SM2425 國內外專案業務 Sales Account Manager
10/11 Updated
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 40,000~60,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1. 負責國內外門禁及安控系統及商業智能解決方案之銷售
2. 通路商、系統整合商及合作夥伴關係之經營維護
3. 具備開發大型門禁專案經驗者佳
4. 日常陌生開發、業務推展、需求訪談及客戶關係維護
5. 負責業務推展、提供客戶專業建議及最佳解決方案
Achieve sales quota from assigned existing accounts and potential sales leads from global countries except
North America.
[What you need to do]
1. Account management work
1) Recruit new SI (system integration), Contractor and End User to new project win
2) Manage existing SI, Contractor and EU with existing and new contacts to repeat buy in order to maximize
3) Introduce, train and update suitable products, solutions according to account profile
2. Project management work
1) Project to solution design according to end user requirement, budget and competition
2) Project to price and payment term management in order to maximize win rate
3) Co-work with supply-chain team for project fulfillment and payment
4) Co-work with tech support team to run effective installation, end user acceptance test, and post service
1) 核薪視個人資歷、學經歷條件、專業能力及績效實證而定, 歡迎挑戰高薪
2) 完整紮實的教育訓練, 投資您在 ”Big Data大數據、Robot軟體機器人、IoT物聯網、Cloud雲端、A.I.人工智慧” 迅速累積專業整合的實力
3) 無最低達成門檻, 訂單筆筆都算; 業績獎金無上限, 每月結算不等待
4) 和CEO一起工作, 跑在同儕前面, 快速提昇國際視野
5) 具競爭力的薪資架構, 月薪待遇不含獎金, 業績獎金另計. 我們不怕給得高, 就怕你不想要! 特別邀請有潛力、英文好、想賺錢的年輕新鮮人來大展身手, 第一年即挑戰年薪百萬, 不是在做夢!
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Overseas Business Development
Business or Channel Development
Sales Target Allocation and Performance Achievement
Customer Information Collection
Product Introduction and Explanation Sales
國外業務開發 業務或通路開發 業績目標分配與績效達成 客戶情報蒐集 產品介紹及解說銷售
Job Category
Domestic Sales
International Sales
Channel Development Specialist
ACTi Corporation, founded in 2003, is a leading application developer with Big Data, Robot, IoT, Cloud, A.I. and 5G technologies to empower business intelligent solutions. Meanwhile, also plays an important role as end-to-end IP video surveillance solution provider, covering all the way from security to business management solutions. The core value of ACTi is to deliver these solutions through in-house developed technologies applied to its whole product line. These products include IP cameras, video management software and video analytics that are seamlessly unified. These solutions are customized for all markets through the comprehensive support of pre- and post-sales service tools and utilities. ACTi's world-wide 24/7 technical support ensures customers a service they can depend on. ACTi 建騰創達科技股份有限公司成立於2003年,是透過『B.R.I.C.A.5』技術整合 ( Big Data, Robot, IoT, Cloud, A.I. and 5G ) 幫企業做『商業智能』應用服務的公司,以影像(Video)為服務初衷,搭配硬體及軟體研發實力,是全台第一家將演算法加入網路攝影機的網路數位影音領導廠商。 ACTi致力於瞭解市場需求與動向,透過動態影像分析,將數據資料轉為視覺化圖表,提供完整數據彙整、友善的使用介面,以及各式客製化的加值服務,幫助客戶提升管理效能以及營運收益。 * ACTi擁有的卓越技術 Technology 大數據Big Data Meta-Data / 軟體機器人Software Robot/ 物聯網IoT / 雲端Cloud / 人工智慧Artificial intelligence / 商業智能Business Intelligence / 人臉辨識Facial Recognition / 車牌辨識Automatic License Plate Recognition / 智能儀錶板Intelligent Dashboard / 影像智慧監控Intelligent Video Surveillance / 演算法Algorithm * 我們的產品深入多項產業類別 Industry 零售業Retail / 工業電腦IPC / 自動化Automation / 工廠Factory / 物流Logistic / 應用服務Application Service / 商業智能Business Intelligence/ 智慧建築Smart Building/ 醫療系統Medical System * 我們引以為傲的企業願景 Company Vision 自有品牌Own Brand / 解決方案先驅 Pioneer Solution Provider / 應用服務開發領導者Leading Application Developer / 客製化軟體開發Customize Software Development / B2B2C商業模式 / 服務模式Service Model
11 ~ 30 applicants