新營分公司 | 客務部櫃檯中班組 自選排休8-10天
9/20 Updated
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 30,500~33,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1. 耐心、積極、負責的工作態度。
2. 細心、專業、親切的接待禮儀,並具良好的溝通協調能力,與顧客能良好的互動。
3. 處理庶務性工作,例: 訂房/排房,回覆旅客問題,主管交辦事項,OTA平台操作等。
4. 透過完整培訓及教育訓練,不定期升遷考核。
1. 善於溝通的 : 與部門主管以及跨部門合作,給予同仁激勵與熱情。
2. 有責任感的 : 能夠認知和認同自己的責任,並將之付諸實行的行動和決心。
3. 具抗壓性的 : 積極面對工作上的各種挑戰,樂於與公司一同成長。
4. 獨立思考的 : 在資訊快速的狀態擁有自己獨立思考及判斷事物的能力。
5. 正直樂觀的 : 可以塑造良好且正向的公司文化,一同建立永續團隊。
1. Communication : Provide encouragement and enthusiasm to colleagues for department heads and cross-departmental cooperation.
2. Responsible : Actions and determinations to recognize and identify with one's own responsibilities and put them into practice.
3. Compressive : Actively face various challenges at work, willing to grow together with the company.
4. Independent thinking : In the state of fast information, have the ability to think and judge things independently.
5. Upright & optimistic : Can create a good and positive company culture and build a sustainable team together.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Document Receipt
Administrative Affairs Handling
Telephone Handling and Reception
Document or Data Entry and File Processing
Customer Information Update and Maintenance
Customer Information Collection
Customer Complaint Handling
Counter and Store Reception and Service
Product Introduction and Explanation Sales
文件收發與檔案管理 行政事務處理 電話接聽與人員接待事項 文件或資料輸入建檔處理 文件檔案資料處理、轉換及整合工作 客戶資料更新維護 客戶情報蒐集 客訴案件處理 櫃檯門市接待與需求服務 產品介紹及解說銷售
Job Category
Hotel Staff
歐悅集團:以誠信,貼近生活。 OHYA Group:Based on Integrity, Close to Reality. 公司簡介: 歐悅集團,自2002年起源於南部的汽車旅館,以「誠信正直、顧客信任、負責合作、創新學習」為基石。於2022年正式成立集團,我們不僅在旅館業務上持續創新,更融合科技與數位領域,成功擴展多元事業,成為科技前瞻、年輕且引領潮流的品牌。 歐悅深信自身是產業服務鏈的引領者,透過整合各大事業群,致力於每次服務中提供卓越客戶體驗,以最先進的數位科技,滿足大眾不斷升華的需求。我們的品牌故事如同一場領先科技的奮進之旅,每位團隊成員則象徵著科技時代中的孤勇者。歐悅集團,過去、現在與未來,引領品牌勇往直前,為產業開創更高峰。 核心團隊: 我們的核心團隊匯聚各行各業的領袖,以行業經驗和數據驅動決策實現科學管理。與大專院校合作培養未來前沿技術人才,攜手優秀的人才和先進技術,共同為客戶提供卓越服務,並攜手塑造產業新格局。 Company Overview: Ohya Group, founded as a motel in the South in 2002, embodies the principles of integrity, customer trust, collaboration, and innovation. In 2022, Ohya Group was established as a pioneer in the service chain industry, aiming to create unique and excellent service experiences for every customer interaction. We will continue to optimize, innovate, and transform while expanding into other fields, staying committed to our values of integrity and service. Established in 2022, we innovate in hotels and expand into diverse sectors, emerging as a tech-forward, youth-driven brand. Ohya is committed to being an industry trailblazer, pursuing advanced digital tech to meet evolving needs. Our brand story mirrors a journey of tech pioneers, with each team member symbolizes an innovative warrior. Ohya GROUP, from the past to the future, leads the brand to new industry peaks. Team Strength: Our diverse core team combines industry experience and data-driven decision-making for scientific management. Collaborating with educational institutions, we nurture future tech talents, striving for excellence in service provision.
6 ~ 10 applicants