HR Specialist
10/16 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Synology is an innovator, creating robust solutions that empower countless individuals and businesses to store and manage their data safely. Behind our products, marketing strategies, and intricate engineering, lies Synology's most valuable asset, our employees. We count on each team member's authenticity, attention to detail, and most of all, their desire to create something amazing. 
The HR department engages with and supports every employee, helping them discover a fulfilling career path that unlocks their full potential. From talent acquisition, candidate management, to organizing training programs and company-wide policies, you'll fully leverage your problem-solving and communication skills on a daily basis. It will be up to you and your team members to solve interpersonal and often complex issues by truly working with the employees and understanding their concerns and needs.
You will:
- Develop and carry out recruitment strategies
- Organize and attend job fairs and career events
- Participate in the hiring process, from sourcing, interviewing, to onboarding
- Maintaining a professional relationship with candidates, for example, keeping them updated about interview opportunities and application statuses in a timely manner
- Organize and coordinate onboarding orientations, training programs, team-building activities, and other events
- Manage employee attendance records and related matters
- Be a team player at the core of Synology, driving forward company-wide initiatives to strengthen company values and morale
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Interviewing Skills
Execution of Daily Recruitment Operations
Recruitment System Design
Employee Education
Gathering and Analyzing Employment Market Information
Personnel Training
Document Processing/Typing Skills
Report Compilation and Management
Labor Insurance Regulations
Occupational Safety Regulations
Knowledge of Human Resources
具備人力資源相關知識 面試技巧 招募任用制度設計 執行日常招募業務 員工教育訓練與需求分析 蒐集與分析就業市場資訊 人員培訓、激勵、輔導與管理 文書處理╱排版能力 報表彙整與管理 勞工保險相關法規 勞工安全相關法規
Job Category
Human Resource Personnel
群暉科技 (Synology Inc.) 創立於西元 2000 年,是一家年輕且充滿活力的公司。Synology 以台灣自有品牌行銷全球一百多個國家,目前已累積超過千萬名使用者,佈建遍及全球各種產業,其中更不乏數千名使用者同時在線的關鍵服務,維繫著許多企業的營運命脈。我們謹慎看待自己對客戶的使命,嚴格要求產品在不同應用環境下皆能穩定且高效地運行,為客戶妥善管理、保護每一份資料。 - 守護您的資料,是我們的使命 圍繞著「資料管理」主軸,Synology 以 NAS 及 SAN 儲存為基礎,發展出橫跨檔案伺服器、資料備份、影像監控、網路通訊等解決方案,滿足從科技愛好者、中小企業、到大型企業的各種資料管理需求。 Synology 的產品組合垂直整合軟硬體,從硬體產品、系統平台、及軟體應用皆自主開發,確保產品品質穩定,可乘載高達數千使用者的關鍵應用。同時藉由整合產品中各項軟硬體部件,讓使用者能以更實惠的成本解決資料管理挑戰,享受到「價實質精」的服務。 此外,看好混合雲的應用趨勢,Synology 於 2017 年自建公有雲 Synology C2,從機房、硬體設備、服務架構、到軟體應用完全自主開發,目前設有德國法蘭克福、美國西雅圖、台灣台北三個資料中心,提供全球使用者資料隱私及安全無虞的雲端服務。 更多關於 Synology 產品及解決方案資訊,請參閱官方網站 - 加入我們,邁向職涯新高度 Synology 集結追求共同目標的熱血創新者,互相分享、學習,相輔相成實踐理想,建立全方位的頂尖團隊,並隨業務發展在歐洲、美洲、亞太等地區設有六個子公司,共有超過千名全職員工。身為 Synologist 的我們堅持不懈的彼此激發靈感、追求創新、化不可能為可能,因應時勢不斷追求改變為產品注入新的想法。 加入我們,你將有機會在全球範圍發揮所長,挑戰與台灣頂尖軟體人才合作,共同開發全球上億人日常工作使用到的軟體與應用。在 Synology,我們專注把科技帶給有需要的使用者,也希望招募擁有相同願景的優秀人才,與我們一起透過創新科技,讓世界更有效率。
6 ~ 10 applicants