【研究發展處】Big Data Engineer 資料工程師 / Senior Big Data Engineer 資深資料工程師
10/18 Updated
English Required
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

現觀科技發展產品 CovMo近20年作為橫跨美洲、歐洲、亞洲、中東等跨國22間巨頭電信企業專用之 SaaS Solution,功能包含用戶定位及手機網路訊號分析,而 Big Data Team專職於 OLAP維運及效能調教,SQL Tuning、Dashboard Visualization,並與產品開發團隊進行資料探勘及研究。
• 會有大量的Database Report,需要用SQL/Bash及Python產生
• 使用Grafana做產品資料視覺化
· Maintain and optimize Clickhouse/MySQL databases performance.
· Integrate datasets to provide business insight through SQL process and real-time dashboard.
· Standardize the process of data collection, storage, transformation, distribution, and usage.
· Coordinate with other department to utilize potential data asset towards business strategy.
· Redesign DB architecture for a thousand billions data maintenance.
· Develop stored proc to generate database reports.
· Maintain developed MapReduce system in MySQL database.
· Research a new approach to improve data pipeline.
· Knowledge of database installation process
· Experience with CentOS / Ubuntu packaging
· Knowledge of relevant database clients
· Knowledge of mapReduce
· Knowledge or experience of working basic OS and Networking database related issues.
· Knowledge/experience in administration and troubleshooting for one or more of the following:
· Experience performing basic optimization of database
· Have an understanding of database migrations
· Experience with data mining, database management and flow control.
· Do something meaningful; Be a part of the future of telecom technology.
· Work with international colleagues.
· Great career development opportunities in a growing company.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

System Integration Analysis
Software Programming
Database System Management and Maintenance
Database Programming
系統整合分析 軟體程式設計 資料庫系統管理維護 資料庫程式設計
Job Category
Software Engineer
MIS Programmer
Database Administrator
現觀科技的英文Groundhog是以美國東部和加拿大的『土撥鼠』為命名。在北美文化中,相傳土撥鼠能預測春天何時會到來(時間)的能力,而且能建構隧道系統(空間)。現觀科技擁有如同土撥鼠的技能,專注研發獨特的數學模型,探討時間、空間和移動的特徵,以洞悉和預測手機用戶在行動網路中的移動軌跡。 現觀科技成立於2001年,起源於美國麻省理工學院(MIT),成立前即獲得MIT創業競賽準決賽優勝。以台灣做為研發總部,基於四十項以上的專利,現觀的先進技術擁有多個世界第一,履獲國內外大獎,諸如國家產業創新獎⎯績優創新中小企業獎、兩次傑出資訊應用暨產品獎,國際上的Telco AI Summit Europe(歐洲電信AI論壇)最佳網路管理方案獎、Red Herring亞洲高科技新創企業一百強、全球二百強等。並加入O-RAN軟體領域服務聯盟,研發總部設在台灣。 現觀科技是全球第一個基於手機用戶的移動行為而研發行動通訊大數據技術的高科技公司,在地理定位(Geo-Location)及手機用戶行為的深度學習擁有獨特的競爭優勢,開啟各種創新的應用。現觀科技以台灣作為研發總部,具備全球領先技術優勢,聚焦國際市場,客戶遍佈五大洲,包括世界第三大電信業者Bharti Airtel、中東最大電信業者 Saudi Telecom Company(STC)、亞洲跨國電信巨擘SingTel等。公司的旗艦產品 CovMo 協助電信業者進行用戶洞察及網路優化,為全球最早推出且市佔率持續領先的產品;底層的平台 Mobility Intelligence Platform 基於手機用戶移動性的大數據分析,開創各式先進應用,也吸引了創新的電信業者對此藍海的重視。 現觀科技已於2024年1月15日掛牌上市(股票代號:6906),公司具備處理行動網路覆蓋範圍以及橫跨多種通訊技術的無線通訊純軟體的核心能力,擁有全球領先的獨家 AI 大數據分析和業界最高定位精準度技術,透過自主研發的CovMo行動網路優化定位平台與Mobility Intelligence行動智慧平台,可協助全球電信業者優化其網路,同時可分析手機用戶行為,協助電信業者將數據變現,搶占數位廣告的龐大市場,是台灣少數打入國際市場的無線通訊軟體公司,歡迎各領域的優秀菁英、具國際觀的人才、對挑戰性工作有興趣、積極創新、有熱忱、樂於挑戰的伙伴加入我們的行列! Named after the clever『groundhog』that inhabits the eastern United States and Canada, it is a master underground tunnel burrower (space) with a legendary ability to predict the seasonal change (time). Similarly, Groundhog Technologies has developed very sophisticated modeling techniques to understand and predict the mobility patterns of mobile telecom subscribers at a temporal and spatial level. Groundhog Technologies was founded in 2001 as a spin-off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Since then, our Mobility Intelligence Platform has analyzed many of the busiest mobile networks in the world; saving operators millions of dollars, increasing customer satisfaction and generating new revenues. Groundhog Technologies applies a combination of Chaos Theory-based Geolocation models and Human Mobility Deep Learning Algorithms to transform raw network data into monetizable assets. With that knowledge we can help mobile operators improve business results across various departments: Network & Operations, Customer Experience, Sales & Marketing, Digital Services, and now being extended to the Public Health domain. Besides our flagship product CovMo™, our MI-DEP™, MI-DSP™ as well as RealMotion™ are widely-recognized by worldwide customers. Groundhog Technologies’ is a public company listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (No. 6906). As a company focusing on international market, supporting and partnering with global mobile operators while our system handles huge amount of data utilizing AI and advanced analytics, we welcome talents from all over the world to join us. If you want to know more about us, please visit https://www.ghtinc.com/tw/about-us-2/
11 ~ 30 applicants