JR202405065_Frontend Developer - IoTMart - 內湖
9/18 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

Advantech e-Commerce platform IoTMart is looking for a qualified Front-end developer to join our digital commerce team. If you’re interested in creating a user-friendly environment by writing code and moving forward in your career, then this job is for you.
You will be responsible for building the storefront of our cross-border digital commerce site. Ultimately, you should be able to create a functional, attractive, and friendly environment, ensuring a great shopping experience.
Collaborate with backend engineers to develop and maintain the company's e-commerce platform and various event websites, maintain web pages (and applications), and integrate APIs and third-party programs.
Work with the design team to create responsive designs for various device screen sizes and transform design drafts into beautiful front-end interfaces.
Ensure cross-browser compatibility and mobile device adaptability.
Optimize web performance and interfaces to ensure the best user experience.
Participate in project requirement analysis and discussions, providing front-end technical solutions and suggestions.
Assist in front-end performance optimization and code efficiency improvement.
Arrange development work properly according to project goals.
Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and any front-end framework (such as React, Vue.js, Angular, etc.).
Familiar with cross-browser compatibility and web standards.
Experienced in responsive web design (RWD) development.
Experienced in API integration.
Familiar with version control tools (such as Git).
At least two years of relevant IT work experience, with the ability to solve problems independently.
Preferred Qualifications:
Multi-platform integration experience.
Practical experience with GA4/GTM integration.
Experience in developing with Duda, Magnolia, Magento, or other PaaS and SaaS platforms.
Practical experience with JSON, jQuery, DOM, etc.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Front-End Engineer
Back-End Engineer
Full-Stack Engineer
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0 ~ 5 applicants