Unity 工程師
9/18 Updated
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

1. 以Unity/C#為平台,開發日文,中文及英文版MR/AR/VR人工智慧產品。
2. 構建最先進的混合實境及擴增實境方案,例如用於Mobile AR, Hololens, HTC Vive及手機。
3. 開發及支援高品質、可靠度高的互動性應用。
4. 配合團隊提供數位資產、工作流程及研發的最佳實施架構,並能夠與不同功能團隊配合工作,確保進行的專案能夠及時完成。
5. 對於專案設計流程及工具提出建議及改善方案。
6. Unity 做 IOS/Android 開發。
1. Develop MR/AR/VR AI products in Japanese, Chinese, and English using Unity/C# as the platform.
2. Build cutting-edge mixed reality and augmented reality solutions, such as for Mobile AR, Hololens, HTC Vive, and mobile devices.
3. Develop and support high-quality, reliable interactive applications.
4. Collaborate with the team to provide optimal implementation structures for digital assets, workflows, and R&D, and work effectively with cross-functional teams to ensure projects are completed on time.
5. Suggest and improve project design processes and tools.
6. Use Unity for IOS/Android development.
+++++Be proactive—we love people who are proactive and suggest solutions and improvements in the team's work!+++++
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Software Engineering Development
Software Programming
Network Programming
Database Programming
Database Software Application
軟體工程系統開發 軟體程式設計 網路程式設計 資料庫程式設計 資料庫軟體應用
Job Category
Software Engineer
萬達人工智慧科技股份有限公司 (Wonders.ai Technology Co., Ltd.) 是台灣領先的人工智慧陪伴開發商,於2024年在ChinaJoy獲得最佳產品獎。成立於2017年,總部設在台灣,旨在探索和開發AI解決方案,並提供客製化的AI應用開發和技術服務。公司的業務範圍包括影像辨識、聲音辨識、自然語言處理、大數據分析等領域,並應用於遊戲、智慧導購、智慧城市、金融科技、醫療保健等產業。 Wonders. AI 擁有來自台灣、中國、日本和美國的全球合作夥伴,致力於為企業和消費者提供AI陪伴解決方案。公司專注於開發自有的AI模型和端到端解決方案,以滿足不同客戶的需求。我們致力於透過人工智慧技術的創新和應用,為客戶提供更智能、更高效、更安全的解決方案。 Wonders.ai Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading AI companionship developer in Taiwan, having won the Best Product Award at ChinaJoy 2024. Founded in 2017 and headquartered in Taiwan, the company focuses on exploring and developing AI solutions and providing customized AI application development and technical services. Our business scope includes image recognition, voice recognition, natural language processing, big data analysis, and is applied across various industries such as gaming, smart retail, smart cities, fintech, and healthcare. Wonders.ai has global partners in Taiwan, China, Japan, and the USA, dedicated to providing AI companionship solutions for both enterprises and consumers. The company focuses on developing its own AI models and end-to-end solutions to meet diverse customer needs. We are committed to leveraging AI technology innovations to offer smarter, more efficient, and more secure solutions.
6 ~ 10 applicants