【iCONCEPTS】整合行銷專案執行(Account Executive)
10/18 Updated
English Required
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 38,000~40,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1. 整合行銷企劃:根據客戶需求進行提案,提供整合行銷溝通策略與操作建議並執行。
2. 社群內容經營:自媒體經營管理、圖文/影音內容產製,與粉絲溝通互動。
3. 異業合作洽談:具備異業合作開發能力,特別是KOL/網紅合作簽約。
4. 業務開發:具備客戶開發能力,推展公司業務。
5. 廣告投放:協助廣告投放,控管預算與成果分析,優化廣告投放效益。
6. 社群優化:分析社群平台流量與成效、優化網路行銷策略
7. 現場活動執行:實體活動執行與支援(媒體/消費者活動)。
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Marketing Planning
Website Marketing Planning
Advertising Copywriting/Planning
精英公關集團為台灣最大的公關集團,創立於1987年,「Achieve by Communication 溝通成就夢想」是我們的願景,成為「Where the Elite Meet 精英薈萃之地」是我們的人才培育目標。 精英公關集團擁有13家子公司,包含精英、楷模、經典、精采、經湛、精準數位策略行銷、精萃、群萃、精承永續企業、精鍊公關、精萃亞太公關、映沛整合行銷及淬萃整合行銷。身為台灣最大、成長最快的獨立公關集團,是諸多國際公關公司指定合作夥伴,而精英集團致力發展國際合作業務,近年也陸續建立獨立公關公司合作夥伴聯盟,有超過50個海外合作夥伴公司,觸角從台灣延伸至亞太區,及歐洲、美洲。 精英公關集團員工約200人,包括公關顧問團隊和數位多媒體設計人才,提供客戶多元、專業,且能帶動效益的整合傳播溝通服務。多次獲得國際和台灣公關、數位獎項肯定,包括Asia Pacific PR Awards、CIPRA Awards、Click! Awards、Yahoo! Big Idea Chair Awards、公關基金會傑出公關獎。 精英公關集團成立已滿35週年,創辦人孔誠志先生原基任職新聞媒體高層,於當時體認到公關服務對企業經營發展的重要性,因此成立台灣第一家公關公司--精英公關,更出版了學理與實務兼具的本土公關專業書籍《公關手冊》。多年來,精英已服務超過200個國內外企業品牌,期許未來,精英公關集團能持續引領台灣公關產業蓬勃發展! 精英公關集團官網網址 https://www.eliteprgroup.com/tw Elite PR Group, founded in 1987, is the largest public relations group in Taiwan. "Achieve by Communication" is our vision, and our goal of cultivating talent is being a place that "Where the Elite Meet". Elite PR Group has 13 subsidiary companies, including Elite, K-Concepts, Apex, Bravo, Clavis, Fides, AimHit , MediCom, HealthCom, Focus, Medicom APAC , i-Concepts, and Bon. These agencies specialize in diverse areas including FMCG, technology, 3C, finance, corporate sustainability, sports marketing, and digital communications. As the largest and fastest-growing independent public relations group in Taiwan, we are affiliated with several global PR firms and this reflects our commitment to developing international business via cooperation. In recent years, we also established an alliance relationship with independent PR firms, including more than 50 overseas partners spanning across Taiwan, the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, and the Americas. With about 200 consultants, including PR consultants and digital media specialists, Elite provides diverse, professional, and integrated communication services to our clients. We have certified by many awards internationally and locally, including the Asia-Pacific PR Awards, CIPR Excellence Awards, Click! Awards, Yahoo! Big Idea Chair Awards, and Public Relations Foundation Excellence Awards. Elite PR Group was founded over 35 years ago by Mr. CC Koong, who previously worked as an executive in the news media industry. He recognized the importance of public relations services for business development and set up Taiwan's first PR agency, Elite Public Relations. He also published a "Public Relations Handbook" which combined academic and practical insights. Over the years, Elite has served more than 200 local and global brands. Now, we are looking forward to leading Taiwan's PR industry toward a greater height! Elite PR Group official website: https://www.eliteprgroup.com/tw
11 ~ 30 applicants