Decathlon Taiwan_台灣迪卡儂有限公司
【迪卡儂總部】HR Business Partner
10/9 Updated
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 60,000+


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

I am the Human Reousrce partner between my partnering Business Units and People Team for effective HR Management.
I am an actor to make Decathlon a people-centered modern company where execution exellence and people thriving build on each other.
1st Repsonsibility: I am the Partner of our Business Leaders (I am the Partner of Business)
- I am aware and invovled in all business strategies in my region.
- I provide to team leaders and teammates skills, HR processes, and tools so that they are fully empowered to manage their individual & collective growth.
- I mentor, challenge, and advice team leaders on social, people, and organization matters (ex. people management, organization design, people impacts & risks, etc.)
- I play a pivot role in aligning organizational change with strategic goals, facilitating effective communication, engaging stakeholders, and supporting teammates during change management.
- I am in charge of the watch to anticipate future evolutions on people topics
2nd Repsonsibility: I am the Guardian of Values and intentions (Decathlon DNA) in my region
- I guarantee the creation of a strong internal culture, to get the best out of people
- I make sure the organization is fair, transparent, and cares about people as individuals
- I am the guardian of core models & values such as leadership and DEI within my scope and continuously shape a desired organizational culture.
3rd Repsonsibility: I am responsible for the implementation and management of the 10 HR Processes within my region
- I am responsible for building engagement and empowerment of team leaders and teammates in the fulfillment of their HR duties.
- I partner and rely on global and local People Team to develop functional expertise, efficient and digitally enabled HR services to support the business.
- I support HR Process related topics intitated by our local People Team to implement them in my business unit with operational excellence.
Global DTB Score (Yes Totally) & Regional DTB Score (Yes Totally)
DTB: Pleasure and Engagement at Work (Yes Totally)
Human Turnover Rate
Talents: % Leaders of Tomorrow
Shareholding: % of Shareholders, Ownership (DTB "I co-own...")
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Employee Education
Personnel Training
Overall Planning and Performance Evaluation of Education and Training
Job Analysis and Job Grading Design
員工教育訓練與需求分析 人員培訓、激勵、輔導與管理 教育訓練總體規劃與績效評估 職務分析與職等設計
Job Category
Management Associate
Business Management Supervisor
Education and Training Specialist
【Ready to play?】 讓所有人都能輕鬆享受運動的樂趣,是迪卡儂從1976年於法國創立以來的使命!如今,迪卡儂已成為歐洲最大、全球第二大的運動品牌,並擁有法國第二大的研發中心,設計並銷售86個自有運動品牌,涵蓋 60 種運動項目及超過 35,000 種產品。目前迪卡儂於全球60個國家,擁有超過1,700家商場,全球員工人數約10萬名;全台共有19家分店,並預計於10年內開設30家門市。我們希望將最棒的運動商品及風氣,帶給全世界,讓更多人加入運動的行列 。 想要將運動的熱忱與大家分享嗎?想讓運動成為你的工作嗎?歡迎加入迪卡儂! ※員工職涯發展 迪卡儂提供全方位的職涯發展,包括生產管理、零售服務、電子商務、行銷、物流、客服、財務等部門,並提供全面長期的培訓發展計劃、完善的晉升系統與全球多元的工作機會。每年約有500,000小時的專業訓練課程,並內部培育來自法國、中國及台灣本地等專業講師。 ※全台分店及倉庫據點 北台灣: 台北內湖店 / 台北中和店 / 台北桂林店 / 台北新店店 / 新北三重店 / 台北中山店 / 新北瑞芳倉庫 桃園八德店 / 桃園中壢店 / 新竹店 中台灣: 台中南屯店 (生產管理&營運支援總部) / 台中北屯店 南台灣: 嘉義店 / 雲林店 / 台南仁德店 / 高雄鳳山店 / 高雄楠梓店 / 高雄亞灣店 / 屏東店 / 台東店 (東部)
11 ~ 30 applicants