
Company Introduction

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History How did we get where we are today? AkzoNobel has a long and distinguished history. Since our inception in 1646 we’ve constantly delivered technical and product innovation. For example, in the 19th century we pioneered industrial-scale chemical manufacture. More recently we’ve led the way with high-tech coatings and artificial fibers. Here are some more of the highlights over the years: 1646‧Bofors forge is founded in Sweden. 1777‧Det Holmbladske Selskab, now Sadolin, is founded in Denmark. 1792‧Painter and decorator Wiert Willem Sikkens starts making Sikkens lacquers in the Dutch town of Groningen. 1871‧KemaNobel is established in Sweden. More than a hundred years later, in 1984, KemaNobel will merge with Bofors to form Nobel Industries, which will in turn be acquired by Akzo in 1994. 1895‧Alfred Nobel (the man behind the Nobel Prize) founds Elektrokemiska Aktiebolaget – known as Eka – in Bengtsfors, Sweden. Its aim is to make chlorine and alkali. Today Eka Chemicals is AkzoNobel's Pulp & Paper Chemicals business. 1918‧Koninklijke Nederlandse Zoutindustrie (KZO) kick-starts the Dutch salt industry in response to salt shortages during World War I. 1923‧Saal van Zwanenberg establishes Organon to produce insulin from the pancreases of animals. 1968‧UK man-made fiber company Courtaulds acquires International Paints. 1969‧Algemeene Kunstzijde Unie NV (AKU) merges with Koninklijke Zwanenberg Organon (KZO) to form AKZO. 1994‧Akzo and Nobel Industries merge to form AkzoNobel. 1998‧AkzoNobel acquires UK company Courtaulds. Their products include high-tech industrial coatings and man-made fibers such as Courtelle and Tencel. 2007‧AkzoNobel sells Organon BioSciences NV to Schering-Plough Corporation. 2008‧AkzoNobel acquires Imperial Chemical Industries PLC (ICI). 1926 ‧ 四家英國最大的化工公司Bruner, Mond & Company Ltd、Nobel Industries Ltd、British Dyestuff Corp. Ltd、United Alkali Comp. Ltd合併成為帝國化工集團(Imperial Chemical Industries PLC), 簡稱為ICI。 1948 ‧ ICI 集團進入台灣 1953 ‧ Dulux得利塗料品牌誕生 1977 ‧ 在中壢工業區設立建築漆塗料廠,首創高品質的乳膠漆並致力於水性塗料的推廣。 1983 ‧ 推出涵蓋百合白、玫瑰白等多個漂亮白色的『雪中彩影』系列,受到消費者的歡迎並帶動台灣使用白色調的潮流。 1986 ‧ 推出『得利水泥漆』 1993 ‧ 獲得 ISO 9001 認證 1994 ‧ 獲得正字標記認證 1996 ‧ 推出色彩多達2016色的電腦調色漆 1996 ‧ 獲MRP II Class A (Manufacturing Resource Planning) 認證 2005 ‧ 榮獲讀者文摘塗料類「信譽品牌」金獎 2006 ‧ 眾多建築漆產品陸續獲得環保標章、綠建材認證 2007 ‧ 運用英國實驗室具世界專利的LumiTec光顯科技,推出獨創的環保節能塗料『得利家倍亮』乳膠漆 2008 ‧ 首創微淨科技,推出含獨家250奈米白竹炭、沒有化學味的頂級環保塗料『得利健康居』乳膠漆 2008 ‧ ICI集團與荷商阿克蘇諾貝爾集團(Akzo Nobel)合併,成為全球最大的塗料集團 2009 ‧ 榮獲漂亮家居塗料類「理想品牌」第一名 2010 ‧ 榮獲讀者文摘塗料類「信譽品牌」金獎。

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本公司產品為專業漆品製造,包括市面上建築用漆、罐頭用漆、防霉用漆等相關產品。 販售商品品牌:1.得利塗料(Dulux Paints);2.利登(Glidden);3.美利(Maxilite)等三大品牌。均得在各大通路(特力屋、HomeBox與五金通路)及漆店取得專業服務。


1.享勞健保、退休金等法定福利外,並提供優於業界免費團體保險(其內容涵蓋本人、配偶及子女)。 2.設置職工福利委員會提供三節、生日禮金/禮品、高額員工旅遊補助金、年度員工旅遊等活動。 3.年度尾牙/春酒活動與員工同歡。 4.提供優質免費中餐與加班晚餐。 5.完善的員工教育訓練體系。 5.提供全體現場及部分辦公室同仁冬夏制服。 6.業務同仁配有公務車、筆記型電腦、公務電話。 7.每年免費安排同仁健康檢查與邀請專業人士到廠分享安全/健康觀念。 8.舉辦員工家庭日。

Company & Workplace


調色員 台灣阿克蘇諾貝爾塗料股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000+
1. 人工包裝 2. 操作機台 3. 著色操作
9/18 Updated