必勝客Pizza Hut/肯德基KFC_富利餐飲股份有限公司
台灣總部 - DTS Project Assistant Manager (數位科技服務部 - 專案經理)
10/11 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

【請至:https://jrg.avature.net/en_US/careers/JobDetail/DTS-Project-Assistant-Manager/1731 投遞履歷,我們將以這邊收到的履歷為主】
【SOW Creation】
Develop project plans and execution strategies, including project schedules, objectives, and key milestones. Communicate to adjust resources and timelines, monitor project progress, and ensure projects are completed on time and with quality.
Project Budget/Resource Planning and Control: Plan and allocate project budgets and other resources, monitor their usage, and ensure resources are under control.
【Project Risk Assessment and Control】
Analyse the impacts and risks associated with project execution and implement effective control measures.
【Project Schedule Control】
Ensure projects proceed according to schedule and manage conflicts between projects when necessary.
【Technical/User Communication】
Act as a liaison between developers and stakeholders.
【System Maintenance:】Identify and resolve system anomalies and arrange resources to address issues.
【System Requirements Management】
Receive requirements and arrange development and deployment.
【Administrative Affairs】 Budget Preparation and Payment Processing.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Project cost/quality/risk management
Project time/schedule management
Project planning execution/scope management
Project communication/integration management
Project management structure and project documentation
專案成本╱品質╱風險管理 專案時間╱進度控管 專案規劃執行╱範圍管理 專案溝通╱整合管理 專案管理架構及專案說明
Job Category
Project Management Supervisor
Software Project Manager
Other Project Managers
怡和餐飲集團為怡和集團成員,是亞洲領先的餐飲集團之一。集團現僱有25,000 多名員工,每日以熱誠與顧客分享美食帶來的簡單喜悅。集團旗下經營品牌包括 KFC 肯德基、Pizza Hut 必勝客及 PHD,營運超過 1,000家分店遍佈香港、澳門、緬甸、台灣及越南。詳情請瀏覽 www.jrg.com。 必勝客:必勝客為連鎖比薩領導品牌,提供美味多樣的餐點,賓至如歸的服務,以及創新的品牌經營,這些皆來自於我們對於顧客最佳用餐體驗的堅持。誠摯地邀請您加入必勝客大家庭,期待您能與我們一同成長、共創未來。 肯德基:肯德基身為速食業炸雞的領導品牌,傳承桑德斯上校對炸雞的熱情和美味,堅持使用原塊雞肉及新鮮手作的製作流程,持續優化點餐體驗和提供顧客更好的餐飲品質與用餐環境,歡迎有熱忱的你一起加入!
11 ~ 30 applicants