HR_Talent Acquisition (Sr.) Manager (Bora Pharmaceutical Group)
10/4 Updated
Executive Level
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Job Summary:
Talent Acquisition Manager is responsible for the full recruitment cycle and develop talent acquisition strategy to meet organization and business needs. The ideal candidate is responsible for employer branding, campus relation management and manage a variety of sourcing channels including social media and outsourcing agents and third-party recruitment agencies.
• Collaborate with Site HR Leaders and hiring managers to identify their specific staffing requirements and workforce planning.
• Develop innovative and result-oriented sourcing strategies to attract qualified candidates.
• Build and maintain a strong talent pipeline to ensure a consistent flow of potential candidates for future opening positions.
• Create and build the talent acquisition strategy to multi-sites in Taiwan, including CDMO business of small-molecule and large-molecule, along with from Commercial and Generic business.
• Leverage external searching firms to broaden talent channels/ external search resources at the region.
• Manage recruitment quality to achieve efficient result of quality hiring in a timely manner.
• Establish a proactive approach to review internal talent pool and ensure each site’s positions are sufficient fulfilled.
• Experience in pharmaceutical and biological industry would be a plus.
• 10+ years' experiences specialize in Talent Acquisition, from a MNC would be preferred.
• Proven tracking records of past recruitment results in promoting employer branding and talent acquisition projects.
• Conversant in leveraging social media platforms for promoting purposes.
• Good communication skill both in Chinese and English
• Excellent presentation, analytical, problem solving, and organizational skills.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Interviewing Skills
Execution of Daily Recruitment Operations
Recruitment System Design
Salary Negotiation
Knowledge of Human Resources
具備人力資源相關知識 面試技巧 招募任用制度設計 執行日常招募業務 薪資談判
Job Category
Human Resource Personnel
Human Resources Manager
保瑞集團(Bora Group)擁有國際化的領導團隊、專業的藥業行銷與經銷經驗,以及具備世界級製藥技術的實力。成立至今,深耕台灣,計畫性地發展研發、代工生產、經銷代理等各大事業主軸,一步一腳印的成長至今日的跨國集團規模。我們在台灣、加拿大和美國擁有10座符合國際認證(FDA、Health Canada、MHRA、PICS GMP、HACCP)的生產廠房,具備最先進的儀器設備,提供自藥品研發、生產製造、檢驗測試、申請核准、認證登記到包裝運送等全面性客製化的委託開發暨生產製造服務。 目前代工與自有生產藥品已行銷全球超過100個國家,包含美洲、歐洲、東南亞及中東等國,成為台灣醫藥製劑登陸各國市場的重要橋樑。 保瑞藥業股份有限公司(Bora Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.)成立於2007年,2017年4月19日正式於中華民國證券櫃台買賣中心掛牌交易(股票代號6472)。旗下台灣公司包括專長CDMO小分子錠劑、膠囊和眼藥的益邦製藥(股)公司[Bora Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc.]和景德製藥(股)公司[Bora Pharmaceuticals Ophthalmic Inc.]、專注CDMO大分子生物藥品的保瑞生技(股)公司[Bora Biologics Co., Ltd.]、以學名藥研發製造為主的保盛藥業(股)公司[TWi Pharmaceuticals, Inc.]、和以保健產品研發/製造/經銷/代理及藥品經銷/代理為主的晨暉生物科技(股)公司[Sunway Biotech Co., Ltd.] 和保瑞聯邦(股)公司[Bora Health Inc.] 。 近年來我們不僅在台灣深耕製程與研發等核心技術,亦在美國等地設立辦公室,提供國際合作夥伴更即時及貼近市場的跨國研發、製造及經銷等服務,同時也多方延攬跨國人才。秉持開放、尊重專業且關懷同仁的理念,我們招募各國優秀菁英,將人才視為公司的重要資產,除為了同仁規劃能發揮適才適所的舞台外,並提供完善的升遷管道、集團內跨單位歷練、在職專業課程訓練等,展現保瑞重視人才所投注的資源與努力。我們期待產業菁英加入保瑞,與我們攜手朝向全球領導品牌的目標邁進。 一直以來,【以人為本、尊重專業】便深植於保瑞的企業文化,我們選擇做對的事,而非容易的事,所以堅持原則、沒有妥協;我們尊重彼此的專業,以如何提供最優質的產品為原則,進行跨部門的溝通與合作;我們的積極、堅持與貢獻,是因為每個保瑞人都有著身為製藥產業崗位上的那份使命,驅動著我們不斷成長。【Bora STAR】是保瑞集團(Bora Group)的企業核心精神: ☆ Solve problems first 對事不對人。 ☆ To do the right thing 做對的事而非容易的事。 ☆ Always be proactive 自動自發。 ☆ Respect everyone 互相尊重。
0 ~ 5 applicants