Project Manager, Operation/ 專案經理
10/16 Updated
Senior Level
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

【About us】
VICI Holdings is seeking a Project Manager to lead projects and ensure their smooth and successful execution.
This role involves coordinating internal communications with the hardware, software, and server teams, as well as managing external communications with brokers.
【Why join us】
- We are a leader in high-frequency trading and market-making, utilizing cutting-edge FPGA technology, and we' re continuing to expand. If you're seeking a platform to explore and make a meaningful impact, we believe we offer one of the best opportunities in the market.
- Our leadership is open-minded, embraces diverse perspectives, and fosters a flexible, people-centric work culture.
- As a Project Manager, we hope you will bring innovative ideas and help us implement strategies that drive continuous improvement.
We emphasize professional growth, encourage continuous learning, and provide opportunities to work on impactful projects. If you're looking to advance your career in a collaborative, fast-paced setting, VICI Holdings is the place for you.
【Roles/ Responsibilities】
- Lead and coordinate cross-departmental projects, ensuring timely execution and delivery while tracking progress.
- Manage project documentation, including requirement documents, meeting minutes, and other relevant materials, ensuring information is complete and accurate.
- Organize and conduct project meetings, fostering efficient collaboration with team members through excellent communication skills.
- Set up and maintain project management tools to enhance project management efficiency and effectiveness.
【Candidate Requirements】
• Project Manager with over 3 years of relevant work experience.
• Demonstrates strong project execution skills with a deep understanding of project management processes.
• Detail-oriented, with excellent tracking and time management abilities to ensure projects proceed as planned.7
• Exceptional communication skills, capable of coordinating and collaborating efficiently with team members. Values teamwork while also possessing the ability to solve problems independently.
• Proactive and eager to learn, with a commitment to continuous development and growth in project management capabilities
【Other Requirement】
• Fluency in English is essential, both written and spoken, for managing overseas projects
• Knowledge of network-related equipment architecture.
• Experience with project management tools, such as Jira.
VICI Holdings 正在尋找一位項目經理來領導項目,並確保其順利和成功地執行。
- 我們是高頻交易和做市領域的領導者,運用最先進的FPGA技術,並且不斷擴展。如果您正在尋找一個可以探索並產生有意義影響的平台,我們相信我們提供的是市場上最好的機會之一。
- 我們的領導層具有開放的思維,接受多元化的觀點,並營造靈活且以人為本的工作文化。
- 作為項目經理,我們期望您能帶來創新的想法,並幫助我們實施推動持續改進的策略。
我們強調專業成長,鼓勵持續學習,並提供參與有影響力項目的機會。如果您希望在一個協作且快節奏的環境中提升自己的職業生涯,VICI Holdings 將是您的理想之選。
- 領導並協調跨部門項目,確保按時執行和交付,同時跟蹤項目進展。
- 管理項目文檔,包括需求文檔、會議記錄及其他相關材料,確保信息完整準確。
- 組織並主持項目會議,通過出色的溝通技巧促進團隊成員之間的高效協作。
- 設置並維護項目管理工具,以提高項目管理的效率和效果。
• 擁有3年以上相關工作經驗的項目經理。
• 展示出色的項目執行能力,對項目管理流程有深入理解。
• 注重細節,具備優秀的跟蹤和時間管理能力,確保項目按計劃進行。
• 卓越的溝通能力,能夠高效協調和合作,重視團隊合作,同時具備獨立解決問題的能力。
• 積極主動,渴望學習,並致力於項目管理能力的持續發展和成長。
• 流利的英語聽說讀寫能力,能夠管理海外項目。
• 具備網絡相關設備架構的知識。
• 具備使用項目管理工具(如Jira)的經驗。
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Project time/schedule management
Project planning execution/scope management
Project communication/integration management
Project management structure and project documentation
Negotiation skills
專案時間╱進度控管 專案規劃執行╱範圍管理 專案溝通╱整合管理 專案管理架構及專案說明 協商談判能力
Job Category
Project Manager
Software Project Manager
Other Project Managers
創辦人專注於高頻交易十多餘年,於2015年創立 VICI Holdings 威旭資訊,以台灣為基地,延攬金融與科技業的頂尖人才加入,積極研究最新的技術,持續拓展全球交易市場,追求永續高成長。 VICI Holdings 威旭資訊是一間專注於高頻交易、造市及套利交易的公司,我們進行量化研究並追求更好的交易策略。擁有領先全台的軟體研發團隊,並具備華爾街等級的FPGA設計技術,據此打造低延遲全自動交易系統;同時,交易策略橫跨股票、期貨及衍生性商品,且每日全球交易市值達數百億台幣。 我們以人為本,提供開放且自由的工作環境,讓夥伴可以專注於研究與創新,同時,透明且扁平化的組織架構,讓所有人都可以在組織裡發聲並發揮潛能。 歡迎到LinkedIn追蹤我們的更多訊息:https://www.linkedin.com/company/vici-holdings 【今周刊】創辦人專訪: https://www.businesstoday.com.tw/article/category/183034/post/202406210018/ 【馬力歐陪你喝一杯】創辦人Podcast訪談:https://www.thenewslens.com/article/199293 【科技新報】報導:https://pse.is/4cqujm 【數位時代】報導:https://lnkd.in/gW8bvcPE 威旭資訊有限公司(以下稱本公司)近期發現,有不肖人士冒用本公司名義於網路上招攬民眾私募基金投資理財。 本公司從未於網路社團成立投資群組,亦不會透過社交軟體私訊。 為避免社會大眾遭受不肖人士之欺詐,並維護本公司之清譽,特此聲明,本公司從未透過任何管道向民眾提供投資訊息。盼大眾切勿相信不實資訊,且若發現任何相關可疑或不明管道之訊息,請儘速向警政署反詐騙專線165或警察機關請求協助,以免權益受損。
6 ~ 10 applicants