International Business Development Manager (BD)
10/4 Updated
English Required
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1) Actively prospect for new business that meets the current strategic focus.
2) Responsible for generating new business & expansion of the customer base through direct customer visits in worldwide
3) Identifies market trends, assesses market potential and develops strategies to grow ONENESS market share in the Pharma Markets.
4) Makes presentations and implements development projects at US/EU customers, sets in place the required project plans, executes the plan and closes new business. Should have good negotiation skills.
5) Provides timely customer support and defines and interfaces with internal resources, when necessary.
6) Works with market access, marketing, sales and product development to develop strategies that ensures ONENESS position as a multi products / solutions provider for customers new product introductions.
7) Works with global support teams throughout the development process and render technical support to customers wherever needed.
8) Continuously strive to create right balance, and co-working culture within the team to ensure smooth working and timely delivery of projects.
9) Management of due diligence related logistics for out-licensing opportunities including handling of electronic data, acquisition and distribution of key materials to diligence teams, tracking of diligence progress, etc.
10) Other duties may include helping to develop and review term sheets and legal documentation for transactions, cross-functional communication with R&D and finance team.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Basic Concepts of International Trade
Overseas Business Development
Business or Channel Development
Sales Target Allocation and Performance Achievement
Sales and Management Report Writing
Customer Information Collection
國際貿易基本概念 國外業務開發 業務或通路開發 業績目標分配與績效達成 業績與管理報表撰寫 客戶情報蒐集
Job Category
International Sales Supervisor
Project Sales Supervisor
合一生技創立於2008年6月,為政府核定從事新藥研發的「生技新藥」公司,2011年6月證期局核准股票上櫃,2011年9月23日正式掛牌上櫃(4743),於2019年8月23日合併泉盛生物科技股份有限公司。 合一生技以研發全球創新藥為目標,與泉盛生物科技合併後,研發產線更加完整,新藥研發階段涵蓋一期、二期、三期臨床試驗以及NDA階段,合併後合一生技將大幅提升研發團隊陣容及新藥實力,涵蓋小分子及大分子新藥研發能量,以率先申請藥證之ON101(糖尿病足部潰瘍新藥)為基礎,將研發能量專注於癌症與免疫疾病治療,以專利授權或共同開發,提供病患經濟有效的治療手段,達成本公司”開發新藥 關懷生命”的成立宗旨。 2024年9月,Bonvadis傷口外用乳膏取得埃及藥品管理局(EDA)進口許可,准許於埃及上市銷售。 2024年9月,合一與中天(上海)共同研發,治療新冠病毒感染核酸新藥SNS812二期臨床試驗解盲成功。 2024年8月,Fespixon(速必一),通過印尼食品與藥物管理局(BPOM)查驗登記。 2024年7月,速必一乳膏授權給中國華潤集團旗下「華潤雙鶴藥業」,雙方締結20年長約。 2024年5月,Bonvadis傷口外用醫材適用於部分皮層傷口、手術縫合後傷口、燒傷(1與淺表2級)等適應症510(k)上市許可。 2023年12月,合一生技入選「2023道瓊永續指數」 ,為台灣生技製藥首例。 2021年3月,速必一乳膏取得台灣新藥證;2023年8月,正式納入台灣健保給付用藥。 2020年4月,異位性皮膚炎抗體新藥FB825以5.3億美金授權LEO Pharma。
11 ~ 30 applicants