
Company Introduction

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易通展科技於1992年成立,並於2003年成為台灣股票上櫃公司 (公司代碼 6241)。一直以OEM/ODM自主研發、設計、製造高品質網路通訊產品以供應全球之國際品牌大廠、系統整合商與電信服務業者為職志,為客戶所信賴之優良製造商夥伴。 易通展科技為台灣鋼鐵和台灣網通集團一員,集團內超過10 家海內外上市櫃公司,分別跨足於鋼鐵、網路通訊、消費電子、財務金融、塑化...等領域,每年創造千億台幣的營收。結合集團總部內強大的資源,易通展科技在軟硬體研發技術上具備平均超過 15 年經驗的研發團隊,更能專注於為客戶設計出功能創新、造型新穎及人性化介面的網路通訊產品。易通展相信台灣價值並奉行台灣優先的理念,將生產基地設於台灣的台南市,產線完整且具彈性,可支援大批量和多樣少量等不同生產的需求。 公司在台灣南北(內湖)皆設有據點,制度完善,辦公環境寬敞明亮,同仁皆秉持認真、專業、守紀律的工作精神,歡迎有志一同的您加入一起開創新局。

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Main Products

無線網路通訊產品(Wi-Fi 802.11 Access Point/Gateway and Clients, Indoor and Outdoor) IOT閘道器和感應器系統(WiFi/BLE/Zigbee/Sub-1G based Gateway and Sensors) 寬頻路由器(Broadband ADSL/VDSL) 智慧型網路交換器(Switch) 手機應用程式和UID服務(APP and UID Server/Service) 委託製造和代工設計服務(EMS and Design Service)


◆ 獎金 / 禮品類   1.年終獎金   2.三節禮券   3.生日禮券 ◆ 保險類   1.勞保   2.健保   3.員工團保   4.職災保險 ◆ 休閒類   1.員工旅遊 2.部門聚餐 ◆ 制度類   1.伙食津貼 ◆ 請 / 休假制度   1.週休二日   2.特休假   3.陪產假   4.女性同仁生理假 ◆ 其他   1.員工停車位(台南廠區) ◆ 補助類   1.結婚禮金   2.生育津貼   3.喪葬奠儀   4.退職金提撥


軟韌體工程師【內湖】 易通展科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.Development and Maintenance of Modern Wireless Router Platforms: •Participate in the development and maintenance of advanced wireless router platforms, including but not limited to OpenWrt. •Collaborate with the hardware team to ensure seamless integration of software and hardware components. •Assist in the design and implementation of new features and enhancements. 2.Component Testing and Debugging: •Conduct thorough testing and debugging of hardware components to ensure optimal performance. •Work closely with the hardware team to identify and resolve issues promptly. 3.Product Development and Support: •Contribute to the development of new products, ensuring that all firmware and software meet the highest standards. •Provide ongoing support and updates for existing products. 4.Technical Documentation: •Prepare and maintain detailed technical documentation for all software and firmware developments. •Ensure that documentation is clear, concise, and up-to-date. 5.Innovation and Improvement: •Stay abreast of the latest advancements in wireless technology and integrate them into our products. •Continuously seek opportunities to improve the efficiency and performance of our software and firmware.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/17 Updated