人才及文化 經理 People & Culture Manager
9/19 Updated
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

•Assist the Director of Human Resource in planning and formulating various short to medium-term HR strategies and policies which will enable the hotel to attract and retain the right caliber of colleagues.
•Adhere and update various government labour legislations from time to time and ensure compliance with the law.
•Assist the Director of Human Resource in implementing measures and policies that will ensure positive colleague climate, high morale and effective communication, including the annual Employee Satisfaction Survey.
•Provide guidance to Department Heads in all matters pertaining to the employment function and procedures.
•Update and maintain all colleagues’ personnel files to ensure all necessary information are kept up-to-date.
•Implement and administer welfare and benefits such as medical insurance, medical expenditure, all kinds of leave entitlements, etc.
•Update and maintain monthly leave reports for the Core Team.
•Work with Department Heads on their manpower needs, both full-time and part-time, including sourcing for alternative and foreign workers, to fill vacant positions.
•Compile ad hoc and all monthly reports to MOHG Corporate HR Division such as monthly Staff Turnover Report, Monthly Human Resource Report and Monthly Occupational Health & Safety Report.
•Conduct the General Orientation and other ad hoc training.
•Assist the Director of Human Resource in conducting regular and ad hoc surveys to ensure that the Hotel’s total compensation and benefits package is competitive with the market.
•Work with Department Heads to propose organization development and process re-engineering to increase organizational effectiveness.
•Train new colleagues and cross train existing colleagues in the Human Resource Department.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Interviewing Skills
Job Description Writing
Overall Planning and Performance Evaluation of Education and Training
Performance and Compensation Management
Salary and Performance Reward System Design
Job Analysis and Job Grading Design
Establishment and Management of Various Performance Indicators
Salary Negotiation
Document Receipt
Labor Insurance Regulations
Knowledge of Human Resources
具備人力資源相關知識 面試技巧 工作說明書撰寫 教育訓練總體規劃與績效評估 績效與薪酬管理 薪資與績效獎酬辦法設計 職務分析與職等設計 制定與管理部門各類績效指標 薪資談判 文件收發與檔案管理 文件檔案資料處理、轉換及整合工作 勞工保險相關法規
Job Category
Human Resource Personnel
Human Resources Manager
台北文華東方酒店是全台首屈一指的國際頂級奢華酒店,座落於台北市繁華商業中心與人文薈萃的敦化北路上,酒店的歐式建築美學融合東方設計元素,從客房、走廊、餐廳,所到之處盡顯細緻優雅的設計巧思,更以細膩貼心的服務享譽盛名,在國際間屢獲無數獎項肯定,不僅多次榮獲國際權威《康泰納仕旅遊者雜誌》 (Conde Nast Traveler) 讀者之選獎「亞洲頂尖酒店」殊榮,也是全台唯一榮獲《米其林指南》酒店評鑑最高等級「5棟紅房」的評等,在台灣觀光業界奠定領導品牌形象。 追求頂級服務品質並締造無微不至的個人化服務,是文華東方酒店集團的核心理念。文華東方酒店集團的金扇子傳奇式經典服務享譽全球,我們的同仁,也是集團最寶貴的資產,時時不遺餘力的傳承文華東方集團世界馳名的傳奇式經典服務,竭盡所能為每一位賓客帶來貼心溫暖、無微不至的服務。
6 ~ 10 applicants