Foreign English Teacher for Public, Private, and Cram schools (all cities)
10/14 Updated
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 60,000~90,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

What to expect:
1. Foreign English teachers are only allowed up to 32 teaching hours a week
2. Foreign English teachers must have at least 14 teaching hours a week
3. For public and registered private schools, teachers may be expected to supervise student clubs.
4. Teaching contracts are usually for a year with a bonus for staying on for an additional year.
5. In Taiwan, employers cover part of employee labor and health insurance.
6. Teaching opportunities are mostly for students ranging from kindergarten to high school. The younger the students, the higher the demand there is for foreign English teachers.
Legal requirements to teach English in Taiwan:
For Cram schools:
1. Must be over 20 years old
2. Must be from a country where the official language is English
3. Must possess a bachelor’s degree or an associates degree in combination with an English teaching certificate
4. Must have a clean criminal record
For Public schools and other registered schools:
1. Must be from a country where the official language is English
2. Must possess a government-issued teaching license
3. Must have a degree in Education, English, or other related fields.
3.2 Teachers with other degrees are required to have other teaching licenses such as TESOL 120 or TEFL 120.
4. Must have a clean criminal record
Some requirements may be waived for certain teachers, or teachers with APRC, Gold Cards, or other forms of open work permits.
What schools look for in Teachers:
1. Teaching takes a lot of Energy, and schools look for teachers who can keep students engaged throughout the class
2. Schools prefer team players and strong communicators who can work closely with other teachers, provide/take suggestions where necessary, and be flexible with teaching styles.
3. Schools value teachers who prepare. Teachers are expected to prepare for classes by creating lesson plans before each class. Some schools provide teachers with lesson plans that must be strictly followed.
4. Schools look for teachers who can evaluate teaching progress. Teachers are expected to give students homework and exams that help students review what they have learned and identify where they are falling short in their learning.
5. Schools prefer teachers who care. In addition to writing report cards, teachers are sometimes expected to communicate with parents too.
6. Schools highly value teachers who can do more than just teach. Teachers are expected to help out with English events as well as summer camps, or student enrollment events.
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Language Tutoring Teachers
Tutoring School Teacher/Manager
Secondary Education Teachers
公司簡介 杜威海外教育股份有限公司成立於2001年,創辦人深受美國教育家杜威博士之實用哲學理念啟發,取名為「杜威」,以成為全球語言教育資源的提供者為目標,致力於提供語言整合教育服務。 【杜威成立】 成立之初,杜威由海外語言教育顧問起家,經過多個年頭努力經營,累積上萬名會員基礎,並誠心協助上千名莘莘學子出國一圓出國夢,在遊留學市場上站有一席之地。除歐洲、美加、紐澳等留遊學業務,也提供各種出國打工實習的諮詢服務。 成立隔年,因應市場需求,杜威隨即開展外籍教師各項相關業務。自此服務對象由個人延伸至組織團體,為廣大的語言教育單位(如:各級學校、補教機構等)提供專業外籍教師輔導顧問服務,從招募流程、教育訓練、系統化管理與成效評核等流程,皆有完整的流程規劃,目前已是外師市場的領導品牌。 【成長的轉捩點】 自2006年開始,杜威開始承接執行全台各縣市政府的英語教育專案,其中包含規劃執行全台灣第一座桃園英語村的方案,是全台最早擁有英語村實際執行經驗的顧問公司,近年來也積極協助各縣市政府推廣雙語化的消費環境並輔導超過150家店家通過英語服務認證,至今已執行全台超過40餘件學校英語教育方案。 隔年,為提供廣大消費者更具成本效益的(cost-effective)英語學習模式,遂投入開發菲律賓遊學業務,推廣在菲律賓一對一學習與吃住全包式的服務,目前是全台最主要的菲律賓遊學顧問公司,更是菲律賓觀光局唯一認證之代辦及合作機構。 【突破與創新】 09年杜威以「外師動態媒合服務系統」通過經濟部商業司創新服務研發專案補助,以精準的媒合流程及系統化管理,為外語教學單位在外籍老師的招募、管理及訓練上節省時間與人力,同時以業界首創的雙認證機制,奠定杜威於外師市場的品牌知名度與價值。 此外,為回應科技發展趨勢、打破語言學習的時空藩籬,杜威積極導入線上語言學習系統,整合數位學習概念與網路管理平台,提供更彈性、更輕鬆的語言學習模式。 隔年,杜威線上外語學院成立,推出自有品牌HI家教並於海外獨資設立專業語言教學研發中心,以提供專業的教學整合服務。 杜威成長的腳步是不間斷的,除了線上英語,杜威更積極開發線上多國外語,除熱門的日韓語等第二外語,也投入開發線上歐洲語(德、法、義、西語)、線上亞洲語(華語、泰國與、越語)。目前已是獨步全台,同時擁有線上多國外語的專業語言學習機構。 【投入公益領域.善盡企業社會公民責任(CSR)】 杜威除了積極投入全球語言教育服務的經營,更積極投入社會公益活動,協助中華德人多元家庭教育發展協會運用公司外籍師資與各項資源,到偏遠地區,協助弱勢家庭學童辦理美語學習營,藉此讓學童能擁有多元語文刺激,並能持續提升美語學習與運用能力。此外,杜威更秉持著回饋社會的理念,長期捐款贊助德人協會,以行動關心、幫助偏鄉弱勢學童。 【外籍英文家教 全球據點分佈】 杜威目前在亞洲設有四個營運據點,總公司位於台中市,在台北,桃園,新竹與高雄分別設有遊學與外師顧問辦公室,並於海外設有專業語言教學研發中心,與全球數百所語言教育機構長期合作,目前全球工作夥伴近百人。
0 ~ 5 applicants