[AI] 網路管理工程師 / Network Infrastructure Engineer (士林)
10/14 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

AI 研究中心的任務包含提升英業達的智慧製造,和運用 AI 開拓未來的智慧健康來造福人類、AI 智慧晶片與建構 AI 運算的基礎設施。我們是美國矽谷且樂於將研究成果分享的團隊,扁平化管理,面對技術問題大家一起激盪出解法。您將接觸到最先端的技術,並與重要的客戶及內部工程團隊直接合作。
☆了解 Inventec AI:
1. 參與重要專案,定義 technical specification 和 development requirements 達成高效率的網路基礎設施。
2. 針對各個雲端系統,主導自動化scripts編寫,優化效率,完善與網路安全相關的 Kubernetes 維護、流程、文檔、制定和修訂相關技術標準、規範、應急方案。
3. 研發與強化網路安全,並保障客戶端需求。
4. 密切與 DevOps/MLOps/data scientist/客戶 合作,耐心解決相關問題。
5. 計畫、設計、研發與採買新的硬體設備與軟體系統。
6. 維護現有的軟硬體與網路科技,包含 routers, switches, DNS, DHCP appliances 及無線設備。
7. 維護、更新資安相關的漏洞修補、測試與其文件紀錄。
8. Lead significant projects, define technical specifications, and development requirements that result in high performing network infrastructure.
9. Setup/maintain the network configuration, adopt and model a DevOps mindset by applying automation for our kubernetes clusters.
10. Develop and enhance network and security to solve complex business problems by keeping customer experience at the forefront.
11. Work closely with the users of the system (eg: DevOps/MLOps/data scientist/clients) to understand their problems and exercise empathy and maturity while working with them to solve the problems.
12. Assists with the planning, design, research and acquisition of new or upgraded hardware and software systems.
13. Maintain current knowledge of hardware, software and network technology and recommends modifications as required. eg: routers, switches, DNS, DHCP appliances and Wireless devices.
14. Maintain documentation and updates the network and security infrastructure, tests and implements vendor security patches, implements workarounds for security vulnerabilities.
15. Take corrective actions when necessary following change control guidelines and policies.
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
System Engineer
Cloud Engineer
Network Security Analyst
英業達成立於1975年,在亞洲、北美及歐洲皆設有營運據點,專注於筆記型電腦、消費性電子與伺服器產品的研發和製造,近年也持續朝車用電子、AI及元宇宙等高科技產品領域邁進。 英業達在台灣設有台北總部、桃園科技廠,分別負責筆記型電腦、消費型電子、伺服器、機櫃/網路解決方案的研發和製造。海外的生產基地則有上海浦東廠、四川重慶廠、美國Houston廠、墨西哥Juarez廠、捷克Brno廠。從研發、設計、生產、到配送及技術支援,英業達以顧客需求為導向、全球營運為考量,從軟體到硬體、從台灣到全球,致力於提供全方位的產品設計及解決方案服務!
0 ~ 5 applicants