【iKala Cloud】技術客戶經理 Technical Account Manager
9/25 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

如同各大雲端平台所提倡的 shared responsibility,在 iKala,也有這種文化。
在 iKala,我們提供你一個良好的 GCP/AWS 學習環境,並讓你持續成長;而你的負責範圍是,持續學習,精進自己,並解決客戶的問題。
1. 了解客戶的系統架構、回應客戶的技術諮詢、跟進客戶的技術專案
2. 協同業務團隊進行客戶關係維護,並且創造新的機會
3. 協同技術團隊解決客戶的技術需求
4. 主持客戶例會,解答客戶的問題、分享技術新知
5. 接受 GCP/AWS 相關知識培訓,並持續學習新知
6. 與客戶溝通,並根據客戶情境提供最適合客戶的解決方案
7. 提供客戶 GCP/AWS 產品相關資訊及最佳實踐
1. 大學資工相關科系畢業或具有相關經驗者尤佳
2. 有服務過客戶以下任一項目的經驗: 雲端操作、技術支援、架構諮詢
3. 強大的組織能力、溝通能力、專案管理、應變管理、以及解決問題的能力
4. 在資訊相關產業具有開發或者是維運三年以上經驗 
5. 善於聆聽,且具備釐清問題的能力 
1.有服務或與製造業或大型 Enterprise 的實務經驗
2. 有擔任過面對客戶的角色,並對以下有經驗: 與執行相關單位互動、協助客戶技術實作、協助客戶雲端轉型
3. 具程式開發或系統維運經驗:DevOps Engineer, SRE, backend engineer 等
4. 網路相關經驗:Linux, software-defined networking, network virtualization, open protocols, application acceleration and load balancing, DNS, virtual private networks 等
The same as the main idea "shared responsibility" in every public clouds, in iKala, we also follow this main idea.
In iKala, our responsibility is to provide you a good learning environment in GCP and AWS, and your responsibility is keep learning on everything and improving yourself, and trying to solve problems from customers.
1. Understand customer system architecture, responsible for technical consult, and follow up customer technical project
2. Partner with Sales team to responsible for overall growth, and satisfaction of the customer’s services relationship, and create new opportunities.
3. Partner with Tech team to responsible for the excellent delivery of issue tracking, technical support, solution providing
4. Hosting monthly meeting with customer to resolve customer's technical issues, and sharing new technologies.
5. Accept training, and keep learning tech knowledges and product features in Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services.
6. Communicate with customers. Provide customized solutions base on customers' scenario.
7. Provide GCP/AWS product informations and best practices to customers.
1. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, related technical field or equivalent practical experience.
2. Experience supporting customers in one of the following: cloud operations, technical support, architecture consult.
3. Consistently demonstrates strong organizational, communication, project management, change management, and problem-solving skills.
4. Experience in information industry more than three years.
5. Good in listening, and have capability in clarify the problems.
1. Experience of serving manufacturing and big enterprise.
2. Experience in a customer-facing role interfacing with executive stakeholders, driving customer technical implementation, or cloud transformation programs.
3. Experience in developer or system maintainance role: DevOps Engineer, SRE, backend engineer, etc.
4. Experience in network operation: Linux, software-defined networking, network virtualization, open protocols, application acceleration and load balancing, DNS, virtual private networks, etc.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
9:30-18:30 (彈性上下班)
Leave Policy
Job Category
Software Engineer
Systems Analyst
Other IT Professionals
【Empower Your Business with AI】 iKala 是一間跨國的 AI 公司,使命是「AI 賦能」,協助客戶以 AI 為核心來達成事業轉型、加速、及創造新商業模式的目標。iKala 提供以 AI 驅動的數位轉型及數據行銷整體解決方案,旗下有 iKala Cloud 及 iKala MarTech 等雲端及新零售服務與產品,服務超過 1,000 家企業及 50,000 家亞太品牌廣告用戶,其中包含多家財星 500 大企業,服務範圍跨越 8 個國家 (台灣、新加坡、泰國、日本、香港、馬來西亞、越南與韓國) 及超過 12 種產業。iKala 以顧客為念,我們不斷提升服務品質及投資創新研發,致力於為顧客創造更多的價值。 iKala 打造良善的環境,提供你展現自我的最佳舞台 【實現有意義的願景、從事全球規模的開創性專案】 AI+大數據 + 雲端+網紅行銷科技,iKala 的產品是全球最熱門的話題和未來趨勢,加入 iKala 就是進入領先的產業和科技公司,與世界接軌不會被時代淘汰。 【以文化為基礎運作,感受「自由與責任」的工作環境】 iKala 有彈性自由的文化,讓團隊自主安排在家或辦公室工作的混合模式,我們自詡為擁有高度執行力的團隊,一起達成目標及打造世界級的產品。 【政府認可的 AI 國家代表隊,妳/你不是一個遠端辦公室的小螺絲釘】 iKala 擁有充沛的公司資源,是一個具備彈性、速度、及創新的扁平化組織,讓優秀的你更容易一展長才,非常適合聰明有想法的職場新鮮人,不用擔心好想法被埋沒。 【兼顧公司發展及個人成長,重視個人職涯指導】 從新人訓練、主管訓練到內外部訓練,iKala 給予員工充足的學習資源,更有 1:1, L&D 人才管理制度,讓員工隨時檢視自我和互相回饋,達成目標的同時,也獲得個人成長。
0 ~ 5 applicants