【India】Sr. Quality Engineer
10/14 Updated
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

This position is designed with a long-term perspective.
Our goal is to cultivate your expertise in product technology and quality professionals over the next 2-3 years, and then relocate to our India plant for future career development to our international operations.
OBJECTIVE: inspection and/or testing in receipt and/or Process and finished products, according to established procedures.
1) Uses Judgment and Criteria to solve problems related with the work area performing high skilled tasks (such as Failure Analysis) by means of Studies (Capacity, Correlation Analysis, DOE, etc) and/or Specialized Equipment (Oscilloscope, CMM-Coordinate Measurement Machines, etc.)
2) Implements the non-conforming material control system (Identification, Segregation and Disposal).
3) Generates, analyzes and presents inspection and testing reports. Notifies and requires corrective actions to the corresponding functions (Purchasing, Engineering, Production, etc.) on non-conformances and the causes that originated them and verifies the effectiveness of corrective Actions.
4) Can participate in continuous improvement projects and/or multifunctional teams.
5) Performs quality tests for the introduction and transfer of new products and/or processes.
6) Can coordinate the calibration program for Inspection and test equipment.
7) Analyzes client complaints/returns and coordinates with other departments the implementation of preventive and corrective actions.
8) Can train other Inspectors, Technicians from other Areas, and thus requiring
advanced technical knowledge of the final product, processes, equipment and raw materials, etc.
9) Implements the quality system's documentation. Develops, Modifies and Maintains the Standard Operations Procedures (SOP).
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Establishment of New Product Inspection Standards
Handling Issues with Incoming Materials
Inspection of New Products and Incoming/Outgoing Goods
Raw Material and Product Quality Control and Monitoring
Supplier Raw Material Abnormality Analysis and Handling
Planning and Implementation of Quality Management System
制訂新產品檢驗標準 原料及產品品質管制監控 進料問題處理 新產品與進出貨檢驗 供應商原物料異常分析處理 規劃並執行品質管理系統
Job Category
QA / QC Engineer
信昌明芳集團創立於1961年,為台灣最大的汽車零部件及系統供應商,在全球具有良好的供應鏈佈局,製造工廠及研發設計中心遍佈中國、東南亞、歐洲及北美,擁有30個銷售、製造、技術服務的據點,全球員工9000人。 信昌明芳集團是全球汽車行業的合作伙伴,主要客戶包含日本、美國、歐洲國際汽車大廠,中國頭部陣營的各大自主品牌車企以及後勢興起的新能源汽車廠。作為客戶的首選供應商,我們與許多國際零部件大廠合資合作,不斷強化力度接軌國際供應鏈系統。 我們在全球設立3個產品研發設計中心,分別在西班牙、北美、福州及台灣,能夠為全球的汽車製造商提供全系列機電整合的解決方案,滿足客戶在機構與電子控制的設計要求。產品研發設計中心結合歐洲的設計能力與亞洲的專業技術,並擁有國家級的認證實驗室,具備自主研發、測試與驗證的能力與條件〪 信昌明芳集團立足台灣賦能全球,積極佈局,在全球汽車主要市場均有生產基地,大陸有上海、無錫、重慶、福州、北京、蕪湖、海南以及東南亞有印尼、越南等20幾個生產重鎮。生產製造能量具有豐富底蘊,自主掌握生產線的設備規劃能力和產品的模具開發技術,具備高端技術力和成本競爭力,除提供集團本身使用外,同時也銷售到日本、歐美等汽車大廠零部件供應商、如日本三井、今仙、大塚、美國GECOM等。 引領轉型創新,贏戰未來 深厚的機電整合技術實力是我們在市場上取得成功的關鍵。如何提升產品競爭力,實現差異化,找到自己的核心競爭力和價值,一直是我們努力不懈的目標。 信昌明芳集團正積極提升在汽車電子及軟體方面的實力,通過整合機電元件與感測器和軟體,打造智能車進入及內飾空間的系統解決方案。如乘客通過簡單手勢即可打開車門;在自動駕駛場景下,休閒座椅不僅具備按摩功能可以讓乘客舒適地斜躺乘坐,在預見碰撞隱患時可快速調整座椅角度,保障乘員安全;自動開閉的尾門可與第二、第三排座椅一鍵聯動,實現車內空間的靈活切換,滿足用戶對超大物件擺放等多場景應用的空間需求等。 站在新世界的起點上,信昌明芳集團將繼續推進全球佈局,優化產品線,全面提升整體競爭力,確保實現2025年強勁業務增長目標。 我們正在大量招募機構設計、機械工程、電子、軟體方面的專業人才,期待您的加入。
0 ~ 5 applicants