健身中心接待 Health Club Host (持有救生員證照津貼$5,000/月)
10/17 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 32,000+


Work Experience

Job Description

At Hotel Indigo® we deliver inspired service. In all we do, we are vibrant, curious and original.
Responsible for maintain the pool, Jacuzzi and gym area meet standard. Providing warm welcome, efficient and personable service for each guest during all encounters.
確保戲水池, 熱水按摩池與健身房按照品牌規範運作。熱情的歡迎每位客人,並提供高效率個人化的服務。
• Provide a warm welcome to guest for every visit and assisting with any request.
• 歡迎每一位客人並協助完成他們的需求。
• Keep the facilities clean and tidy all the time with ample supplies of amenities.
• 確保所有設施乾淨整齊且備品充足。
• Keep pool and Jacuzzi area clean. Monitor water quality record it accordingly.
• 維持泳池及熱水按摩池的整潔。監測水質並確實記錄。
• Monitor safety of guests at pool and Jacuzzi area at all times.
• 隨時注意客人於泳池及熱水按摩池的安全。
• Ensure sufficient towels are available for guest use and setup correctly.
• 確保毛巾數量足夠提供客人使用,並正確擺設。
• Identify any possible safety concerns and report them immediately to supervisor/manager.
• 發現任何安全問題立即向主管/經理回報。
• Ensure supervisor is notified when you leave the pool area.
• 如需長時間離開泳池區域請通知主管安排人力看顧現場。
• Maintains intimate knowledge of departmental standards and procedures
• 詳細瞭解部門標準及程式。
• Be familiar with the lift workings and emergency stairs
• 熟悉電梯的運作及酒店緊急通道。
• Provide information to guests about the hotel facilities and services
• 為客人提供有關酒店設施及服務的資訊。
• Assist guests with all inquiries, both hotel and non-hotel related
• 回答客人有關酒店及非酒店的問題。
• Maintain detailed knowledge of the activities of the day and alert to any potential problems
• 詳細瞭解酒店日常活動,警惕潛在問題。
• Consult Log Book for information/request left by outgoing shift
• 查看前一個值班在記事薄裡留下的資訊。
• Help other employees in department, replacing them temporarily when necessary
• 必要時幫助其他員工工作。
• Support rotate bellman when pool is closed.
• 當泳池關閉時,輪替行李員職務。
• Perform other duties as maybe assigned by superiors
• 完成上級分配的其他工作
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Hotel Staff
洲際酒店集團(Intercontinental Hotels Group)在全世界擁有眾多各具特色的品牌,提供匠心獨具的服務,滿足各式賓客的真正需求。我們的願景是秉持著「以善為本,以誠待客」的中心思想,致力於打造「誠摯的待客之道」。 作為洲際酒店集團的靈感大使,耳目一新的鄰間文化是英迪格酒店的品牌靈魂,全球的每一間英迪格酒店與當地的特色文化緊密相連,每一處皆展現與眾不同的設計,文化風情更吸引旅客探索解讀。我們的每一位靈感大使則秉持著Be Vibrant, Be Curious, Be Orginal,充滿活力且保有好奇心培養創新思維,給予顧客發自內心富於靈感的親切服務,帶著賓客一探鄰間文化其中的意涵。
0 ~ 5 applicants