台北W飯店 - W TAIPEI_時代國際飯店股份有限公司
業務專員 Sales Coordinator
10/6 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 38,000+


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Purpose of Role
Administrative work and sales work will be distributed proportionally.
Duties shall be conducted in a courteous, safe and efficient manner, in accordance with hotel’s policies and procedures, ensuring that a high level of service is maintained.
Provide secretarial and administrative assistance to the Director of Sales & Marketing and other talents within the department as needed. This position requires direct liaison with all departments and personnel at all levels, with the Administrative Assistant responsible for all general administrative duties of the Sales & Marketing Department when required.
Sales Coordinator performs and coordinates clerical duties for the department: ensures customer follow-up (e.g. proposal / contract / email is done in time), answers all incoming telephone calls, assists with customer inquiries and reports to manager, supports managers’ workload and organise site inspection in manager’s absence and coordinate all clients’ appointment schedules for managers. Sales Coordinator also needs to have ability to take meeting minutes when required.
- To answer telephone and take messages for the department in adherence to W Taipei Sales Department and hotel standards.
- To maintain all Rooms Sales files in accordance with established hotel procedures and standard.
- To facilitate the proper handling, ensure that all information regarding important guests is sent to respective departments on schedule.
- To prepare all necessary reports for directors and managers when required.
- To advise managers when assigned work cannot be completed within a 24-hours period.
- To operate with peak efficiency through coordination, communication and cooperation
- To adhere to Sales objectives such as customer service, financial targets, revenues and profits.
- To maintain image enhancement and adhere to W Style.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Domestic Sales Supervisor
Hotel Staff
Hotel or Restaurant Supervisor
W 不僅僅是一個飯店,更是一個創造夢想的地方,它包含了非傳統奢華體驗的現代生活方式, 在這裡展現流行、新潮和另類的生活美學。 作為我們寄予厚望的"人才",您需要將這種生活新文化展現給我們顧客, 您將會是飯店品牌成功的關鍵,並將理念與我們一起融入生活。 我們的設計理念 W 飯店不斷追求時尚風格與舒適之間的完美平衡,同時展現創新及別出心裁的理念, 通過溫馨舒適、體貼入微的服務和別具一格的設施,W 飯店處處營造著清新、舒適的氛圍, 讓客人感到賓至如歸,我們需要擁有 熱情、美妙、機智的您, W 歡迎您的加入。 工作機會 W 可以帶您去哪?從邁阿密的 W 公寓式酒店到馬爾代夫的 W 度假村,以及出現在地球上其它的W飯店, 我們將實現您的夢想!我們的下一站在哪裡呢? 閉上您的眼睛, 想像您夢想的地方,我們將幫助您心想事成。 W酒店及度假村是萬豪國際集團旗下備受矚目的特色奢華酒店品牌之一,根植於紐約城大膽無畏的態度和每分每秒都湧動著的活力氣息,以近25年的成功經驗和特立獨行的方式在酒店行業獨樹一幟。W酒店及度假村於全球不斷地開拓版圖,在每一個目的地顛覆固有認知、挑戰傳統奢華的定義,目前在全球極具活力的城市和度假勝地共有60多家酒店及度假村。W酒店以向賓客恣享生活提供源源不斷的活力為使命,點燃渴望,始終不渝,永不疲倦。W品牌突破傳統的設計,標誌性的“隨時/隨需服務”以及充滿活力的W潮堂始終致力於為賓客打造一直被模仿、卻從未被超越的獨一無二的驚喜體驗。創意無限、激動人心、非同凡響,W酒店非凡的活力能量激發賓客無盡渴望、深入探索每一個目的地的最新動態,引領賓客努力工作、盡情玩樂、永不疲倦。W酒店及度假村是萬豪旅享家(Marriott BonvoyTM)成員之一。萬豪旅享家將為會員提供萬豪國際旗下在全球範圍內龐大的酒店陣容(8,300+),會員可體驗萬豪旅享家專屬時刻並輕鬆賺取及兌換積分。免費註冊成為會員,或者訪問https://www.marriott.com/default.mi探索更多資訊。
6 ~ 10 applicants