【供應鏈 SCM】TR運務部-經理(OP1) Manager
10/17 Updated
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

• 控管部門內的人力分配,確保部門維持適當的人力並控管部門內之加班時數。
• 評估與管理運輸車輛、設備及督導車輛派遣、控制成本和部門費用。
• 商談協力廠商之合約與擬定。
• 審核KPI資料,同時督導各項指標符合目標值。
• TMS專案管理
• 處理與該部門有關的品質異常調查及客訴案件,確認其改善與預防措施 。
• 協助解決部門內同仁之作業問題。
• 製作各種報表及分析與核准。
• 審核部門內請款、採購等各項申請單據。
• 規劃並執行部門內之教育訓練。
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Departmental manpower cost control
Budget preparation and cost management
Job task/performance item allocation
Cultivating personnel career development
Supervising personnel performance
Negotiation skills
Department performance goal management
Vehicle/Freight Problem Handling Ability
Shipping Cost Quotation and Billing
Transportation Route Planning Management
Goods Transportation and Material Distribution
Safety Facility Maintenance and Upkeep
Vehicle Cleaning
部門人力成本控制 預算編製與成本控管 工作任務╱業績項目分配 培育人員職涯發展 督導人員工作績效 協商談判能力 部門績效目標管理 車故╱貨故問題處理能力 運送費用報價與收費 運輸路線規劃管理 貨物運送與資材配送 安全設施維護保養 車輛清潔保管與檢修
Job Category
Business Management Supervisor
Transportation and Logistics Manager
About DKSH 關於大昌華嘉集團 DKSH's purpose is to enrich people’s lives. For nearly 160 years, we have been marketing, selling, and distributing high-quality products and brands for multinational and Fortune 500 companies. Through our Business Units Consumer Goods, Healthcare, Performance Materials, and Technology, we deliver sustainable growth for our partners. We contribute to improving the quality of life for our employees and people in the local communities in which we operate. Headquartered in Switzerland, DKSH is publicly listed and operates in 36 markets across Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America. We employ over 29,000 specialists and produced net sales of CHF 11.1 billion in 2023. Learn more: Why It’s Great to Work at DKSH At DKSH, we are driven by a purpose that goes beyond the ordinary: enriching people's lives. Through the products and services we provide, DKSH positively impacts millions of lives everyday. Join our team where entrepreneurship meets flexible work arrangements. Take the leap and start a journey where you can grow and make a difference! Delivering Growth – in Asia and Beyond. 大昌華嘉的企業目標是透過提供產品、服務和市場分析豐富每個人的生活。結合成為最信賴的夥伴之願景,我們的消費品、醫療保健、特用原料和科技事業單位不但在亞洲及世界各地為企業和品牌帶來成長、拓展業務,更透過我們代理的產品和服務供應醫院救命藥物、將優質產品帶到偏遠村莊、引進提升生活品質的科技設備、提供保健產品新配方讓生命更健康,進而豐富每個人的生活。與此同時,我們透過提供採購、市場分析、市場行銷和銷售、電子商務、配銷和物流以及售後服務幫助客戶與顧客一同成長和拓展。 在全球36個市場營運,聘僱超過29,000名專業人員,大昌華嘉是瑞士證交所公開上市的企業,2023年的銷售淨額為111億瑞士法郎。在1865年由瑞士創業家成立,大昌華嘉已經深根亞太地近160年,同時落實企業社會責任。 實現成長 – 專注亞洲 邁向世界
0 ~ 5 applicants