【Taiwan Mobile Internship】IT Tech Genius Internship Program
10/11 Updated
Partially Remote
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Hourly WageNT$ 200~300


Work Experience

Job Description

Taiwan Mobile launched "Tech Genius Cultivation Internship Program" and is now actively recruiting interns. Candidates of any nationality are welcome, and internship periods are not limited to summer or winter vacations. The internship can be conducted both online and offline (in-person), and during the internship period, a dedicated mentor will guide you through hands-on work to learn practical industry frameworks. This will allow you to connect with the industry and become a technology elite leading the Web 3 movement. Come and join us to Open Possible and embark on a new chapter in your life.
[Job Responsibility]
After receiving resumes, HR will assist in matching the following four positions:
System Development:
■ Participate in system development: start-up technology services, AI visual research and development, audio and video visual research and development, digital transformation research and development, speech recognition, cloud service research and development, information security research and development, BNPL payment services, cryptocurrency, massive data analysis.
Data Modeling:
■ NLP word segmentation dataset processing.
■ AI multi-label classification modeling technology.
■ Labeling user characteristics and brand preferences to assist customers with accurate marketing.
System Testing:
■ NoSQL/Database testing program writing, data migration, and performance testing.
■ Testing and program writing for management backend functions, APIs, service websites, and application service apps.
M+ Innovation Module Development:
■ Optional team small games, conference AI image processing, etc
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
flexible time slots
Leave Policy
Job Category
Software Engineer
Internet Programmer
迎接 5G 新時代,台灣大哥大於 2020 年進行品牌再造,並於 7 月 1 日5G正式開台,揭示企業全新品牌核心精神「Open Possible 能所不能」,透過想像力、科技力、行動力、連結力,與感動力,讓用戶能所不能;另一方面,台灣大與生態系盟友打造多時的「超5G應用」,包括智慧球場、智慧倉儲、雲端遊戲等逐一登場,並與眾多大廠籌組AI國家隊,承接台灣AI雲的營運業務,同時深耕物聯網領域,集結超過百家國內外廠商共組「物聯網大生態圈」,領先業界發展出符合產業與消費者需求的從個人、家庭到城市智慧生活的物聯網應用。 加速超5G策略 轉型新世代網路科技公司 台灣大哥大於1997年2月25日設立,經歷2G、3G、4G數位化的蛻變,是台灣第一家率先宣告轉型成為新世代網路科技公司的電信業者,並以「T.I.M.E」Telecom(電信)、Internet(網路)、Media & Entertainment (媒體&娛樂)、E-Commerce (電子商務)等四大產業多角化經營,陸續推出M+ Messenger、MyVideo、MyMusic、myfone購物、MySports、Smarter Home智慧家庭、遊戲經營等新創服務;其中,影視音串流服務不論在客戶數或營收上,都較競業為佳,更是台灣唯一代理Riot Games遊戲的電信業者。台灣大哥大也以「超5G 策略」,整合台媒有線媒體集團、台灣電商第一品牌「momo購物」以及創業加速器「AppWorks之初創投」等集團企業(Group),善用台灣大的「大數據」天賦(Gift),以長期思維(Grit)發展超5G生態系,並持續以愛人類、愛地球(Green)的永續經營概念,朝大東南亞級企業(Greater South East Asia)邁進。 整合集團資源 致力推動永續發展 身為台灣ICT產業代表之一的台灣大哥大,也積極整合企業核心能力及資源,持續關注17項聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs),全方位實踐各項誠信治理、環境友善及社會參與計畫,並多次獲世界最大減碳組織CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project)評選最高等級「A」企業,更數度榮登最高等級「世界指數」(DJSI World)肯定,為企業的八大利害關係人帶來最大價值與美好生活
6 ~ 10 applicants