International Sales
10/14 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

【Job Description】
1. Explore potential clients through various channels, establish new accounts, develop new markets, and plan and execute sales strategies.
2. Schedule appointments, promote products and services, make presentations, understand clients' requirements, and collaborate with internal teams.
3. Establish and cultivate positive business relationships, ensuring client satisfaction through relationship maintenance and problem-solving.
4. Conduct cross-functional team communication to achieve sales targets and meet clients' requirements, while assisting in escorting product production/development and coordinating with internal teams.
5. Track and resolve payment issues and provide after-sales services.
6. Participate in international exhibitions and reach out to leads through call-calling.
【Additional Requirements】
1. Experience in medical or dental field, strong communication skills (English base, Multilingual ability is preferred.)
2. Strong business acumen with negotiation and networking skills.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Job task/performance item allocation
Achieving performance goals
Customer Information Update and Maintenance
Business or Channel Development
Sales Target Allocation and Performance Achievement
Sales and Management Report Writing
Advertising Sales Ability
Customer Information Collection
Customer Complaint Handling
Product Introduction and Explanation Sales
工作任務╱業績項目分配 業績目標達成 客戶資料更新維護 業務或通路開發 業績目標分配與績效達成 業績與管理報表撰寫 廣告業務銷售能力 客戶情報蒐集 客訴案件處理 產品介紹及解說銷售
Job Category
International Sales
International Sales Supervisor
Medical Sales Representative
SMILDEN Group 旭達生技集團 運用數位科技打造您美麗的笑容! 一群以 IT 理工背景為主的團隊,於 2009 年因緣際會以氧化鋯電漿 PLASMA SPRAY 專利技術踏入牙科白色叢林, 秉持著對人生冒險實踐的熱誠與永不放棄的精神, 陸續完成了機械、電機、電腦繪圖工程、 超精密加工、異質材料、牙體技術、口腔醫學等專業的整合,以不斷進化的團隊聞名而在牙科領域中快速成長茁壯. 旭達生技是台灣唯一擁有 Dental Milling Center、In-House Dental Laboratory、Dental CAD/CAM system integrator及培訓中心的數位牙科整合企業. 為丹麥3Shape, 德國vhf, 瑞士StraumannGroup, Shining 3D先臨三維等多家國際大廠在台的獨家總代理或策略合作夥伴. 2018年旭達生技受台北醫學大學口腔醫學院邀請, 與台北醫學大學於北市基隆路大安校區內設立合資公司, 展開數位牙科深度產學合作研究計畫, 致力於醫師, 臨床, 數位牙技的教學培訓與整合服務. 成為牙科領域標竿企業之一. 我們提供牙科醫師豐富完整的 CAD/CAM 軟硬體設備與服務,透過無數臨床案例建立Digital Work Flow 及 Treatment Plan。除了深耕台灣市場, 我們也積極擴展國際布局,於加拿大, 美國, 及歐洲等地成立分支機構. 3Shape Academy Taiwan 丹麥尚普台灣培訓學院 藉由無數臨床案例與經驗,我們不僅承辦 3Shape A/S Academy 帶給醫師更多的國際名師課程,更努力將先進 CAD/CAM 科技整合成為您日常運營都可穩定實現的 work flow 及 knowledge。 稼動您的數位設備,創建運營價值是我們的永續經營之道。 SMILE ORIGIN 微笑源起數位培訓中心 由旭達生技自建佔地150 坪專為數位牙科培訓打造的Hands-On培訓中心, 完全以使用者角度為出發點設計, 為台灣牙醫師提供數位牙科Hands-On學習的專業空間. 總結起來, 我們是: *2011年就投入8000萬元以上發展數位牙科的公司 *臺北醫學大學唯一邀請合資合作的牙科企業 *台灣唯一擁有多項國際一線CAD/CAM品牌代理權, 數位Lab, 美學Lab, 全口重建, 隱形矯正, In-house技轉輸出等, 多位一體的牙科集團 *少數擁有健全內部創業機制的企業 *勇於持續探索任何牙科新世界的熱情團隊
11 ~ 30 applicants