全球範圍發揮所長,挑戰與台灣頂尖軟體人才合作,共同開發全球上億人日常工作使用到的軟體與應用。在 Synology,我們專注把科技帶給有需要的使用者,也希望招募擁有相同願景的優秀人才,與我們一起透過創新科技,讓世界更有效率。

Industry Sector

Main Products

- NAS 與 SAN 提供高效、穩定的儲存及生產力、資料保護、同步與共享等應用,滿足個人、家庭、到企業商用的多元需求 - 影像監控 易於管理、高度安全的一站式監控系統,守護使用者珍貴的實體資產 - 網路通訊 提供家庭、專業用戶、中小企業可靠的路由器與 VPN 解決方案 - Cloud 2 與 Synology NAS 高度整合的混合雲備份、檔案分享服務與多樣化的純雲端應用服務 - Bee Series 提供個人備份中心,可蒐集不同裝置中分散的所有資料,並且隨時能取得你需要的檔案 - 硬碟與擴充裝置 經嚴格測試與 Synology NAS 高度相容的擴充配件與硬碟,幫助提升系統整體效能與穩定性


群暉是一充滿工作活力、氣氛輕鬆、快速成長中的公司。在群暉,沒有墨守成規,只有鼓勵向前。群暉我們重視團隊合作和自我管理,提供挑戰,又兼具創意及輕鬆活潑的工作環境,唯勇於嘗試的人歡迎接受挑戰。 具競爭力的獎酬制度 - 三節獎金(中秋、端午、年終) - 績效獎金 - 留任金 友善的職場環境 - 彈性上下班時間 - 一年 15 天不扣薪病假 - 婚喪喜慶補助 - 貼心、舒適的哺乳室 - 明亮寬敞的員工休息室 - 免費早餐、下午茶 - 備有當季新鮮水果、零食、飲料與咖啡 - 免費機車位 健全的員工身心靈照顧 - 年度健康檢查 - 按摩師每周駐點服務 - 專責護理師推動健康促進 - 不定期健康講座、醫師健康諮詢服務 群暉人獨享的方案 - 享優惠價格選購公司產品 - 多元的社團活動 - 讀書會與教育訓練 - 不定時舉辦攜眷之員工活動

Company & Workplace


Marketing Specialist Synology_群暉科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
We are builders of data storage products for millions of users around the world. Our customer base is diverse and can span from just a user wanting to back up their photos to large enterprises storing mission-critical work to deliver the next big thing. We're looking for someone that can define our brand and our products through planning and executing regional marketing efforts. As a Marketing Specialist, you'll be responsible for generating brand and product awareness in global market utilizing existing and new disruptive tactics. You'll identify market trends, demands, and desires of both existing and potential customers, and then deliver our value proposition. On a day-to-day basis, you'll be developing marketing strategies together with your team members to drive user adoption of our solutions. You will: - Develop marketing plans with clear objectives, target audiences, tactics, content, and ROI measurement - Build and maintain relationships with Media and influencers, including proactively pitching to them - Foster relations through press conferences, briefings, campaigns, and other marketing events - Leverage digital marketing tools and techniques to increase brand awareness - Work with clients directly, including interviewing and creating compelling customer stories and other collateral to showcase success
Mid to Senior Level
10/16 Updated
Product Marketing Manager (Enterprise Productivity Solutions) Synology_群暉科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Synology creates robust data solutions used by professional organizations around the world. Our products range from private data storage and networking to AI-powered video surveillance and secure cloud data services. As a Product Marketing Manager in the Enterprise Productivity Solutions Team, you will be tasked with crafting compelling narratives and marketing strategies that will accelerate the adoption of Synology's business applications. How a product performs in the market strongly depends on the quality and thoroughness of the planning performed before launch — behind each product should be a well-thought-out plan that ensures accurate product placement and exposure. As a Product Marketing Manager, you will achieve this by working closely with the team to produce marketing materials, define product positioning, analyze markets, and be part of the storytelling process. You will need to collaborate with diverse stakeholders representing many functions, such as regional marketing, sales, and design teams, as well as other cross-functional teams. You will define how Synology Office Suite applications are presented and delivered to a market, influencing its success while reshaping the IT market. You will be responsible for: - Marketing Synology's data management apps, including Synology Drive, Office, MailPlus, Chat, and more - Performing market and customer research, investigating the details behind purchase decisions, monitoring how competing products are positioned, and developing market insights - Collaborating with other marketing teams on the development and execution of go-to-market strategies and content marketing materials - Learning the intricacies of Synology's products, defining each product's target audience, and determining what messaging should be communicated through individual marketing channels
Senior Level
10/16 Updated
Surveillance Product Developer (Intern) Synology_群暉科技股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 250~250
Synology's product developers create cutting-edge products used by millions of users around the world. Our portfolio of data storage, networking, and surveillance products are powered by our own software solutions, giving us a unique edge in today's crowded market. We are looking for engineers that can make an impact, bringing in fresh ideas from different areas to help expand our team of high-energy developers. Video surveillance solutions are ubiquitous and vital in maintaining accountability in our society today. They can serve as silent witnesses to a scene, a deterrent, and often a means to reassure a property owner. Synology has been consistently innovating video surveillance, leveraging our storage expertise to build robust, feature-rich, and cost-effective solutions that oversee countless locations today. You'll be joining an experienced team to develop our next-generation products. As an intern developer, you'll be working on improving camera compatibility. You will be responsible for integrating the latest camera models among famous brands into Surveillance Station, making it more valuable to users. You will: - Work with Synology engineering teams to design, develop, implement, and support new services and enhancements to our existing solutions - Learn how to interact with different cameras through web requests in a complete and well-formed code architecture
English Required
10/16 Updated
Marketing Specialist (Korea Region) Synology_群暉科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
We are builders of data storage products for millions of users around the world. Our customer base is diverse and can span from just a user wanting to back up their photos to large enterprises storing mission-critical work to deliver the next big thing. We’re looking for someone that can define our brand and our products through planning and executing regional marketing efforts. As a Marketing Specialist in the regional marketing team, you'll be responsible for generating brand and product awareness in the Korean market utilizing existing and new disruptive tactics. You'll identify market trends, demands, and desires of both existing and potential customers, and then deliver our value proposition. On a day-to-day basis, you'll be developing marketing strategies together with your team members to drive user adoption of our solutions. You will: - Develop marketing plans with clear objectives, target audiences, tactics, content, and ROI measurement - Build and maintain relationships with KOLs and media contacts, including proactively pitching to them - Foster relations through press conferences, briefings, campaigns, and other marketing events - Leverage digital marketing tools and techniques to increase brand awareness - Work with clients directly, including interviewing and creating compelling customer stories and other collateral to showcase success
10/16 Updated
Solution Specialist Synology_群暉科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Synology’s portfolio of NAS, SAN, backup, and surveillance solutions have already been deployed millions of times around the world. While the bulk of B2C markets may be driven through marketing efforts, B2B is a whole different world, requiring the expertise and careful handling by Synology’s Sales Team. Building trust, reputation, and close working ties with local partners is a key ingredient to delivering results. We're seeking a driven Solution Specialist to join our team, with the primary objective of aiding our customers in tackling complex IT challenges. You'll play a pivotal role by being intimately involved in the architecting and deployment of Synology's solutions. Your role will be dynamic, with each day presenting new opportunities and challenges.  You will: - Apply our company's solutions to real-world scenarios presented by our customers - Provide consultation to our partners and customers on Synology's IT solutions across cloud, on-prem, and hybrid architectures - Collaborate regularly with other teams such as sales, technical support, product management, marketing, and more - Stay on cutting edge through market research and hands-on experience of IT systems and solutions
Senior Level
English Required
10/16 Updated
Product Developer (影像監控軟體開發) Synology_群暉科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Synology's product developers create cutting-edge products used by millions of users around the world. Our portfolio of data storage, networking, and surveillance products are powered by our own software solutions, giving us a unique edge in today's crowded market. We are looking for engineers that can make an impact, bringing in fresh ideas from different areas to help expand our team of high-energy developers. Video surveillance solutions are ubiquitous and vital in maintaining accountability in our society today. They can serve as silent witnesses to a scene, act as a deterrent, and often simply serve as a means to reassure a property owner. Synology has been consistently innovating in the field of video surveillance, leveraging our storage expertise to built robust, feature-rich, and cost-effective solutions that are overseeing countless locations today. You’ll be joining an experienced team to build our next generation products. You will: - Work on and develop video surveillance-related projects in a Linux environment - Develop JavaScript-based frontend applications - Work with common video codecs such as H.264/H.265 (HEVC) and real-time video streaming protocols - Continually optimize performance and improve the reliability of our existing solutions to tackle even larger and more demanding deployments
English Required
10/16 Updated
Technical Support Engineer (技術支援工程師 - 午晚班) Synology_群暉科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
群暉科技是全球技術領導者,為數百萬用戶提供支援,包括小型企業和大型企業。我們的產品包括先進的儲存系統和備份解決方案,以及尖端的雲端服務。我們堅定不移地致力於創新,為未來的數位世界設定標準,確保客戶的資料安全、易於存取,並充分發揮其潛力。 身為群暉科技的技術支援工程師,你扮演解決方案與使用者間橋樑的重要角色,你將提供用戶即時精確的支援服務。你將協助使用者排除技術障礙,確保產品使用上的疑慮得到滿意的解決。在這裡,你和用戶的每一次互動,都將深化信任並促進長期合作。 主要職責 - 即時回應客戶對產品的技術問題,提升客戶體驗滿意度 - 收集並整理客戶回饋,協助開發團隊打造更完善的產品 工作時間安排 - 需配合下午 (2:00 PM-11:00 PM) 和夜間 (11:00 PM-8:00 AM) 輪班,適合喜歡彈性運用時間的你 我們會提供 - 優渥的待遇:具有競爭力的薪資福利,若表現優異,將有機會在第一年成就百萬年薪 - 完善的訓練:完整豐富的教育資源及結構化的訓練制度,只要有心,新手也不用擔心 - 友善的團隊:我們的團隊樂於互助分享,每一位同事都是你的堅強後盾   想更深入了解我們的團隊和職務內容請閱讀專訪文章
10/16 Updated
Administration Assistant (行政助理/櫃檯接待) Synology_群暉科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 28,000~35,000
行政管理團隊,被賦予文化塑造和制度推行的使命,依組織需求及策略規劃發想出最佳行政管理措施,透過內、外部團隊合作,激盪創新的火花。在這裡每天都是新的體驗,你將有機會學習團隊溝通合作、規劃與實踐專案,每個成員都能提出自己的想法以解決問題。歡迎喜歡跳脫框架的你加入我們,一同成長與學習 以「資源管理者」的角色,將有限資源充分運用,控管採購成本、資產設備管理,找尋資源分配的最佳方案,我們期待你靈活、細心、耐心、不自我設限,具備清晰的邏輯思維、積極的態度與溝通協調能力;勇於接受挑戰,以服務為本,致力於提升同仁更佳的工作環境,成為內部強而有力的後勤支援 你將協助我們: - 櫃台接待、電話接聽 - 郵務收發、寄件管理 - 資產設備管理 - 會議室、事務區管理與環境維護 - 庶務雜項採購及事務機器叫修 - 福利品補給與餐點訂購 - 福委會活動執行 - 各項請款及費用統計報表製作 - 支援行政總務相關工作與主管交辦事項
English Required
10/11 Updated