AE Team_Associate Application Engineer_助理應用工程師 (台北)
10/11 Updated
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1. 熟悉並設計電源管理晶片之測試流程。
2. 執行測試電源管理晶片,整理測試數據並產出相關報告。
3. 管理實驗室儀器及零件。
4. 協助重工電路板零件。
5. 協調零件供應商及打件廠,執行電路板打件。
6. 其餘相關行政事宜。
Job Summary:
This position's responsibilities include design test procedures of power IC, execute power IC verification and generate test data, rework system boards or EVB to replace SMD/DIP components, manage PCB SMT coordination, manage lab equipment and component, and administrative works of purchase/sample delivery/regular paper work.
Essential functions:
• Work with applications engineers to execute power IC verification and testing on EVB or system board, such as Intel/AMD VCORE spreadsheet or power IC roadtest.
• Define/design test procedure and summarize into guideline documents.
• Rework MPS EVB or customer’s system boards.
• Manage PCB SMT requests from MPS Taiwan teams.
• Manage lab equipment and keep lab environment clean and tidy.
• Administrative works.
• Electronic components basic knowledge.
• Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) skills.
• Basic English capability.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Testing Staff
MPS為一家名列美國標普500指數 (S&P 500) 成分股的類比IC設計公司,2004年於美國那斯達克股票上市 (NASDAQ: MPWR)。企業總部位於西雅圖灣區,自1997年成立以來,憑藉著紮實的應用知識、類比IC設計經驗及自有的先進製程,持續提供業界高效能、省能源及低成本的解決方案。產品廣泛應用於汽車電子、雲端運算、工業、消費性電子、通訊領域等。 相較於一般無晶圓廠IC設計公司均使用晶圓代工廠所提供之標準製程技術,MPS以自有的高效製程與晶圓廠合作生產自行研發的產品。MPS於2004年在美國那斯達克股票上市 (NASDAQ:MPWR)。2016年及2020年分別獲評《財富》最快速成長企業100強第54名及77名,2017獲評全球半導體聯盟 (Global Semiconductor Alliance)「最受尊敬的新興上市半導體公司 (Most Respected Emerging Public Semiconductor Company)」。 目前在美國、臺灣、韓國、日本、新加坡、印度、中國及歐洲均有分支機構,全球超過3500名員工。台灣據點位於台北汐止與新竹台元。 Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) is a high performance analog semiconductor company headquartered in Kirkland, WA. Formed in 1997, the company has three core strengths; deep system-level and applications knowledge, strong analog design expertise, and an innovative proprietary process technology. These combined advantages enable MPS to deliver highly integrated monolithic products that offer energy efficient, cost-effective solutions. MPS solutions have been widely used in Automotive Electronics, Cloud Computing, Industrial Applications, Consumer Electronics, Telecom Infrastructures, etc. MPS is a fabless semiconductor company, working with third party foundries. However, in contrast to many other fabless companies that use standard process technologies, MPS works with its foundry partners to install its own proprietary process technology in their facilities for use solely by MPS. MPS employs over 3500 employees worldwide, located in the United States, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore, India, China and across Europe. MPS has two main office in Taiwan, one in Taipei Xizhi and the other one in Hsinchu Tai Yuen. Official Website: Official YouTube Channel:
6 ~ 10 applicants