9/30 Updated
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

1. 進行市場研究,尋找潛在客戶和業務機會。
2. 提供客戶解決方案,說明產品或服務如何滿足其需求。
3. 與現有客戶保持密切聯繫,了解他們的滿意度和需求變化。
4. 提供售後服務,解決客戶問題,確保客戶保持忠誠度。
5. 跨部門合作溝通,追蹤訂單狀態,解決可能的交付問題。
6. 定期追蹤應收賬款,確保按時收到貨款。
7. 完成主管交辦事項。
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Achieving performance goals
Customer Information Update and Maintenance
Business or Channel Development
Sales Target Allocation and Performance Achievement
Sales and Management Report Writing
Advertising Sales Ability
Customer Information Collection
Customer Complaint Handling
Product Introduction and Explanation Sales
業績目標達成 客戶資料更新維護 業務或通路開發 業績目標分配與績效達成 業績與管理報表撰寫 廣告業務銷售能力 客戶情報蒐集 客訴案件處理 產品介紹及解說銷售
Job Category
International Sales
International Sales Supervisor
Channel Development Specialist
南寳樹脂為一流的接著劑與特用化學品製造商,提供先進製程和高品質產品及服務,貼近客戶需求並提供全面性的解決方案是我們的最大優勢,使客戶產品搶先在市場中取得先機。 【根植台灣佈局全球】 南寳樹脂在台灣接著劑產業扮演著重要角色,成立於1963年生產各式接著劑,陸續投入生產液體與粉體塗料、鞋用膠和熱熔膠等事業,隨著經營規模不斷擴大,於1987年開始拓展事業版圖至海外市場,設立泰南寳樹脂化學股份有限公司,後續分別於大陸、印尼、越南等地建立生產基地,完整了接著劑產業於兩岸和東南亞地區的布局,目前銷售據點已經觸及超過50個國家。為提升獲利,南寳樹脂持續優化產品結構,產品領域也橫跨電子零件、健康食品與製藥、醫療用膠與衛材用膠等,為台灣第一大接著劑品牌,也是全世界前三大鞋用膠品牌,未來將持續向產業與創新領導者的目標邁進。 【營運據點】 台灣:台南總公司 大陸子公司:廣東東莞、廣東佛山、福建福清、江蘇昆山 東南亞子公司:越南、印尼、泰國、菲律賓、新加坡、馬來西亞 南亞子公司:印度孟買、孟加拉吉大港;辦事處:印度新德里、印度清奈 大洋洲子公司:澳洲(墨爾本、雪梨) 辦事處:緬甸、柬埔寨 Nan Pao was founded in 1963 by Huang, Tang Qing Yun. What began as a small dyeing and finishing factory has grown over time into one of the biggest and most successful Taiwanese companies and the leading manufacturer of specialty adhesives, footwear adhesives, liquid and powder coating, hot-melt adhesives and construction materials in Taiwan. With over 2800 employees worldwide, Nan Pao now has factories and subsidiaries in Taiwan(HQ), China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, India, the Philippines, Singapore, and Australia. In recent years, Nan Pao is proud to have introduced electric parts, health supplements, and adhesives in hygienic and medical industries into its portfolio of products as well as new innovative products. Its innovative products include carbon fibers, water-based nano resins, optical clear adhesives, insulating glass, hot-melt film, and automation process solutions. Nan Pao’s vision is to focus on specialty chemicals, materials, and biotechnology research. In manufacturing, to provide health-oriented and high value-added products, services, and solutions to become a world-class corporation with a high regard for sustainability, the environment, and social values. Nan Pao’s mission is to strive to be an indispensable business partner within the industries it serves with innovative and green, environmentally friendly products. Nan Pao has won numerous awards for its innovative approach and focus on green technology and reducing its carbon footprint. Nan Pao invests 2-3% of its revenue to researching new technologies to ensure that its products are the most innovative and environmentally friendly products on the market. Nan Pao’s aim is to not only lead the way when it comes to its technology and products, but to also ensure that the world is a better place because of its products and approach to doing business.
6 ~ 10 applicants