Software Engineer/軟體研發工程師
10/18 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

【Job Description】
1. Design, develop, code, and debug BMC Firmware by applying knowledge of server hardware architecture and system design
2. Debug and validate firmware design, system level debug and root cause analysis
3. Deliver high quality binary with competitive coding insight
【Skill & Knowledge】
1. Strong hands-on programming skills in C/C++(requires at least 3 years accumulated experience in this field)
2. Strong knowledge in the bootloader, device driver, and Linux kernel
3. Hands-on experience in device drivers like I2C, SPI, PCI, SMBus, Mail-box, LPC etc
4. OOB or In-band System Management experience with exposure to standards IPMI, KCS, DMTF and Redfish etc
5. Experience in OpenBMC or AST2600/2620 firmware development experience on X86 or ARM platforms is a BIG PLUS
6. Basic understanding of REST, webAPI structure
1. Good work ethics, high sense of team-work
2. Love to produce quality work and commitment to finish your tasks every single day
3. You are a self-starter who loves to find creative solutions to challenging problems
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Software Engineer
Firmware Engineer
【關於威強電】 威強電集團成立至今全球有3,000名員工、3座製造中心、四座物流中心、15個銷售據點,營運範圍遍布28個國家。深耕在地,展望全球,威強電已發展成為物聯網全方位系統整合國際知名品牌企業,產品廣受全球客戶青睞。近年主要的發展核心以AI、網通、智慧醫療為主,結合創新的5G、邊緣運算等科技,為打造更便捷的智慧生活持續精進。威強電提供一流的ODM客製化服務,更推出了雲到端全方位產品和解決方案,業務範圍橫跨工廠自動化、網路通訊設備、智慧建築、智慧零售、智慧交通、醫療等領域,廣泛的使用在現今智慧城市的物聯網應用中,為人們生活創造更加便利舒適的環境。 【得獎紀錄】 UPC-F12C-ULT3產品榮獲2018年紅點設計獎 POCm-W24C-ULT3產品榮獲2019年iF設計獎 POCm-W22C-ULT3產品榮獲2020年台灣精品獎 醫療影像資訊管理系統— POCi-W22C-ULT5榮獲2022台灣精品獎 AI精準醫療解決方案HTB-210-Q470 榮獲2023台灣精品獎、2022年iF設計獎 【Follow us】 更多資訊請參考: IEI-人才招募網:https://www.ieiworld.com/_elite_recruitment/tw/ IEI-FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/IEITaiwan/ IEI-Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/company/iei-integration-corp/mycompany/ IEI-Youtube頻道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxDQsbVzA9KTTaVmlnS6p7w 快來關注我們唷!
0 ~ 5 applicants