
Company Introduction

330 Employees
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休斯微技術(SUSS MicroTec) 是領先全世界的半導體製程設備及技術的德國供應商,總部設立於德國慕尼黑加興市(Garching),在德國、台灣、日本、中國、新加坡、韓國、歐洲等地皆設有服務據點,70年來秉持著不斷創新研發及高品質的產品要求,提供客戶最先進的設備及技術服務。 本公司成立於2002年,為了更貼近在台灣及亞洲重要半導體客戶,於2020年初進駐了新竹科學工業園區,並成立”亞洲區工廠製造部門”,透過台灣在地優勢及高素質人才,可提供優化組裝機台品質並支援亞洲高需求的半導體設備。 新竹總部含製造中心: 新竹市科學園區力行三路7號7樓 竹北辦公室: 新竹縣竹北市台元二街12號9樓之8 楊梅辦公室: 桃園市楊梅區瑞坪路177號2樓 台南辦公室: 台南市新市區國際路13號1樓之12 高雄辦公室: 高雄市左營區文康路199號 本公司設備被全球領先的半導體製造商和知名研究所廣泛採納,用於生產和測試晶片、感測器等。 日常生活中的許多產品,如PDA、GPS、手機等,多少都會接觸到我們的設備。 在全球客戶高度支持及肯定下,本公司投入更多的資金研發追求更高的製程技術以滿足客戶需求。 在先進封裝技術、微機電及光通訊領域裡與全球高科技一起邁入新世紀。 SÜSS MicroTec相關報導 台積電磁吸效應! 歐美日半導體廠插旗竹科 - 非凡新聞https://reurl.cc/V1423R 台灣生產製造中心: https://reurl.cc/KQ32jg 在半導體先進封裝市場發展及先進覆晶技術的需求下,本公司徵求以下相關人才加入我們的服務陣容。

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Main Products

SUSS MicroTec 主要產品係提供先進的製程設備及技術,應用於全球先進封裝微機電、光通訊及半導體領域含蓋全(半)自動微影、光阻塗布設備、覆晶接合機及光罩洗淨設備。 The SUSS MicroTec Group is a leading supplier of equipment and process solutions for microstructuring applications with seventy years of engineering experience. Our portfolio covers a comprehensive range of products and solutions for backend lithography, wafer bonding and photomask processing, complemented by micro-optical components. The production of memory chips, cameras for mobile phones or tire pressure sensors – the equipment solutions of SUSS MicroTec are applied within a wide variety of manufacturing processes for applications of daily or industrial use. Customers in the semiconductor industry and related markets like Advanced Packaging, MEMS and LED appreciate our comprehensive experience in wafer processing. This makes us a valuable partner for high-volume production as well as for research and development. - Photomask Equipment - Coater and Developer - Mask Aligner - Metrology - Projection Scanner - Laser Stepper - Wafer Bonder - Micro-Optics - Remanufactured Equipment


[薪酬制度與環境] • 週休二日,人性化管理制度,彈性上下班 • 年薪14個月 • 多項福利津貼補助 • 晉升管道暢通,年度薪資調整讓員工付出與回報直接相連。 • 年度績效獎金 • 寬敞、明亮及舒適的辦公環境 (2020年2月進駐竹科) • 休息區提供免費的咖啡、零食與點心 • 美食餐廳及便利超商 [保險與退休計畫] • 依據法規實行勞保、健保、勞退保險制度 • 旅平險及差旅緊急協助計畫 • 員工高額之團體保險及旅平險 • 優惠方案自費配偶、子女高額團體保險 • 結婚、喪葬、生育、傷病住院補助等 [工作和家庭平衡及身心健康照顧] • 入職第一年即享有優於勞基法之10天年假(依比例給予) • 每年提供14天全薪病假 • 免費高級健康檢查,健康檢查當日,可享半天健檢假 • 定期醫生及護士專業到廠諮詢服務 [其他福利] • 員工旅遊補助 • 完整員⼯培訓計劃及出國進修機會 • 生日禮券 • 員工停車補助 • 每季團隊部門聚餐 • 久任服務年資獎 • 高額內部介紹獎金 • 尾牙摸彩/贈獎 (以上福利屬正職同仁享有)

Company & Workplace


D003-5 Customer Support Engineer- Bonder (Hsinchu) 休斯微技術股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. Field support to all customers in the Northern part of Taiwan. 2. The field support is to support systems or machines of SUSS products. Main task is related to hardware but might involve software troubleshooting in some occasions. 3. On a rotary basis, job holder is required for on-call duty. 4. Obligate to learn new products through daily work and training events; is required to attend training events upon arrangement. 5. Required to participate in customer service meetings, maintain positive relationship with customer contacts. 6. Writes reports on time for the purpose of administration, service events, technical data and improvement. 7. Proactively takes ownership on resolving service problems. 8. Assisting in application and sales to promote SUSS products toward customers. 9. Other service which management assign to him.
Senior Level
English Required
10/01 Updated
D09-30 Optics Assembler 休斯微技術股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Optics experence will be a plus to the position. Optics assembler will be trained on our Production-Exposure System: - Assemble and test Sub-Assemblies related to the Exposure Equipment - Integrate these sub-assemblies into the final product Tasks: - Assemble according to schematics and procedure. Test and verify accomplished tasks. - Identify systematic problems and provide solutions based on a data-driven approach. - Initiate and implement continuous improvement-projects to improve quality, reliability and safety and to reduce costs. Others: - Other tasks assigned by supervisor
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/01 Updated
D007-2 Software R&D Engineer - Module Control (Hsinchu-組織擴編) 休斯微技術股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Task: • Software developer for Process Station(Bonder software) with focus on module control • Development of current software to include new bus systems such as EtherCAT (TwinCAT) • Further standardization of the components used between different module platforms • Project management of software tasks in Process Station Requirements: • In depth knowledge of C#, WPF, .NET • Experience in hardware-related software development under Windows operating systems, especially real-time machine control in C/C++/C#, Visual Studio • Programming of control software, TCP/IP interfaces, IOBus system (EtherCAT) integration, user interface features. • Basic knowledge of PLC programming, Beckhoff TwinCAT is plus • Experience in measurement and control technology, data processing, precision drives - preferably in the semiconductor industry (SEMI standards) • Configuration and support of the system software from commissioning to service (worldwide) • Creation, maintenance, care, and further development of the control software required for the systems according to specification. • Development of new features in the existing software architecture, including tests and reviews • Helpdesk for service team and customers for software-specific questions • Fluent in English listening, speaking, and writing that need to cooperate with USA & Europe colleagues. Characteristic: • Teamwork: Able to work in a cross function and international environment. • Self-learning: Able to collect information to improve your knowledge pool, and also help the growth of the team by sharing knowledge. • Proactive: Willing to tackle with technical challenges and the mindset of seeking solutions for continuous improvement. • Planning: Result oriented thoughts for assigned task and project.
English Required
10/01 Updated
D09-30 Assembler E&M Engineer - Scanner 休斯微技術股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
The assembler will be trained on our Production-Exposure System: - Assemble and test Sub-Assemblies related to the Exposure Equipment - Integrate these sub-assemblies into the final product Tasks: - Assemble according to schematics and procedure. Test and verify accomplished tasks. - Identify systematic problems and provide solutions based on a data-driven approach. - Initiate and implement continuous improvement-projects to improve quality, reliability and safety and to reduce costs. Others: - Other tasks assigned by supervisor - need business trip to Corona Hands-on test 考試題目: 1. 鑽孔與攻螺紋 2. 量測工具使用 3. 工程圖面視讀 4. 焊接 5. 電路圖視讀
Senior Level
English Required
10/01 Updated
D009-5 Assembler - Mechanics 機械組裝工程師Hsinchu (需配合輪班有高額津貼) 休斯微技術股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Assembler-Mechanics is to manufacture SUSS products in accordance with the established specification statements. Ensure the planned outputs are delivered based on good quality standardization and on time delivery. Improvement / Kaizen for the quality, production activities and related processes. Tasks: - Assemble and trouble shooting for SUSS systems / modules in a clean room environment. - Support process improvements, Lean Manufacturing and Quality improvements - Quality: o Produce SUSS systems / modules in accordance with established specifications. o Observe and report systems / modules issues and support on solution to avoid the defect pass through to next steps. o Contribute to the quality improvement of products and processes. o Apply and follow 5S in all working area - Production: o Manufacture SUSS systems / modules according to the established procedures. o Solve any technical problems that occur during assembling. o Contribute to the improvement of products and processes. o Set an example to other members of the team. o To have overview of total process from assembly through to output and act as a reference source for problem solving in the area of expertise - Skills: o Acquire sufficient knowledge of new and established products and processes, modifications, sub-modules and complete systems. o Have an in-depth knowledge of the correlation between the module and the whole system and the relationship with other (sub) systems. o Support good teamwork by the search for solutions and ideas arising from input and the implementation of departmental tasks. - Planning: o Coordinate the activities given in the production plan and monitor the practical situation and progress. o Closely control the use of tools, materials and equipment. - Others: o Other tasks assigned by supervisor 工作內容: 1. 負責機械設備組裝 2. 調整機械相關參數設定使其符合產品規格需求 3. 參照組立圖組裝機構半模組及機台設備 4. 使用手動電鑽工具及攻牙 5. 遵循工作流程與5S執行 6. 機台報表撰寫 7. 需進出無塵室作業 8. 其他主管交辦事項 Hands-on test 考試題目: 1. 製作攻牙 2. 使用游標卡尺 3. 機械加工圖面視讀 Hands on test video考試內容影片: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kbNbrsE4vhWIQw1glxSU7OHwiexKy1Tl/view?usp=sharing
English Required
10/01 Updated
(定期契約人員) Warehouse Technician 倉庫管理師 (需配合輪班有高額輪班津貼) 休斯微技術股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 34,000+
工作地點: 新竹、竹南 (科研路) 新竹工作內容: 庫房一般作業 - 管理倉庫、倉庫的日常運作,確保日常運作的效率。 - 有效率地將生產線所需料件送入生產線,以確保生產線正常運轉,遵循生產計劃,實現產能目標。 - 確認所有卸貨、裝載、物料移動、向生產部門發出物料需要根據生產計畫及時執行。 - 庫房儲存空間控制以及良好的組織和評估。 - 貨物運送車輛規劃及安排。 庫房系統作業 - 對 SAP 系統執行所有庫存管理,維護並確保倉庫營運資料的準確性 - 負責將供應商產品來料使用SAP 系統進行收料和入庫。 庫房清基作業 - 基本清理機台、協助包裝及機台裝箱 竹南工作內容: 庫房一般作業 - 管理倉庫、倉庫的日常運作,確保日常運作的效率。 - 有效率地將生產線所需料件從料架中撿出,並送往新竹。 - 確認所有卸貨、裝載、物料移動、向生產部門發出物料需要根據生產計畫及時執行。 - 庫房儲存空間控制以及良好的組織和評估。 - 貨物運送車輛規劃及安排。 庫房系統作業 - 對 SAP 系統執行所有庫存管理,維護並確保倉庫營運資料的準確性 - 負責將供應商產品來料使用SAP 系統進行收料和入庫。 本職缺為定期契約,服務期間:雙方得視實際需求延長或縮短合作期間討論
10/01 Updated