*️⃣【正職名額|全球前十大外商銀行】HR Specialist 人資專員 / 年薪享16~18個月 / 可接觸到招募及教育訓練領域|BIS_233
9/18 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

【Job Description】
• Design and implement the overall recruiting strategy and processes.
• Handle the end-to-end Workday recruitment process.
• Responsible for the off-boarding process.
• Identify, attract and engage potential candidates by using databases or job bank.
• Conduct interviews and identify qualified candidates within schedule.
• Act as a point of contact and build influential relationships with candidates and hiring managers during the selection process.
• Prepare offer letter, background check, onboarding documents as well as coordinate and deliver new hire introduction for staff.
• Collect new hires onboarding documents and maintain new hires' E-filing folder as well as hard copy of the document (P-file).
• Process new hires related expense payment (e.g. new hire medical check-up and hunter fee) and documentation.
• Coordinate the implementation of branch mandatory training, personal effectiveness/leadership training and language programs.
• Prepare training logistics, such as venue reservation, meal ordering, training material preparation, training fee payment, training record maintenance and so on.
• Distribute external training information and learning related communications to managers and employees.
• Act as a local point of contact to support the implementation of regional learning and development initiatives at the branch level, such as communicating the launch of regional L&D programs, facilitating nomination for regional training programs, confirming the charge of regional training fees, reporting issues of learning management system (LMS) and so on.
• Support other HR related activities, such as culture/team building coordination, employee communication.
• Manage probation process, including probation notice distribution, follow-ups and probation extension process.
Other HR related support:
• Support HR projects as assigned.
• University graduate and above with at least 2~3 years of HR related work experience.
• Proven work experience in Recruitment and/or Training is a must; recent Workday experience especially in recruiting module is preferred.
• Strong interpersonal and communication skills to deal effectively and courteously with others.
• Good attention to detail and organization skills.
• Computer literacy (MS Office applications).
• Strong understanding of local labor laws and regulations.
• Proficient in English is a must.
▲【歡迎寄送履歷至信箱】: Tim.chen@adecco.com
▲【歡迎私訊|Linkedin】: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-chen-682854144/
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Human Resource Personnel
Human Resources Assistant
Education and Training Specialist
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6 ~ 10 applicants