【國際海洋集團-CWIND】 Project Coordinator
10/11 Updated
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Support CPM and wider project team on
1. Contract Management System:
Maintain and update the contract management system/database, including organizing contracts.
2. Contract Administration:
Deliver the administration of contracts by reviewing contract documents, tracking key milestones, KPIs and other deliverables including operational documents submission as per Contract, and ensuring compliance with contractual obligations, under the supervision of CPM.
3. Claims/ Variations/ ASOs Management:
Prepare, review, and negotiation of contract claims, variations, and ASOs in collaboration with the legal and project teams.
4. Vendor Management:
Manage relationships with vendors and subcontractors, including communicating contract requirements, resolving disputes, and evaluating performance.
5. Cost Analysis:
Record comprehensive cost data, analyzing project costs, including labor, materials, and overheads, to support decision-making and better tendering quality.
6. Payment Processing:
Ensure the processing of invoices, payment certifications, and payment applications in accordance with contract terms and project milestones.
7. Document Management:
Maintain accurate and organized contract documentation, correspondence, and records, ensuring that all relevant stakeholders have access to updated information.
8. Commercial Reporting:
Prepare regular commercial reports, including budget vs. actual analysis, cost forecasts, and financial performance metrics for management review.
9. Training and Support:
Assist CPM on training and support to project teams and stakeholders on contract management processes, procedures, and best practices.
10. Continuous Improvement:
Identify opportunities for process improvements in contract management and commercial practices, and contribute to the implementation of efficiency initiatives.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Project time/schedule management
Project planning execution/scope management
Project communication/integration management
專案時間╱進度控管 專案規劃執行╱範圍管理 專案溝通╱整合管理
Job Category
Project Assistant
Other Project Managers
國際海洋集團為近年興起的離岸風電產業的先驅者,業務範圍涵蓋離岸風電產業的完整生命週期,從前期海洋勘測、中期海事工程輔助、中後期運轉維護、大地工程、風電船隻租賃到人才培育等,我們全心致力於推動培育台灣離岸風電人才及技術的在地化,期望將台灣打造為亞太地區的離岸風電基地,創造亞洲地區潔淨能源的永續環境。 國際海洋集團(IOG,International Ocean Group,股票代號7583)旗下包括國際海洋 (IOVTEC)、臺英風電 (CWind Taiwan)、國海造船(IOG Shipyard)、國海船管(IOVM),以及合資公司風能訓練公司 (TIWTC) 及國海輝固 (Fugro IOVTEC),共同提供離岸風電整合工程服務。 身為臺灣第一間勇敢向離岸風電工程邁出第一步的海事工程公司,我們一直積極扶植在地風電產業與人才,並致力於風電技術的傳承。過去幾年來,在2018年我們與歐洲風場維運專家CWind 合資成立臺英風電,在2020年與國際大地工程龍頭Fugro集團合資成立國海輝固,我們還與許多公營單位共同合資成立臺灣風能訓練股份有限公司(TIWTC),引進國際風能組織(GWO)制定的基本安全訓練標準規範,為國內從事離岸風電工作人員提供最完整的課程訓練,讓臺灣產業面、專業技術面、人力面都能在風電領域上「獨當一面」。 透過不斷的學習、創新,國際海洋集團一方面發展在地化風電產業,致力將知識、技術與人才根留臺灣,更在2023年6月收購合資公司臺英風電的全部剩餘在外流通股權,成為臺灣離岸風電產業首屈一指的在地化里程碑之一。另一方面,國際海洋也積極走向國際化路線,繼續與世界級專業企業合作,打造風電整合服務集團,並以臺灣成為亞洲離岸風電發展基地為目標,持續走在臺灣離岸風電產業的最前線,並不斷創造卓越的風電實績。
6 ~ 10 applicants