Import & Product Registration Assistant Manger / Supervisor
10/8 Updated
Senior Level
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

1. Ensure compliance for importing into Taiwan, including pre-checking the feasibility of importing and checking product labels.
2. Manage product registration and testing processes for various products, such as cosmetics, medical devices, electronic devices, toys, foods and food containers.
3. Verify and select appropriate Harmonized System (HS) codes for the products to make sure correctness and smooth import process.
4. Support on customs clearance for imported goods in Taiwan if needed upon providing import knowledge.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Import and Export Regulations
Customs Regulations
Export Customs Clearance
Export Price Calculation
Trade Document Preparation
Import and Export Process Control
Import and Export Goods Inspection
Import and Export Customs Clearance Management
Familiarity with Import and Export Business
Basic Concepts of International Trade
Customer Information Update and Maintenance
Customer Complaint Handling
Order/Management Report Creation
進出口相關法令 關務相關法規 出口貨物報關 出口價格核算 貿易單據製作 進出口作業流程控管 進出口貨物查驗 進出口報關管理 熟悉進出口業務 國際貿易基本概念 客戶資料更新維護 客訴案件處理 訂單╱管理報表製作
Job Category
International Trade Specialist
Shipping / Customs Clearance Personnel
Bonded Personnel
本公司成立於民國 65 年,為一個具有 40 多年歷史之績優出口貿易商,於中國大陸(四處)、香港、泰國、越南、馬來西亞及美國(三處)、加拿大、墨西哥等地設有分支機構。分別從事貨源開發、業務拓展、產品設計等業務,主要市場為歐洲、北美洲之超級市場連鎖店、折扣商、倉庫式大賣場、連鎖藥店及郵購等。 本公司多年來業績均穩定成長,對有志從事國際貿易之人才是一個極佳之發展機會。 我們是一家創新的產品開發和消費品分銷公司,致力於與合作夥伴共同引領開發、生產和銷售獨特產品和計劃。我們推出新穎原創產品,進行深入設計合作,擁有專用大型工廠矩陣,透過購買力聚合實現競爭性採購,並提供一流的包裝和美術設計。憑藉嚴格的合規和卓越的品質保證準則,我們遵循所有美國和國際測試規範。這使我們能夠通過直接進口或國內分銷向客戶提供商品。我們致力於在信任、創意和團隊合作蓬勃發展的環境中持續成功。 我們的一切以創新為靈感,以價值為基礎。 Founded in 1976, our company is a well-established export trading firm with over 40 years of experience. We have branch offices in mainland China (four locations), Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the United States (three locations), Canada, and Mexico. Our business encompasses sourcing, sales expansion, and product design, primarily serving supermarket chains, discount stores, warehouse clubs, drugstore chains, and mail-order businesses in Europe and North America. With steady growth over the years, our company offers excellent career opportunities for those aspiring to work in international trade.
0 ~ 5 applicants