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德商創浦(TRUMPF) 成立於1923年,總部位於德國迪欽根,為全球雷射技術與工具機領導品牌。 創浦雷射技術應用層面從電動車、醫療器材、航太至半導體微影技術。2019年TRUMPF正式宣布併購Philips Photonics公司,主要為數據通訊、消費性及工業相關應用提供VCSEL技術解決方案。 TRUMPF以鈑金加工雷射工具機起家,產品包含:雷射切割機、折床、沖床、雷射焊接機、3D五軸雷射加工機等。隨著工業4.0的發展趨勢,近年TRUMPF將全球工具機的重心導向智慧製造。2017年TRUMPF於美國芝加哥成立第一座自動化的物聯網智慧示範工廠,板材生產線從下單、生產、倉儲、出貨,在機器、自動化裝置與軟體共同協作之下達到透明化生產,生產流程實現數字化、網路化、智慧平台化的模式,提高整體生產力、加工靈活度、生產穩定性。容易管理的智慧工廠概念也更貼近以中小企業為主的台灣鈑金加工製造業市場。 TRUMPF作為不斷開闢新應用領域的國際化企業,持續創新是TRUMPF的企業宗旨。2020年全球銷售額逾35億歐元,研發投資金額達3.8億歐元,超過當年度總營收的10%以上。 <TRUMPF致力客戶服務> 多年來TRUMPF與客戶緊密合作,全球擁有超過70個服務據點,包括歐洲、美國、台灣、中國、日本及韓國等地都設有技術研發、教育培訓與製造中心,就近提供客戶最好的產品及完善的售後服務。 <TRUMPF 台灣> 德商台灣創浦股份有限公司於1999年創立在桃園華亞科技園區內,是德國創浦集團在台灣投資設立的子公司。主要負責全球創浦產品在台銷售與原廠售後服務,以在地化服務聚焦關鍵雷射技術的需求。為提供客戶即時服務、快速回應客戶需求,於新竹、台中、台南設立辦公室,並在南科成立EUV技術培訓中心。2020年與經濟部、工研院在台南共同成立雷射應用服務中心。 ● 桃園總部:桃園市龜山區華亞一路28號 ● 台南辦公室:台南市新市區國際路15號 ● 台中辦公室:台中市西屯區市政北一路77號12樓之10 ● 新竹辦公室:新竹科學工業園區工業東六路6號7樓706室 更多關於TRUMPF 的資訊請至 查詢。Follow us on Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn & XING: | | |

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提供銷售及維修TRUMPF生產之設備: ● 工具機,如:雷射切割機,沖孔機及折床. ● 雷射應用相關設備:CO2 雷射產生器, 固態雷射產生器及雷射雕刻機 ● 德國HUETTINGER之DC-, MF-及RF-產生器的產品售後服務


BE THE TALENT IN TAIWAN TRUMPF 1. 著重人才培育 視職務需要安排至德國總部技術培訓 2. 人才的發展 ● 員工與主管討論專業技能培養與職涯發展計畫 ● 全球TRUMPF內部輪調之申請 3. 培養國際視野 與公司內部、客戶端來自不同國家背景的同仁共事。 4. 具競爭力的薪酬 ● 固定14個月年薪,並另外根據部門/個人負責的事業,提供個人或團隊績效獎金 ● 年度調薪計畫 ● 員工推薦獎金專案 5. 豐富的福利 ● 勞保、健保、勞工退休金、團體保險 ● 優於勞基法之新人試用期過後即可使用年假(依在職比例換算第一年10天)、每年10天全薪病假 ● 舉家歡慶端午節、中秋節、生日禮券 ● 歡樂成家結婚禮金、生育禮金 ● 共襄盛舉年終尾牙 ● 一同去郊遊之公司旅遊 ● 員工健康最重要之免費定期健檢 ● 喝到飽免費咖啡、茶包 ● 視職務需求配置絕不漏接iPhone公務機 ● 提供國內外優質星級差旅飯店,保險及海外急難救助計畫供差旅需求

Company & Workplace


Field Service Engineer (EUV) 台灣創浦股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
<Job Mission> This position has the role of EUV Field Service Engineer with the responsibility for TRUMPF EUV laser systems installation and upgrade. As TRUMPF EUV team is closely working together with our customer for EUV lithography for our end customers, this job position assumes clear ownership on every single phase from preparation to handover of individual laser equipment system to our customer. <Key Responsibilities> - Responsible for machine installation, upgrade, and retrofit of TRUMPF EUV laser systems for our end-customers in Taiwan and worldwide. - Assist senior engineer to solve issues during installation. - Perform preventative maintenance. Replace defective parts. - Technical support via phone and email - Assistance in repairing customer machines using remote diagnostics capabilities. - Collaboration with internal departments to obtain answers to technical problems - Reporting discrepancies, unresolved or recurrent problems to manager. - Meet customers / TRUMPF safety regulations at all time. - Required business travel domestic to the end-customer site for machine installation. - Required business travel international for technical training. - Continue to learn different generation machines through manual, procedure or other relevant material. - Shift work is required, and it may include working 24/7 shifts if necessary. <Education> College or Bachelor degree in Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, or engineering related fields. <Experience> Welcome both new college graduate and experienced talent <Personal/Professional skills> 1. Good mechanical proficiency with hand tools as well as precision measurement tools. 2. Ability to work independently and rarely need technical assistance in performance of daily responsibilities. 3. High flexibility regarding work location and working time. 4. Microsoft Office; Word, Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint. 5. Have strong diagnostic experience will be plus. 6. Fluent in both spoken and written in English and Mandarin will be plus. (TOEIC 500) 7. Previous experience in maintenance, repair and troubleshooting of semiconductor capital equipment, repair and/or installation of company equipment will be a plus.
English Required
10/14 Updated
德商工具機技術服務工程師 (南部) 台灣創浦股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
<Company Introduction> We are a high-tech company providing machine tools and laser technology, driving digital connectivity in manufacturing industry through consulting, platform and software offers. As an independent family company, we think and act long-term, and our desire to shape the future has made us a guarantor of continuous innovative strength. We're now looking for people who can face new challenges with a fresh mind. Join us, and we offer you the freedom and trust to put your brave ideas into practice! <Key Responsibilities 主要工作內容> 1. Installation, field and in-house service, maintenance on CNC punching, laser and bending machines for our customers in Taiwan. 自動化沖孔機、雷射切割機、折彎機之安裝、廠內檢修、電話服務及維修保養。主要服務範圍:台灣。 2. The work location will be south of Taichung. 工作地點為嘉義以南區域。 <Personal/Professional skills 能力/技能需求> 1. Able to use English for technical communication in both speaking and writing (TOEIC 500+). 英文聽說讀寫中等 (多益測驗500分以上或同等認證) 。 2. PC proficiency such as computer principles and ability in MS Office, including but not limited Microsoft Office; Word, Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint. 熟悉PC的使用,如電腦的基本概念以及Microsoft office系統的使用。 3. Self-motivated and strong sense of responsibility. 積極進取負責任感。 4. Having driving License. 具汽車駕照。 5. High flexibility regarding working location and working time. 對出差地點(至客戶端)及工作時間保持靈活彈性和配合度。 6. High flexibility regarding overseas training. 對海外出差受訓保持靈活彈性和配合度。 <Education學歷> University or college graduated in mechanical, electrical or related fields. 大學或專科,機械、電子或相關科系畢業。 <Experience經歷> Working experience in service and maintenance of CNC machinery would be advantage. 具CNC機械之維修及保養工作經驗者尤佳。 <Your Benefit> Our employees are one of our key family to our company. To recognize that, we offer highly competitive packages to attract and retain our employees. - State-of-the-art work environment with the latest technology - Early assumption of responsibility and varied tasks - Broad range of training offers - Respectful and appreciative corporate culture
English Required
10/14 Updated
德商工具機技術服務工程師 (中部) 台灣創浦股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
<Company Introduction> We are a high-tech company providing machine tools and laser technology, driving digital connectivity in manufacturing industry through consulting, platform and software offers. As an independent family company, we think and act long-term, and our desire to shape the future has made us a guarantor of continuous innovative strength. We're now looking for people who can face new challenges with a fresh mind. Join us, and we offer you the freedom and trust to put your brave ideas into practice! <Key Responsibilities 主要工作內容> 1. Installation, field and in-house service, maintenance on CNC punching, laser and bending machines for our customers in Taiwan. 自動化沖孔機、雷射切割機、折彎機之安裝、廠內檢修、電話服務及維修保養。主要服務範圍:台灣。 2. The work location will be south of Taichung. 工作地點為台中以南區域。 <Personal/Professional skills 能力/技能需求> 1. Able to use English for technical communication in both speaking and writing (TOEIC 500+). 英文聽說讀寫中等 (多益測驗500分以上或同等認證) 。 2. PC proficiency such as computer principles and ability in MS Office, including but not limited Microsoft Office; Word, Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint. 熟悉PC的使用,如電腦的基本概念以及Microsoft office系統的使用。 3. Self-motivated and strong sense of responsibility. 積極進取負責任感。 4. Having driving License. 具汽車駕照。 5. High flexibility regarding working location and working time. 對出差地點(至客戶端)及工作時間保持靈活彈性和配合度。 6. High flexibility regarding overseas training. 對海外出差受訓保持靈活彈性和配合度。 <Education學歷> University or college graduated in mechanical, electrical or related fields. 大學或專科,機械、電子或相關科系畢業。 <Experience經歷> Working experience in service and maintenance of CNC machinery would be advantage. 具CNC機械之維修及保養工作經驗者尤佳。 <Your Benefit> Our employees are one of our key family to our company. To recognize that, we offer highly competitive packages to attract and retain our employees. - State-of-the-art work environment with the latest technology - Early assumption of responsibility and varied tasks - Broad range of training offers - Respectful and appreciative corporate culture
English Required
10/14 Updated