地圖資訊系統專員 Transport GIS Specialist
10/14 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 40,000+


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1. 空間數據分析:收集、管理和分析與交通網路、交通模式和城市基礎設施相關的空間數據。
2. GIS製圖:創建和維護詳細的地圖和空間數據庫,以支持交通規劃和決策過程。
3. 交通建模:開發和實施交通模型,以模擬和預測交通流量並識別潛在的改進措施。
4. 數據可視化:製作高質量的可視化和報告,向利益相關者傳達複雜的空間數據和分析結果。
5. 專案協助:協助交通專案規劃和執行,包括可行性研究、環境影響評估和政策制定。
6. 協作:與軟體工程師、政府機構和其他利益相關者密切合作,確保GIS數據和分析整合到地圖應用中。
1.Spatial Data Analysis: Collect, manage, and analyze spatial data related to transportation networks, traffic patterns, and urban infrastructure.
2.GIS Mapping: Create and maintain detailed maps and spatial databases to support 3.transportation planning and decision-making processes.
Transportation Modeling: Develop and implement transportation models to simulate and predict traffic flows and identify potential improvements.
4.Data Visualization: Produce high-quality visualizations and reports to communicate complex spatial data and analysis results to stakeholders.
5.Project Support: Assist in the planning and execution of transportation projects, including feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments, and policy development.
6.Collaboration: Work closely with software engineers, government agencies, and other stakeholders to ensure the integration of GIS data and analysis into mapping applications.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Functional Testing (function test)
Bug Tracking (Bug tracking)
Transportation Planning
Urban Planning Research
Urban Planning Analysis and Design
功能測試(function test) 問題追蹤處理(Bug tracking) 運輸規劃 都市計畫研究調查與管理 都市計畫規劃分析與設計
Job Category
Data Analyst
Data Engineer
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0 ~ 5 applicants