
Company Introduction

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【成立沿革】 日本YAMAHA發動機株式會社(簡稱 YMC;是YMRT的母公司)基於世界分工的理念,於1997年成立技術與開發能量皆達國際水準的台灣山葉發動機研究開發中心(股)公司(簡稱YMRT) 。 YMRT是日本YAMAHA集團內全球第一個且規模最大的速克達機車R&D據點。致力於國內外中小型速克達機車的研究與開發,研發成果不僅提供亞洲與台灣國內公司的製造與販售,更擴及歐洲、美洲地區。目標是開發超越顧客期待的商品,並推展到世界每個角落。 YMRT秉持著 "所有商品均在本地研發、各地製造 "的基本理念,以迅速提供符合各地顧客需要的商品為目標, 從商品企劃的市場調查開始,經由工業設計師的精巧構思到研發工程師不斷地開發與實驗,為了開發出符合世界各地需求的機種與追求國際化的研發設計理念而努力不懈。 【Company Introduction】 Japan Yamaha Motor Corporation (YMC) is the parent company of Yamaha Motor R&D Taiwan (YMRT). Based on the concept of global division of labor, YMC found the R&D center independently from the R&D Operations Div. of Yamaha Motor Taiwan (YMT), which reached the international level in both technology and development. The goal is to create high-quality products internationally. YMC and YMT co-found Yamaha Motor R&D Taiwan Co., Ltd (YMRT) in April 1997. YMRT not only became the first, but also the largest overseas motor R&D branch. YMRT mainly devotes to researching and developing domestic and overseas small and medium-sized scooters. It not only offers manufacturing and sales among Asia and Taiwan domestic companies, but also expands its businesses to Europe and America. Persisting on the basic concept of "researching & developing all products locally, and manufacturing internationally". YMRT aims to provide products that meet demands from worldwide customers promptly. From conducting market survey of product planning, constructing considerate conception form designers, to developing and testing constantly from R&D engineers, YMRT makes unremitting endeavor to meet the demands of worldwide models and pursue international R&D design concept.

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【研究開發】 作為 YAMAHA集團中小型速克達海外據點的YMRT,秉持著追求接近完美品質的信念,在漫長艱辛的研發過程當中,追求超過顧客滿意的卓越品質。 在研發過程中YMRT致力於追求開發品質的提升,不單是圖面等OUTPUT(產出)的品質提升,更包括了對於研發相關人員的思考方法、工作方式等面向的不斷訓練,希望藉由 Q(品質)C(成本)D(交期)水準的再提升,來提高國際觀點的開發與競爭力。 目前YMRT已將研發觸角拓展至全亞洲與歐美地區,並針對各國環保法規限制與地理環境特殊需求而開發出符合地域性需求的速克達機種。 自 1997 年起廣納研發團隊精英並配合電腦設計軟體與精密的研究測量設備,從引擎、車體的開發到設計,皆受到最高標準的嚴格考驗。 【工藝美學】 作為代步工具的機車常被視為與時尚脫鉤的交通工具,而YAMAHA集團為滿足各個族群對於時尚潮流的需求,而創造出各式各樣年輕化、個性化的設計,為日常的騎乘生活注入新流行元素與領先於世界時尚潮流。 無論是適合年輕女性帶有流線輕巧的CIAO、CUXI,或是獨具個性、引領時尚的LIMI、CYGNUS-X等,都是有如高級時尚精品的設計與質感。 【Research & Development】 As a small and medium-sized overseas scooter R&D branch of YAMAHA, YMRT persists on pursuing the belief of almost perfect quality. During endless and arduous R&D processes, we pursue the outstanding quality that beyond customers' expectation. During research and development, YMRT devotes to pursue improving development quality. Not only to enhance the quality of drawing output, but also train the thinking ways and working methods of R&D related members constantly. We hope to enhance the development and competitiveness of international view by refortifying the level of Q (Quality), C (Cost), D (Deadline). YMRT has expanded R&D to all Asia, Europe and America currently, and has developed scooter models that meet regional demands of environmental regulation restriction and special needs of the geographical environment. Since 1997, YMRT has been hiring elites from R&D team extensively, equipping with computer design software and sophisticated research measurement devices, we are getting through the strict examination with the highest criteria from engine, body development to design. 【Craft Aesthetics】 As walk-substituting tools, scooters are often deemed as transportation that are merely related to fashion. In order to meet fashion demands from various customers, YAMAHA creates diverse design that are younger and more distinctive to add new fashion elements for daily riding lives and lead worldwide fashion trends. No matter CIAO, CUXI with streamline and light body that suit young women, or distinctive LIMI, CYGNUS-X, etc... that lead the fashion trend, are both have quality and design like luxury boutiques.


1. 績效獎金及年終獎金 2. 三節禮金 3. 工會、職工褔利委員會、勞工退休準備金 4. 國內旅遊及國外旅遊補助、社團活動 5. 完善的國內國外教育訓練(日本母公司留學生制度) 6. 員工團體保險 7. 婚喪喜慶補助金、生日禮金、子女獎學金 8. 多元化的英、日文教育訓練與學習環境 9. 員工優惠(補助)購車 10. 免費午餐

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Body Electronic Parts Development Engineer(Provide transportation or rental subsidy) YAMAHA(YMRT)_台灣山葉發動機研究開發中心股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 37,000~60,000
1. Develop, design and control schedules of Body Electronic Parts (lamps/switches/instrument clusters) 2. Draw and design functions and structures of Electronic Parts (lamps/switches/instrument clusters) 3. Analyze and handle claims and control schedules 4. Communicate and coordinate with other department and related supplier
English Required
10/16 Updated
Body Development Engineer(Provide transportation or rental subsidy) YAMAHA(YMRT)_台灣山葉發動機研究開發中心股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 37,000~60,000
1. Develop body structure, strength, and color related to parts 2. Execute basic and detailed plans of body structures 3. Cope with body design issues and solve problems 4. Cope with VA/VE proposals of body parts
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10/16 Updated
商品企画エンジニア(日籍僑生歓迎) YAMAHA(YMRT)_台灣山葉發動機研究開發中心股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 37,000~60,000
1.市場販売、顧客と商品評価の分析 2.市場調査の実施、調査結果のまとめと報告 (例えば:アンケートの設計、座談会の司会進行役、街頭調査等) 3.プロジェクトの企画と業務推進 (例えば:開発大日程に沿って、詳細な推進計画を作り、予定通り進める等) 4.部門間意見まとめ会議の開催 (例えば:議題により、必要な参加者を招集し、検討した上で合意を取得する等) 5.具体的な商品企画(立体造形、カラリーング等含む)提案の提出 (例えば:企画提案の作成、総経理への報告、承認取得をした後、企画書を発行する) 6.独自で大型商品審議会を行う (例えば:各部門の管理職を対象に企画提案を発表し、議事録を作成する)
English Required
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車両構造開発エンジニア (日籍僑生歓迎、WEB面試可)(自己推薦奨金、通勤又は家賃手当支給) YAMAHA(YMRT)_台灣山葉發動機研究開發中心股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 37,000~60,000
1.EV車/燃料車の構造設計 2.車両部品配置の最適化検討 3.構造の課題分析と対策検討 4.車両部品のVE分析
English Required
10/16 Updated
模型設計師 / Modeling Designer(享自我推薦獎金,提供交通或租屋津貼) YAMAHA(YMRT)_台灣山葉發動機研究開發中心股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 37,000~60,000
1.CLAY MODEL作業 2.DIGITAL MODEL作業 3.SKETCH 提案 4.DESIGN CONCEPT發想、TREND研究 1.Process advanced clay models 2.Process advanced digital model 3.Propose sketch ideas 4.Generate design concepts and research trends
Mid to Senior Level
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10/16 Updated
CMFG工業設計師/CMFG Designer(享自我推薦獎金,提供交通或租屋津貼) YAMAHA(YMRT)_台灣山葉發動機研究開發中心股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 37,000~60,000
1.流行趨勢的觀察與掌握 2.交通工具的情報蒐集與分析 3.企劃之商品戰略的理解與把握 4.DESIGN CONCEPT的發想與提案說明 5.COLOR & GRAPHIC DESIGN. 6.跨部門的業務檢討與問題的溝通協調 7.廠商與製造側的課題檢討與對策 8.新商品上市發表之廣宣業務的協力參與 1. Observe and grasp fashion trends 2. Collect and analyze vehicle information 3. Understand and take good advantages of product planning strategies 4. Develop design concept and illustrate proposals 5. Design colors & graphics 6. Review businesses, communicate and coordinate problems with cross-functional team 7. Review and cope with issues from suppliers and manufacturers 8. Assist and participate advertisement businesses of new model launch
English Required
10/16 Updated
商品企劃工程師 Product Planning Engineer YAMAHA(YMRT)_台灣山葉發動機研究開發中心股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 37,000~60,000
1.市場販売、顧客及商品評価分析 2.市場調査活動執行、調査結果整理&報告 (例:問巻設計、座談會主持、街頭訪査等) 3.専案的行程規画、及業務推進 (例:依開發大日程製作詳細的推進計画並按計画執行等) 4.其他部門意見整合會議開催 (例:根據相關主題、召集必要人員進行檢討整合共識) 5.作成商品企画(含立体造形、色彩等)具体方向提案 (例:作成企画提案向総経理報告取得承認後、発行企画書類) 6.獨立執行大型商品審議會 (例:於各部門主管前作企画提案発表並作会議記録) 1. Analyze market sales, customers, and product evaluation 2. Execute market survey activities, reorganize, and report survey results (ex: design questionnaires, hold forums, interview on streets, etc…) 3. Arrange project schedules and facilitate businesses (ex: make a detailed progression plan based on the main development schedule, follow the plan, etc...) 4. Integrate opinions from other department and follow up meetings (ex: gather essential members to review and integrate consensuses according to related topics) 5. Make and propose product plans with concrete direction (including 3D style, color, etc...) 6. Hold a large-scale product consultation independently (ex: make presentation of planning proposals in front of supervisors from each department and take meeting minutes)
English Required
10/16 Updated
車輛機構研發工程師 (享自我推薦獎金,提供交通或租屋津貼) YAMAHA(YMRT)_台灣山葉發動機研究開發中心股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 37,000~60,000
1.電動車/燃油機車的機構設計 2.車輛部品的配置規劃檢討 3.機構課題的分析及解決方案檢討 4.車輛部品的價值工程分析
English Required
10/16 Updated