【AI團隊】演算法工程師 Algorithm Engineer(LLM)_台北
10/14 Updated
Senior Level
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

1.開發後端 API 服務提供功能調用
1.有Prompt Engineer 以及 RAG 增進 LLM 答覆能力等相關經驗。
2.有LangChain 架構,連接外部工具以及語言模型等相關經驗。
5.有Django 與 Django REST framework 架設後端 API 服務等相關經驗。
6.有向量資料庫 Faiss 或者 OpenSearch 等相關經驗。
7.有Docker container 等容器化技術等相關經驗
- 人際溝通能力:必須能夠與不同工作職務和不同特質的人相處融洽、與團隊合作無間
- 高度團隊意識:願意以團隊目標為優先,同時也尊重團隊夥伴有不同的意見
- 邏輯思辨能力:能夠快速分析每個執行方案的優缺點、可行的替代方案
- 自主學習能力:積極主動學習相關產業的domain know-how及工作上所需技能
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Software Engineering Development
Software Programming
軟體工程系統開發 軟體程式設計
Job Category
Software Engineer
Algorithm Engineer
昕力資訊股份有限公司成立於2005年,現階段員工人數約550人;提供金融保險業、電信業、製造業等領域相關解決方案與系統建置服務。特別專精於數位金融解決方案,數位銀行、行動支付、行動壽險業務、電子保單、網路銀行等系統,同時掌握跨平台行動App開發以及Big Data大資料應用之趨勢,研發與推廣相關自有軟體「AI智能客服機器人」、 「企業API服務管理平台」 、「 Log集中管理平台 」、 「企業級MongoDB管理系統」等產品。 昕力資訊的技術團隊精通各種軟體工程與開發技術,多年來累積豐富的系統建置經驗,屢以高品質的成果獲得客戶極佳口碑與肯定,並與客戶保持長期且密不可分之合作關係。近年昕力積極拓展台灣以外市場,並設立及持續在地化經營新加坡與越南子公司,積極拓展海外業務與全球區域性市場,積極拓展海外業務與全球區域性市場。 昕力資訊的客戶都是國內外大型企業,在這裡,同仁可以學習到大型系統的分析設計與不同領域扎實的軟體工程實務與應用技能,培養自身的競爭力。我們注重人員成長與持續進步,同時以「服務客戶、展現專業、分享快樂」為公司文化,秉持認真的態度與最佳的服務精神,以最專業的技術與解決方案,追求客戶滿意與公司成長。 昕力提供的不僅是一個工作,而是一個事業發展的平台。透過利潤中心制度我們建構了內部創業的平台,讓所有同仁不單只是領取一份好薪水,更擁有一份屬於自己的事業,以及無限的可能。因此,昕力人更為積極負責、勇於任事,也提供給客戶更高的服務品質並獲得更滿意的回饋。歡迎不甘平凡的您了解昕力,加入我們,一同創造屬於自己的未來! 在新加坡及越南設有子公司,並積極拓展泰國、日本等多地的海外業務,誠摯邀請欲往海外發展的好手加入我們 ! 【Company Introduction】 Want to work in a multi-cultural, inventive, and fun environment? TPIsoftware has been changing the way top tier organizations utilizing software to meet challenges of dynamic demand, we are looking for skilled individual in different fields to join our growing team. Employees are at the heart of our company. We require smart and flexible thinkers for whom have responsible creativity along with a personal commitment to our customers. 【About us】 TPIsoftware was founded in 2005, specializes in creating software solutions and consulting services for leading organizations in finance, insurance, telecommunication, manufacturing and other fields worldwide. Our expertise are in conversational AI, digital banking, mobile banking, mobile payment, electronic insurance policy and etc. By leveraging Artificial Intelligence, Fintech, big data, the latest technologies and continue research/develop our own products, we enable enterprises to rapidly respond to changing markets, innovate business strategies and increase operational efficiency. TPIsoftware is one of the fastest-growing companies in software development with currently 550+ employees. The headquarter is in Taipei, Taiwan, international locations in China, Singapore, Vietnam and customers across APAC. Our team consists of intelligent and creative professionals who are driven by bringing WOW moments to our customers. We distinct from monotonous/traditional software and commit to delivering high quality, well-architected solutions that fit into modern enterprises. TPIsoftware aims to provide not only a job but a platform for career development. Through the profit center system, we encourage internal entrepreneurship, so that all our colleagues will not only gain a good salary, but also have the opportunity to build their own business, and unlimited possibilities. If you are active, responsible, confident in providing customers with higher service quality and acquiring a substantial reward in return. We welcome you to join us and create your own future!
11 ~ 30 applicants