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美樂蒂以美語出版業為主,市場包括台灣、大陸北京及上海、日本、泰國、馬來西亞、墨西哥中南美洲等,提供1-12歲幼稚園及安親課輔美語教學教材及培訓美語師資,隨著全球化營運的發展,語文能力將成為提升個人競爭力的最大利器。美樂蒂目前與高科技公司合作,發展網路數位教學、VR及APP研發,大幅提升孩子之語言能力,進而開創企業新里程碑。 請參考公司相關網址:www.melody.com.tw If you had the opportunity to take part in changing the face of English education, to pioneer groundbreaking teaching and learning tools that would redefine success for EFL students--would you take it? With over thirty years of experience in the ELT field, Melody Publishing is one of Taiwan’s largest publishers, with a growing presence across China, Southeast Asia, and South America. We’re blazing new trails in education, fusing scientific research with innovation to create unparalleled English products that teach STEM, CT, and much more, empowering each child to become a well-rounded English-language user equipped for a lifetime of success. Join the force.

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《Rocket》 三年完整的生活化主題,讓孩子的學習豐富有趣、多元有效,透過大量的歌曲韻文,精采有趣的故事和孩子最愛的遊戲,快樂地建構美語力。附有閃卡、情境海報、遊戲海報、單字句型海報、教學進度表、中英文教師手冊、教學電子白板課件及I-Pen點讀筆等。 《Super Fun》 每冊有7個學習單元和1個複習單元,共有6冊。學習主題豐富,每個學習單元包含Story、Chant、Say It Out、Song、ABC、Games等。附有主本、習作、教冊及閃卡。 《Hide and Seek》 三年一貫多元智能美語教材。全輯一至六冊,每冊5課加一個故事,配備:書、作業本、中英/全英CD、字母書、字母書CD、小單字卡、老師教學VCD、教師手冊、閃示卡、歌曲CD、主題海報、教學遊戲海報、聽說練習小海報、歌曲海報、字母海報、故事大書、歌曲律動DVD等。 《Bounce Now》 有最豐富的招生文宣版品、最完善的教學配套以及最好用的教學線上資源。附有主教材、文法讀寫練習本、綜合聽力練習本及單字練習本。 《Hello Reading》 Hello Reading系列包含了單字、句型、短文與練習,輕鬆掌握教育部國中小必學1200個單字,還可以上pk-abc.com做線上題庫加強練習,讓孩子從此愛上閱讀!透過真實圖片學習主題式的單字,也有多元題型變化,讓學生的練習不再枯燥乏味。 《New Smart》 含有Let's Learn、Let's Talk、Say It Out、Let's Sing以及Review等單元。附有主課本、作業本、課文情境CD、教師手冊、課文句型條、學習單、閃卡、主題海報、教學VCD...等教材。 《Super Phonics》 每冊6個單元,每單元皆包含:自然發音規則、代表單字、節奏朗文/短文、複習活動、聽力練習。最新自然發音系列,開?美語學習的大門!節奏學發音,輕鬆又好玩!拼音拼字認單字,句子短文我都會! 《A to Z兒美發音系列》 共6個級數,包含26個大小寫字母及筆順,104個相關單字及52則短文,培養孩子認字、看圖說話之能力,提早認識常見單字(Sight word)。


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Part-Time English Coteacher at Cram School 美樂蒂文教科技興業股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 250~500
Description: Part-time teaching to elementary students at our Musen English schools in Kaohsiung (we have several Musen English branches in Kaohsiung; branch location and specific hours will be discussed during the interview). The job includes co-teaching English / STEAM classes, helping to prepare teaching materials, helping students with English homework, etc. This job is open to foreign university students. Requirements: > Native or fluent English > Some teaching experience Days and Times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday: afternoons and evenings Payment: The hourly rate starts at 250 NTD and goes up depending on English fluency, skill set, teaching experience, etc. Application: Please send your CV to evelyn@melody.com.tw, and include a 2-minute video introduction. Applicants who are selected to move forward will be invited to interview.
English Required
10/14 Updated
Part-Time English Teacher (Kaohsiung City) 美樂蒂文教科技興業股份有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 650~800
Description: Part-time teaching to elementary students at our Musen English schools in Kaohsiung (we have two Musen English branches in Kaohsiung; branch location and specific hours will be discussed during the interview). Aside from teaching English, the classes focus on hands-on activities on the topics of STEM, art, coding, and multimedia. Requirements: > Native English speaker > Some teaching experience > TESOL / TEFL certification is preferred but not required Days and Times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday: afternoons and evenings Payment: The hourly rate for teaching is 650-800 NT / hour. Office hours may also be needed if the teacher needs to stay to correct homework or sign communication books. If so, rates for office hours will be discussed. Application: Send your CV and a 2-minute video introduction to [ service@melody.com.tw ]. Applicants who are selected to move forward will be invited to interview.
English Required
10/14 Updated
English Teacher for STEAM and Coding Classes 美樂蒂文教科技興業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~60,000
Job description: > Teaching children coding, science, art, multimedia, and STEAM classes onsite > Writing and creating lesson plans, curriculum, and other English content Job requirements: > English teaching experience (2+ years) > Native English speaker > Bachelor's degree (coding or science major preferred) > TESOL / TEFL certification > Outgoing personality > Flexible work schedule This job includes both office work and on-site teaching. It is a full-time position of eight hours a day in total, split between desk work and teaching. There will be evening classes, up until 8 PM. There will also sometimes be weekend classes or events. Candidates will be asked to do a teaching demo as part of the interview process. **If hired, we will apply for a work visa on your behalf as needed.*
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/14 Updated
兒童美語老師 美樂蒂文教科技興業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 28,000~45,000
1.有兒童美語教學經驗1年以上者佳 2.設計教學活動 3.協助外師講解教學內容 4.訓練中班至國小的學生口語演講能力 5.可接受兼職 6.提供完整培訓
Mid to Senior Level
10/14 Updated
兒童美語講師 美樂蒂文教科技興業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 28,000~45,000
1.有兒童美語教學經驗1年以上者佳 2.設計教學活動 3.協助外師講解教學內容 4.訓練中班至國小的學生口語能力 5.可接受兼職
Mid to Senior Level
10/14 Updated