【KOI國際總部】 儲備區域經理 (外派亞太區) Management Trainee : Area Manager (Asia-Pac) ★ 培訓薪資上看7萬 ★ 全球直營No.1茶飲 ★ 正式外派薪資再跳升
9/7 Updated
English Required
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 55,000~77,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

★配合管理層需求優化SOP 與營運培訓材料,以簡化流程,提高效率。
★其他有薪假: 病假、婚假、產假、產檢假、陪產假、喪假。
【Job Description】
★Oversee the daily store operations and its manpower planning.
★Complete intensive operational training at designated outlets within specific timeline, with shift required.
★Hire, train, motivate and manage the team to achieve the best results.
★Responsible for admin duties in the outlet including but not limited to inventory management, sales forecast, invoices consolidation, generate reports such as sales report or costing report and attend management meetings.
★Assist management team to streamline operations SOP and training materials with management targets to ensure accuracy and high productivity of outlet operations.
★Execute quality control procedures to ensure product quality and stability.
★Conduct monthly inventory checks in operating equipment and supplies.
★Work closely with relevant personnel at all levels by maintaining an effective communication, to ensure smooth execution of various activities/promotions.
★Ensure smooth operations of the store with compliance to product quality, hygiene & safety standards.
★Appraise employees for their performance regularly and provide feedback to improve performance.
★Involve in investigation of issues relating to customer feedback on service and product quality.
★To maintain a sound knowledge of the menu and presentation standards for food and drinks.
★Ensure that the handover, closing and opening procedures are complete in each shift.
★Perform other duties/tasks as required.
【Expatriate Benefits】
★Competitive salary in international job markets
★Operations bonuses
★Medical insurance
★Location allowance
★Housing allowance
★Home travel allowance
★Tax rebate
★Annual health check-up
★Annual leave: 10-30 days
★Other paid leave: sick leave, marriage leave, maternity leave, pregnancy checkup leave, paternity leave, compassionate leave.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Departmental manpower cost control
Job task/performance item allocation
Cultivating personnel career development
Crisis and issue management
Department performance goal management
部門人力成本控制 工作任務╱業績項目分配 培育人員職涯發展 危機與議題管理 部門績效目標管理
Job Category
Management Associate
Store Manager/Sales Floor Manager
Chain Store Management Staff
【集團簡介】 KOI 集團為台灣中區 50 嵐的關係企業,旗下有KOI Thé , KOI Thé Express, KOI PLUS, TOTOI TOAST貴吐司、FIFTYLAN...等系列品牌,創立於 2006 年的 KOI,源起於環遊世界的夢想,每每旅遊到一個異鄉,總會想念家鄉的茶,日後便習慣帶著茶葉出遊,在夏威夷、在東京、在澳州...,不知不覺,築起了珍珠奶茶還遊世界的夢,希望未來在世界各地,讓喜愛喝茶的人,能因見到KOI而感到歡喜與感動。 至今,全球有500+家直營門市,遍布在台灣、中國、港澳、日本、新加坡、印尼、柬埔寨、越南、泰國、馬來西亞、美國、杜拜、菲律賓、孟加拉...等,新市場持續拓展中。
11 ~ 30 applicants