AI Engineer (Computer Vision and Generative AI)(研發替代役可)
10/10 Updated
English Required
30+ applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Job Description
An AI Engineer specializing in Computer Vision and Generative AI is tasked with developing artificial intelligence systems that understand, interpret, and generate visual content.
This dual-focus role involves designing algorithms for analyzing images and videos, as well as creating new visual data through generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) or Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs).
1. Develop state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms for tasks like image recognition, object detection, and segmentation.
2. Design and implement generative models to create high-quality synthetic images or videos, augment datasets, or develop new visual content for various applications.
3. Handle large datasets of images and videos for both analysis and generation, performing data collection, preprocessing, and augmentation.
4. Train, evaluate, and optimize deep learning models using frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch, ensuring they meet the requirements for both interpretative and generative tasks.
5. Integrate computer vision and generative AI capabilities into applications, optimizing for efficiency and performance in real-world scenarios.
6. Stay at the forefront of technological advancements in both computer vision and generative AI, applying the latest research findings to ongoing projects.
7. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including software developers, product managers, and UX/UI designers, to develop innovative products and solutions.
1. Master’s or Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, or a related field, with a strong focus on computer vision and generative AI.
2. Proficient in programming languages such as Python and C++, with extensive experience in computer vision libraries (e.g., OpenCV, CUDA) and deep learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch).
3. Demonstrated experience in developing both computer vision algorithms and generative models, as evidenced by a portfolio of projects, research publications, or contributions to open-source projects.
4. Solid understanding of the principles behind deep learning, neural networks, and generative models.
5. Excellent analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills, with the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Software Engineer
Algorithm Engineer
◎技術深耕台灣,創新驚艷世界 訊連科技於1996年創立於台灣,為全球數位媒體創作及電腦視覺應用領域中首屈一指之企業。以旗艦產品PowerDVD及威力導演著稱,2000年於台灣證券交易所正式上市(股票代碼:5203.TW)。訊連科技事業據點遍布北美、日本、歐洲與亞太地區,是世界級電腦製造大廠的重要合作夥伴,且成功攻估美日德等國消費性軟體市場,拿下市占前三名的佳續。 自創立以來,推出超過60項產品,以台灣為本的研發團隊其堅實穩固的技術基礎及革命性的多媒體創新,使訊連榮獲超過200項專利,並持續為消費者提供最先進的軟體解決方案。 ◎AI及臉部辨識的領導廠商 訊連科技是首屈一指的人工智慧及臉部辨識開發商,其FaceMe臉部識引擎於NIST等國際競賽屢獲佳績,亦是台灣AI及臉部辨識權威。 ◎厚植研發專利,引領影音世代 訊連科技為全球首屈一指的多媒體影音軟體公司,在超過200項專利技術的深厚研發實力上,率先支援最新影音格式,榮獲超過1000個全性獎項,改變人們對於影音創作與多媒體娛樂的想像,大獲全球使用者及專業媒體一致好評。 ◎CREATEㆍPLAYㆍCONNECT 以多元商業模式、技術優勢與創新思考,始終真誠且熱情地為顧客帶來最佳娛樂與創意軟體,不懈地追求最先進的技術。除了影音創作(CREATE)、多媒娛樂(PLAY)及連網應用(CONNECT)領域持續引領技術革新,透過威力導演(PowerDirector)、相片大師(PhotoDirector)、PowerDVD、及U整合通訊等軟體行銷全球,讓訊連科技成為全球數位娛樂與多媒體影音解決方案領域中首屈一指之企業。本著先進與創新的數位媒體技術,全心全意地為客戶付出,致力於提供給客戶最佳多媒體體驗。 #屢獲台灣精品獎榮譽 #14度榮獲美國PC Mag 編輯推薦 #PC Word 最佳專業消費者影音剪輯軟體 #連續五年榮獲「台灣二十大國際品牌」 #連續兩年獲台北市勞動局「幸福企業獎」 * 更多公司相關資訊: - 訊連科技官方網站 http://www.cyberlink.com - 訊連科技部落格 https://tw.cyberlink.com/blog - 訊連科技Facebook粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/CyberLink.tw/ - 訊連科技YouTube頻道 https://www.youtube.com/user/CyberlinkTaiwan - 訊連科技LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/cyberlink/
30+ applicants