IT Engineer (Helpdesk Engineer)
10/14 Updated
Senior Level
Partially Remote
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

• Provide end user support to resolve issues, keep track of the requests and incidents, analyze trends, and come up with the solution to reduce reoccurrences and enhance productivity using IT Ticketing system.
• Promote Cybersecurity awareness by providing tips or presentations to employees.
• Maintain documentations such as end user support material, technical documentation, and SOPs.
• Support initiatives to deliver new solutions with the IT leadership team, infrastructure team, and application team.
• Support the IT Infrastructure to ensure smooth operation, perform proactive maintenance and health checks on environment and make recommendations.
• Responsibilities include but not limited to corporate offices, data centers, and
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Server Website Management
Basic Operating System Operations
Data Backup and Recovery
Computer Hardware Assembly
IT Equipment Operation and Repair
IT Equipment Environmental Settings
Database System Management and Maintenance
System Architecture Planning and Maintenance
Installation and Maintenance of Network Security Systems
Planning and Management of Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
Planning and Management of Firewalls
Network System Crisis Management
Network Component Installation and Management
Network Construction and Wiring
Network Device Setup and Installation
Network Application Software Operation
伺服器網站管理維護 作業系統基本操作 資料備份與復原 電腦設備裝配 資訊設備操作檢修 資訊設備環境設定 資料庫系統管理維護 系統架構規劃與維護 安裝與維護網路安全系統 規劃與管理入侵防護系統(IPS) 規劃與管理防火牆 網路系統危機管理 網路元件安裝及管理 網路架設佈線 網路設備設定安裝 網路應用軟體操作
Job Category
Other IT Professionals
System Engineer
Network Management Engineer
韋能能源的使命是開發永續且可負擔的再生能源,並加速亞太地區的能源轉型,與所在社區和利益關係人提供永續的經濟、社會及環境價值。截至 2023 年 6 月,韋能能源在亞太地區擁有、開發、建置、商轉、營運、管理的再生能源資產總計 45 GW *,包括陸域風電與太陽能、離岸風電、固定式與移動式儲能專案。韋能能源在亞太地區擁有 964 名員工,共計 86 間辦事處。 韋能能源台灣辦公室自 2015 年成立,已開發、建置、營運七座太陽能電廠,再生能源資產總計 412 MW。在迅速成長的同時,韋能能源秉持著與在地社區共生共存原則,善盡企業社會責任。韋能能源目前在台灣也積極開發離岸風電與儲能系統,發展全方位再生能源與逐步邁向淨零轉型目標。 * 包括處於營運、建設和籌設階段(OCSR)的資產,以及處於不同開發階段的專案。 Our mission is to accelerate the energy transition across the Asia-Pacific region through the development of sustainable and affordable renewable energy solutions that deliver lasting economic, social, and environmental benefits to our host communities and stakeholders. As of December 2022, we own, develop, construct, operate, manage, and commercialise a renewable energy portfolio of Onshore Wind and Solar, Offshore Wind, and Stationary and Transportable Energy Storage projects totalling 43 GW, with an extensive local presence of 964 employees across 86 offices in the Asia Pacific region. Established in 2015, Vena Energy's Taiwan office has developed, built, commissioned, and operated seven solar power plants, totalling 412 MW of renewable energy assets. Committed to corporate social responsibility, Vena Energy is actively developing offshore wind and storage projects in Taiwan, contributing to a comprehensive transition to renewable energy and moving towards the goal of net-zero emissions. For more information, please visit, or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram.
0 ~ 5 applicants