駐外業務主管 -越南
10/4 Updated
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

1. 負責業務接洽及訂單處理、交期管理
2. 定期拜訪客戶,維持客戶關係
3. 掌握訂單生產進度、處理品質異常客訴事宜
4. 具備跨區域及部門溝通能力,執行公司業務策略及專案
5. 需有紡織相關經驗
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
越南時間07:30-16:30 午休1小時
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Overseas Business Development
Customer Information Collection
Customer Complaint Handling
國外業務開發 客戶情報蒐集 客訴案件處理
Job Category
International Sales
International Sales Supervisor
Product Business Manager
振泰集團創立於1985年,主力產品為各式鞋帶、織帶、 鬆緊帶,主要客戶為大型製鞋公司。總部設於彰化縣和美鎮,並於中國、越南、印尼各設有工廠,有著強大的研發能力及產地規模優勢,在競爭激烈的品牌市場開拓出一條屬於自己的道路。 振泰為各運動品牌之認證合格供應商,在鞋業及成衣業領域上有豐富的研發經驗。近年來,更著重於特殊材質與紡織品的結合來創造更豐富多元的產品價值,除了自我研發外,亦會配合客戶創意及靈感所需提供適當的材料及建議。 本公司在董事長的帶領下,除了維持研發效率及產品價值外,振泰未來將會往資訊化及智能化來發展,將會為振泰更長遠的道路奠定更穩固的基石。 Founded in 1985, Chen Tai Group focus on manufacture shoelace, webbing and elastic strap. Most of main customers is well-known shoe factory. Our headquarter is located in Homei, Changhua and has factories in China, Vietnam and Indonesia. We provide strong R&D services and the advantage of our global production line, which lead Chen Tai to achieve great success in such a competitive environment of shoe industry. Chen Tai is a certificated suppliers of sports brands, and has experiences in research and development in both footwear and apparel industries. In recent years, we emphasized in working with on special fibers and textiles to create more diverse products. In addition to self- development, we also work closely customers to fulfill their creativity and inspiration to provide excellent products. In the future, Chen Tai is planning head to informatization and intelligentize, which will set the foundation for future perspective.
0 ~ 5 applicants