Faculty Positions Open -Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
10/7 Updated
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 70,780+


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University seeks outstanding applicants for faculty position at all levels. Applicants should have an earned Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering or an appropriate field. Applicants with the following specialties are preferred:
 Mechanical design
 Solid mechanics
 Thermofluids & energy engineering
 Advanced manufacturing technologies (Preferable in Semiconductor fabrication and precision metrology, Laser / Electron Beam Precision Machining, Photonic Manufacturing and Metrology, Defense & Aeronautical Manufacturing, Intelligent Manufacturing System & Equipment, but not limited in these areas)
 Manufacturing Engineering (Recruitment Priorities will be on candidates with the ability to teach one of the courses of Manufacturing Processes, Engineering Materials or Principles of Manufacturing, etc.)
 System and control
Applicants shall provide:
1. A faculty position application form (The template can be downloaded from here: https://goo.gl/1wePxE)
2. A detailed Curriculum Vitae
3. A research statement (up to 3 pages)
4. A teaching statement (up to 3 pages)
5. A copy of official doctorate degree certificate (if already acquired)
6. Copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts
7. Contact information of 3 referees
Applicants should submit the application package in a single pdf file through e-mail to Dr. Jia-Yang Juang, Professor and Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University at jiayang@ntu.edu.tw and cc Ms. Yu-Yan Lin at yanlin@ntu.edu.tw.
Or mail the carbon copy of the application package to:
Dr. Jia-Yang Juang
No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road,
ME, Eng. Bldg., room508
Taipei 10617, Taiwan
The applications received before January 2024 will be reviewed for the positions starting on August 2024.
The applications received before July 2024 will be reviewed for the positions starting on February 2025.
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
國立臺灣大學前身為日治時期之「臺北帝國大學」(創立於1928年),最初僅設置文政、理農2學部,之後擴展為文政、理、農、醫、工等5個學部。臺灣光復後,在臺北帝大原址建校為「國立臺灣大學」,將帝大原有的5個學部改制為「學院」,計有文、法、理、醫、工、農等6個學院、設立22門學系。 其後,開辦新制夜間部(1967年),爾後陸續成立管理學院(1987年)、公共衛生學院(1993年)、電機資訊學院(1997年)、法律學院(1999年)、生命科學院(2003年)、牙醫、獸醫兩專業學院(2008年)等,目前已有11個學院,以及3個專業學院,54個學系、109個研究所,另設有30餘個各學術領域之國家級或校級研究中心,是臺灣規模最大的綜合性大學。學生人數現今已達33,000多人(其中大學部近18,000人、研究生15,000餘人),比例接近1:1,已經成功轉型為研究型大學。 本校本著「教育卓越、多元學習」、「延攬教學、研究優質人才」、「強化基礎建設與軟硬體環境」、「卓越與前瞻研究」、「學術國際化」及「行政精進」等六項,營造優質學習環境以培養社會領導菁英與知識創新研究人才,期達到「華人頂尖、世界一流」大學之願景。在達到願景的歷程中,我們需要各界志同道合的菁英人才加入臺大的優秀團隊,共同為打造這個最優秀的大學殿堂而努力。
0 ~ 5 applicants