Sr./Staff SoC & Digital Design Engineer/Manager
10/18 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

As senior/staff digital design engineer, this person is required to support all digital design activities on company products, design services as well as internal IP development. Below are the responsibilities:
- Responsible for RTL Design and writing of test bench
- experience in IP core design such as peripheral interfaces, CPU cores, digital controllers
- Architecture review, RTL design, functional verification, post synthesis simulations.
- Responsible for SOC system Integration & verification
- Experience in SoC Architecture and Microarchitecture A
- Experience in ARM CPU integration to SoC
- Experience in SDRAM Memory Controller integration
- Experience in interconnect matrix, AHB Bus Arbitration, multi-layer AHB Bus architecture
- Experience in SoC Peripherals design: GPIO, RTC, UART, I2C, I2S, and SPI
- Excellent in Verilog RTL coding and simulation
- Familiar with FPGA prototype and verification
- SD/SDIO relative experience is an added advantage.
- AMBA Interface relative experience is an added advantage.
- Knowledge in controller design (USB, PCIe, SATA, and Ethernet) is an added advantage.
- Preferably done some FPGA prototyping in previous employment
Desired Skills & Competency Requirement:
- Verilog RTL coding
- SoC design flow and SoC peripheral IP design
- FPGA prototyping and emulation
- System validation and verification
- Characterization and the handling of test equipment
- Digital front-end design, simulation and synthesis
- Verification in system Verilog OVM
- Low power synthesis methodology
- Digital support on DFT and ATPG
- Scripting in Perl, Python, TCL, UNIX, Linux
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Digital IC Design Engineer
佳易科技股份有限公司(KeyASIC),創立於2005年,總公司位於馬來西亞,在新加坡及台灣都設有分公司據點。設立於竹北台元科技園區的台灣分公司,於2009年10月併購於新竹科學園區成立的積體電路設計服務公司「晶詮科技股份有限公司」,成功立基於積體電路設計市場。並於2008年在馬來西亞股票交易所掛牌上市(股票代碼0143)。 KeyASIC專注於高效能,低功耗的IC設計相關之利基型Analog / Digital IP的研發,並提供完整IC設計服務技術以及IC後段作業相關服務,並擴展設計平台解決方案之開發( Platform solution ) 以及積體電路統包服務(IC Turnkey service),協助客戶縮短產品從概念、設計、系統驗證至導入量產的時程。 配合多元化晶圓及封測協力廠商合作策略,KeyASIC設計團隊依據客戶的產品規格及價格需求,選擇最佳的製程技術與製造廠商,生產出最具市場競爭力的晶片。至今已成功完成180nm, 130nm, 65nm, 40nm, 28nm 等各類晶片的設計驗證服務,合作廠商遍及國內外知名公司,是客戶最可靠的事業夥伴。 KeyASIC亦成功地將ASIC及SoC等核心技術發展於IoT物聯網/IoMT醫用物聯網及Artificial Intelligence(人工智能)的應用;目前已有許多運用於智慧醫療上的成功案例,本公司並已取得ISO13485 : 2016醫療器材品質管理系統認證。我們推出搭載SPG系列微控制器及內建Wi-Fi模組及工業及NAND flash儲存裝置的IoT推動平台(IoT enabler)-MCard及MDrive兩款產品,係為SD及USB兩種形式的物聯網連接器,可與既有的醫療器材完美整合,將您的產品成功轉換成物聯網裝置。相同設計概念的亦有名為RYC之消費性電子產品,能與智慧雲端醫療系統 imedic™連結,直接存取設備上的醫療數據及報告,為個人化電子病歷之智能行動裝置。 應用內建尖端SPG系統晶片的IoT enabler套件,提供智慧連網裝置的基礎技術架構,並結合搭載卷積神經網絡(Convolutional Neural Network)之神經元處理器的高效能開發板,可利用軟硬件兼備的組件來開發並實現深度學習,發展出一系列人工智能解決方案。此外,KeyASIC以此技術為核心運用於醫療影像分析,開發了專門應用於病理學影像分析的KeyPATH人工智能裝置;臨床上亦成功應用於白血病的病理學分析,每分鐘可分析逾百萬個細胞,辨識準確率高達 97%,此裝置亦可相容於智慧雲端醫療系統 imedic™。 KeyASIC致力於開發核心區塊鏈和物聯網技術,透過將生物統計學和環境測量結合物聯網、雲端運算、AI及大數據分析等科技,除了著重於智慧醫療,各種技術也能運用於數位家庭、車用智能、數位城市等多樣化產業,旨在建立完整的數位化生態系統(Digital Ecosystem),提供創新解決方案並推動智能生活。
0 ~ 5 applicants