金普頓大安酒店 Kimpton Da An / The Tavernist / FINCH_英屬維京群島商卓誠投資有限公司台灣分公司大安營業處
米其林餐盤推薦-The Tavernist-Assistant Restaurant Manager 餐廳副理
10/4 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

和世界最愛挑戰極限的探險家主廚共同激盪一場場美食饗宴.台北最時髦摩登料理餐廳The Tavernist由你操盤!
打造The Tavernist的如恩設計研究室Neri & Hu表示:「The Tavernist的設計以台北街景為經,各式巷弄內的一磚一瓦為緯,融合西方理性與東方元素,而其五顏六色,交疊出充滿七情六慾的豐富用餐空間。」
Responsible for assisting the Department Head in all aspects of Restaurants&Bars operations and floor management in order to maintain high standards of service and quality of product and to maximize profits in accordance with the organization's policies and applicable laws. 負責協助部門主管處理餐廳和酒吧運營管理的各個方面,以保持高標準的服務和產品質量,並根據組織的政策和適用規則實現利潤最大化。
-To supervise the daily operations of the restaurant and ensure adherence to company standards
-To assist in the hiring, training, and development of staff
-To create the weekly schedule to ensure proper coverage
-To inspect of the entire restaurant every shift to ensure company standards and keep appropriate records
-To ensure the proper maintenance of restaurant equipment and resolve any repairing and resolve any maintenance issues
-To ensure all staff is properly trained on menus, service standards, and systems
-To conduct pre-shift meetings: arrange section assignment, brief staff on the reservation, VIPs, company updates, kitchen information
-To control dining room flow and assign and supervise opening and closing duties
-To monitor guest feedback in relation to service, products, and promotions
-To handle guest complaints as appropriate to ensure the outstanding guest experience
-To prepare reports at the end of the shift/week/month, including staff control, food control, and sales
-To assist the Restaurant & Bar Manager on reports, marketing plan, events, and special promotions
-To assist with oversight of departmental administration, implementation of effective control of inventory and labor costs
-To take overall responsibility for the Restaurant & Bar Department in the absence of the Restaurant & Bar Manager
-To assist with organizing and conducting on-going training on food, beverages, and service standard to the staff
-To ensure the punctuality and attendance of R&B staff for all training sessions set by Hotel
-To carry out duties honesty and with integrity at all times
-To follow the procedure, according to policies set by the company
-To maintain professional appearance at all times, clean and well groomed in accordance with company standards
-To comply with and fully understand the laws and regulations regarding licensing, food safety, health and safety, fire training and allergens
-To establish and maintain a good working relationship with other departments
- 協助員工的招募、培訓和發展
- 建立每週計劃以確保適當的覆蓋範圍
- 進行班前會議:安排部門分配、向員工介紹預訂情況、VIP、公司動態、廚房信息
- 監控客人對服務、產品和促銷的回饋
- 酌情處理賓客投訴,確保卓越的賓客體驗
- 在輪班/週/月結束時準備報告,包括員工控制、食品控制和銷售
- 在餐廳和酒吧經理缺席的情況下,全面負責餐廳和酒吧部門的工作
- 始終誠實正直地履行職責
- 根據公司製定的政策,遵循程序
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Hotel Staff
Hotel or Restaurant Supervisor
英屬維京群島商卓誠投資有限公司台灣分公司以經營國際知名旅館及餐飲服務為主,旗下目前有【金普頓大安酒店 Kimpton Da An Hotel】、【The Tavernist】、【FINCH】等國際知名旅館與餐廳。 ▌進軍亞太首站臺北 - 金普頓大安酒店 Kimpton Da An Hotel - 台灣唯一獲選Wallpaper* 雜誌2019最佳城市酒店! 隱身於台北東區靜謐街巷內,金普頓大安酒店與購物中心和捷運站僅隔一個街區。獨特地理位置,攘往熙來人潮看似近在咫尺,卻猶如世外桃源般靜謐。各式迷人充滿詩意的人文咖啡館、個性精品店與文藝畫廊,散落酒店周圍。擁有129間舒適客、套房的金普頓酒店,以精緻細膩的設計詮釋復古與白瓷的層疊美學,相映著透光的天井建築,每一個轉彎都透著設計師巧思,邀請大膽創新的世界旅遊家和在地設計師一同品味徘徊探索。 在設計方面邀請到位於上海的如恩設計研究室操刀,創始合夥人郭錫恩先生和胡如珊女士曾榮獲EDIDA國際設計大獎年度設計師,Wallpaper雜誌評選最佳年度設計師等殊榮。設計靈感以兼具臺北街景中混亂與秩序並存的景象為出發,跳脫傳統的設計界限融入臺灣文化特色,進行全然不同的詮釋。 當步入位於12樓的摩登餐酒館,可瞧見風情萬種的亞熱帶陽光灑落在寬敞戶外露台,除了可放鬆品酩美酒佳餚外,令人醉心的台北城景與聳入天際的台北101盡收眼底,徹底讓賓客體驗與挖掘新舊台北魅力與脈動。 ▌洲際酒店集團 InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) 洲際酒店集團在全世界超過100個國家和地區擁有6,100多家酒店,並有超過1,900多家在建酒店,共有18個品牌,其中包括Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas、麗晶酒店及度假村、洲際酒店及度假村、金普頓酒店及餐廳、VIGENTTE、英迪格酒店、逸衡酒店、華邑酒店及度假村、皇冠假酒店及度假村、voco、假日酒店、假日度假酒店、智選假日酒店、Holiday Inn Club Vacations、avid hotels、Staybridge Suites、Atwell Suites和Candlewood Suites。 同時洲際酒店集團榮獲2018年 Aon's Best Employer獎項,我們的願景是通過創造“以善為本,以誠待客”,成為全世界最傑出的公司之一。並依照所有顧客喜愛的品牌酒店組合,提供匠心獨具的特色服務來實現我們每個品牌特有的文化。瞭解更多的資訊請至 https://www.ihg.com。
0 ~ 5 applicants