10/14 Updated
6 ~ 10 applicants

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Hourly WageNT$ 183~183


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Job Category
Data Analyst
鈊象電子成立於1989年11月,於2006年7月12日正式上櫃,為國內唯一具有商用電子遊戲機(Arcade Game)和線上遊戲(Online Game)之領導廠商,擁有全方位遊戲產品線! 鈊象以自有品牌、自主研發為主軸,具備堅強的技術研發以及軟硬體整合能力,並結合產學界,提升國內遊戲產業之技術層次與產品品質,刺激相關遊戲廠商共同投入高階產品之開發,帶動整體數位休閒遊戲產業的發展。 研發能量 商用電子遊戲機(Arcade Game): 專注於台灣、大陸、香港及義大利市場,並積極進軍具潛力的目標市場。未來以創新及創意角度,以新科技融入新娛樂元素,結合觸控螢幕技術與網路連線技術,開發網路連線觸控型遊戲平台及產品,提升遊戲族群更優質的娛樂享受。鈊象公司目前為大中華區商用電子遊戲機領導廠商。獲利穩健,在中國大陸遊戲機市佔率第一。 線上遊戲(Online Game): 以多樣化的產品線持續提高市佔率,並擴大整體市場規模。相較於競爭者有較強的研發能力及營運能力,在研發速度及產品原創性、獨特性、聲光效果等皆具傑出成果。於2004年成立連線休閒遊戲平台『Game淘』,經過多年研發,並於2012年下半年度推出自製遊戲:『西遊釋厄傳』及『藍星戰記』等大作,同時積極擴充手機及網頁遊戲市場。 企業殊榮 ●2004年 榮獲中華民國經濟部中小企業處第十三屆國家磐石獎-卓越中小企業<br> ●2007年 『唯舞獨尊』榮獲經濟部工業局Game Star遊戲之星 年度大賞獎、最佳連線遊戲獎、最佳製作人獎<br> ●2008年 榮獲櫃買中心『公司治理制度評量認證』成果 『遠見雜誌』評選獲利最佳公司前25強(所有上市櫃公司評選)<br> ●2009年 稅後盈餘(EPS)18.96元,穩坐遊戲獲利王寶座<br> ●2010年 『天下雜誌』評選千大企業排名582名;獲利率排名第3名 『遠見雜誌』評選獲利最佳五星級績優企業(所有上市櫃公司評選)<br> ●2011年 榮獲櫃買中心首屆『金桂獎』遴選,並獲得『卓越股東報酬』及『卓越永續經營』兩項獎項 ●2012年 推出首款自製3D動作遊戲『藍星戰記Online』,並榮獲經濟部工業局數位內容產品獎 推出第二款自製3D MMORPG遊戲『西遊釋厄傳Online』 IGS was established in November 1989, was listed in the emerging stock market and soon listed on the stock market officially. In the future, the focus remains to be a top game developer with the following mid/long-term goals: First, to have our share of world's simulator market and to be number one. IGS aims to be the world's top manufacture of games. With faith in its wisdom and strength, IGS believes that the goal is within reach. Second, to provide the best content for online games: IGS has many successful products, which helped cultivated solid RD strength and transplanting technology. Therefore, IGS focuses on the online game market as its new target. In order to become the largest platform provider in Great China area, IGS strives to provide games with best quality and construct an online virtual game center. Third, formation of the best game R&D team. In addition to actively recruiting the best game engineers in Taiwan, IGS aims to establish an overseas satellite RD center as its long-term goal. Having Great China as its core, IGS endeavors to perfect its R&D team and promote it to be an international and world-class RD center. IGS aims to be the flagship game developer within Great China and the world's top game manufacturer. To create the first simulator market of the world, the best online game content providers good quality team. Achievements Winner of The 13th National Award of Outstanding SMEs of the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). Received the accolades of the Annual Achievement Award, Best Online Game Award, and Best Developer Award in the Game Star Awards of the Industrial Development Bureau of the MOEA with the game title We Dancing Online. Successfully certified to the Corporate Governance System Assessment and Accreditation of the Taipei Exchange (TPEx). Selected as one of the Top 25 Best Companies by Global Views Monthly (after a review of all publicly traded companies). Achieved earnings per share (EPS) after tax of NT$ 18.96, achieving the best profitability within the gaming industry. Ranked at the 582nd position in the Top 1,000 Companies by CommonWealth and attaining the 3rd place in profitability. Selected as the Most Profitable 5-Star Companies by Global Views Monthly (after a review of all publicly traded companies) Nominated for the Jinguei Awards of the TPEx, and achieving the 2 prestigious accolades of Excellence in Shareholder Returns and Excellence in Sustainable Management. Released the first 3D action game title of Planet Legend Online that won the Digital Content Product Award of the Industrial Development Bureau of the MOEA. This was followed by the release of the second in-house title of The Journey to The West, a 3D MMORPG game. Received the Digital Content Product Award of the Industrial Development Bureau of the MOEA with the game title OVERTAKE. Received the Shareholder Returns Award in the second Jinguei Awards of the TPEx.
6 ~ 10 applicants