Social Media Marketing Specialist
10/15 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 35,000~50,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Job Description Overview:
The Social Media Marketing Specialist responsible for social media marketing planning, online and offline event planning, marketing materials planning, E-sport community/KOL/ Influencers/Youtuber contacts to increate brand exposure and working closely with other branches of the sales/marketing team to ensure the needs of the branding exposure target are met.
1) Marketing Specialist Position Summary, Responsibilities and Expectations:
1.Manage and maintain our Tt community and social media outlets.
2.Create and manage contests and giveaways to excite and drive traffic to our community outlets.
3.Work with regional sales, marketing, and product marketing team to support our brand and increase visibility.
4.Work with product marketing team to support product launches and create engaging content such as web content, banners, videos, etc.
5.Deliver timely and accurate responses to user questions and requests across all community platforms.
6.Create unique and engaging content for the social medias.
7.Create a network of community contacts and partnerships for cross promotion.
8.Support our worldwide events plan, manage on-site game industry and hardware partner relations.
9.Be responsible for developing and implementing Facebook/Instgram/Twitter activities such as promotions and product launches globally.
10.Execute and follow up with precision. Provide regular weekly/monthly reports to the company and branch office and track all deliverables to/from partners.
11.Amplify/promote news on social properties; update & maintain social editorial calendar
12.Continuously improve by capturing and analyzing the appropriate data/metrics, insights and best practices, and then acting on the information.
2) Communications Engagement
1.Contribute to development & implementation of communication strategies
2.Execute tasks associated with projects; may lead certain aspects of project
3.Begin to understand business model from a global perspective; understand key markets, global influencers and the impact on business narrative
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Proposal and Presentation Skills
Website Planning Ability
Online Event Planning and Execution
Social Media Operation Management
Advertising Plan/ Copywriting
提案與簡報技巧 網站企劃能力 網路活動規劃與執行 社群媒體經營管理 廣告企劃案╱文案撰寫
Job Category
Marketing Planning
Website Marketing Planning
Event Planning
【關於曜越科技- Thermaltake】 曜越科技創立於1999年,並以『Thermaltake』自有品牌行銷全球。曜越以散熱產品起家,之後成功推出世界首款渦輪式造型 CPU 散熱器 – Golden Orb,在全球電腦配件市場佔有頂尖品牌聲譽和價值,並累積相當客戶基礎。曜越持續專注於創新產品的發發,並致力於「帶給消費者完美的使用者經驗」。時至今日,『Thermaltake』繼散熱器熱銷後,隨即推出機殼以及電源供應器等產品均快速風行於Case MOD電腦改裝市場及金字塔頂端的玩家族群中,成為CaseMOD電腦改裝的首選品牌。 「Thermaltake」象徵曜越涵蓋三條主產品線:機殼、電源供應器和散熱器的卓越品牌。創新創意的品牌特性使『Thermaltake』擁有獨特、積極、亮眼及時尚的完整且多元產品系列,並跨足 Case MOD電腦改裝專業領域。 「Thermaltake精神」象徵著品牌誓言提供顧客值得信賴的高品質商品,所有『Thermaltake』的產品都基於對電腦改裝的熱愛精神而打造,這也正是曜越『Thermaltake』能夠成功站在世界舞台的致勝關鍵! 品牌中文官網 : www.thermaltake.com.tw 曜越頂級品牌「TT Premium」 『曜越TT Premium高階水冷電競主機改裝平台』全球電商網絡,擁有最完整的水冷產品及全系列電腦改裝零組件,結合廣泛且多樣性的產品選擇,囊括電競主機、水冷散熱全系列零組件、數位&類比電源供應器等,以貫徹提供全球熱愛高端電競水冷系統的廣大消費族群的需求與期盼!身為水冷散熱科技領導者,曜越不僅專注於尖端電競水冷主機與配件的研發,憑藉對細節的考究為品質把關,更悉心深知選購專業電競系統的各項需求,包括:支援VR虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)遊戲的高階電競系統、各類型電競主機改裝,以及可依照顧客的需求提供量身打造的個人化服務,以嚴謹完備的程序,更能確保產品資訊的真實性完全符合期待。此外,TT Premium全系列產品皆以「高級質感、獨特設計、多樣組合及無限創意」四大核心價值打造而成,誓言要帶給全球客戶最專業的頂尖電腦配備。『曜越TT Premium高階水冷電競主機改裝平台』全球電商網絡,遍佈美國、歐洲、澳洲、台灣及大陸等五大市場,承諾給予隨時隨地的銷售服務體驗。 TT Premium全球網絡:http://ttpremium.com
6 ~ 10 applicants