Super Micro Computer, Inc._美超微電腦股份有限公司
Sr. Purchaser Planner -TC24167
9/19 Updated
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Job responsibilities include, but not limited to:
- Plan and purchase material requirements and ensure the flow of materials for ongoing production as well as for new products in development.
- Prepare, review, place department purchasing requisitions.
- Maintain computerized purchasing records and paper filing.
- Monitor and resolve production material shortages.
- Seek, partner, and maintain relationships with reliable outside vendors and suppliers to manage purchase orders based on demand.
- Place order and follow up closely with counterpart CMs to achieve sales demand and fulfillment.
- Monitor and follow up closely with internal and/or CM production schedule to ensure on-time delivery and monitor it for prototype projects.
- Update planning spreadsheets and internal reports regularly.
- Review and monitor inventory levels against sales ratio and sales forecast; respond to changes in sales trend and sales forecast.
- Enter purchase transactions precisely and gather both historical and current data.
- Other projects and tasks may be assigned based on business needs.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Product Manager
Purchasing Staff
Materials Handling
Super Micro Computer, Inc. or Supermicro係全球高效能、高效率伺服器科技與創新的領導廠商,亦是全球專門針對 HPC、資料運算中心、雲端運算、企業 IT、Hadoop / 巨量資料處理及嵌入式系統從最完整到最精簡化綠能運算解決方案的先驅。 Supermicro先進模組化構建式伺服器解決方案 〈 Building Block Solutions〉,其可模組化、可互相相容的元件為其構建出高效節能、最佳化應用、最佳運算等解決方案提供了一個不受擴充限制的先進架構。此先進架構產品線包括伺服器、刀鋒、GPU 系統、工作站、主機板、機箱、電源供應器、儲存技術、網路解決方案、伺服器管理軟體與 SuperRack 機櫃/配件。 架構上的創新包括雙子星 (Twin) 架構、FatTwin™、SuperServer、SuperBlade、MicroCloud、Super Storage Bridge Bay (SBB)、Double-Sided Storage、電池備援電力模組(BBP)、Universal I/O (UIO) 及 WIO 擴充技術,全都可以提供無與倫比的效能與價值。 本公司秉持著提供最佳化、最彈性擴充之新穎技術與最齊全最廣泛之超高性能伺服器產品選擇,能有效為客戶降低總擁有權成本 (TCO),進而成為市場上第一領導品牌的地位。 其系統解決方案涵蓋各種世界上首屈一指複雜的運算需求,例如資料運算中心與雲端運算服務、巨型且具備彈性擴充伺服器中心、用於科學與研究的超級運算叢集、具有複雜計算商業需求〈例如金融證券服務、石油與天然氣勘探、多媒體運算與多媒體娛樂公司〉、工業應用、醫療儀器設備、數位安全監控系統等。 Supermicro結合 20 年以上的先進工程設計經驗與有效生產和整合的專業知識,最先開發並推出於市場的綠色運算解決方案。本公司提倡「 We Keep IT Green 」,運用先進技術,致力於降低電腦科技對環境之負面影響。 Supermicro創立於 1993 年,總部設於加州聖荷西。三大營運中心位於美國矽谷、荷蘭及台灣Supermicro亞太科技園區與物流中心。Supermicro自成立以來,年年均有成長,並持續不斷擴展其全球業務。目前全球員工人數超過4500名,並將持續招募新血。歡迎優秀的人才,一同加入Supermicro的團隊。
0 ~ 5 applicants