Mume Hospitality Group_湘樂餐飲有限公司
【MUME】 西餐廚師Chef de Partie ***米其林一星餐廳***
10/15 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

• 4年以上餐飲工作經驗
• 負責任、認真努力且學習態度佳
• 勇於接受批評,且能加以改進
• 可將自己所擅長的廚藝加以運用西餐廚師(4年以上工作經驗為佳)
如果你擁有正向與專業的態度, 我們歡迎您加入我們的團隊 。
• 員工餐
• 員工集團餐廳用餐75折優惠
• 定期部門聚餐
• 尾牙/春酒
• 婚喪喜慶補助
• 生日禮金或禮品
• 三節禮金或禮品
• 開工紅包
• 年終獎金
• 人才推薦獎金
• 員工進修補助
• 集團國內外餐廳輪調訓練
***Restaurant MUME Is Seeking for Motivated Chef de Partie***
MUME is based on modern European casual fine dining ideas. Our concept emphasizes on local and sustainable Taiwanese products, small growers and seasonality.
We are excited to assembled a great team of chefs with diverse backgrounds. This could be a rare opportunity to learn from chefs with multiple international experiences and cultural exchange.
We are currently looking for a few final spots for our kitchen team. Responsible and hardworking individuals who take pride in their work, and seek to excel at their chosen craft would be ideal candidates. Whether you are looking to take the next step in your culinary career and learn from internationally trained chefs, or you
are a recent culinary graduate who has classic foundations and a commitment quality, this opportunity could be for you.
【The Role】
• Chef de Partie (Minimum 4 years experience)
• If you love to cook, and have a strong desire to learn, we want to hear from you.
• Great attitude and work ethic required.
Please send your resume as an attachment or in the body of your e-mail with a cover letter.
【Welfare and Benefit】
• Delicious staff meals
• Dining discounts at group restaurants
• Team outings for bonding
• Celebrations for achievements and special occasions
• Subsidies for weddings, funerals, and celebrations
• Holiday bonuses
• Red envelope for a fresh start
• Year-end performance bonus
• Talent referral rewards
• Training subsidies for personal growth
• Rotation opportunities for diverse experiences
※適用內推level 3-4
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Food Purchase and Selection
Pre-Food Preparation
Food Plating and Decoration
Standard Recipe Creation
Kitchen Equipment Maintenance
Kitchen Utensil Maintenance
Understanding Food Properties and Nutrition
Planning and Supervising Nutritional Recipes
Nutrition and Diet Design
食材選購採買 食物製前準備 排盤與食品裝飾 製定標準菜譜 廚房設備維護管理 廚房器具使用維護 熟悉食物性質與營養知識 規劃與監督營養食譜作業 提供營養及飲食設計
Job Category
Kitchen Assistant
Western Cuisine Chef
Other Types of Chefs
MMHG( MUME Hospitality Group )由星級主廚林泉( Richie Lin )領軍,第一家餐廳 MUME 於 2014 年成立,連續多年入選並獲得多項國際級餐飲指標的獎項與肯定。2020 年整合旗下餐廳成立 MUME 餐飲集團( MMHG ),除了餐廳表現亮眼外,近年亦跨足雲端廚房與成立自有食品電商品牌 TASTE by MMHG 等多角發展與餐飲人才培育,更全面佈局深耕餐飲業,創造新價值。 MMHG 同時為加州餐飲非營利組織 星星主廚挺農民 ( Chefs4Farmers ) 台灣區負責團隊以及看見台灣基金會 ( iSeeTaiwan Foundation )顧問。致力於探索食餚背後蘊藏的美好風味,持續以創新、創意、持續學習以及實踐永續發展與友善環境的理念前進。
0 ~ 5 applicants