【台中_全球百大外商】Site Admin/電廠行政管理/薪資可談/年假多/英文環境_TCS_810
10/11 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Annual SalaryNT$ 650,000~900,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Responsibilities & Accountabilities
1. Support the Site Manager on establishing the site purchasing process
2. Interface with suppliers to negotiate best offers for the project according to the GE Spirit & the Letter and sourcing policies and follow up the necessary requirements for qualifying suppliers in GE
3. Create and maintain a list of suppliers for services and products in the area and ensure proper interface and relationship with suppliers as per GE Spirit & the Letter
4. Actively support execution of sourced activities: escalations due to delivery/ Quality issues/invoicing/payables issues, database management, payment terms.
5. Is responsible for complying with any applicable EHS requirement and revert to his/her supervisor or manager should these be not reasonably practicable to implement
6. Is responsible for complying with any applicable sourcing policies
7. Arranging accommodation and transport for new expatriate staff and assisting employee relations coordinator with visa applications as required
8. Organize day-to-day operation, such as office utilities
9. To procure, control and maintain site infrastructure equipment and ensure proper maintenance
10. To maintain and ensure the site office and temporary site facilities are in a clean and safe working condition
11. To administer infrastructure contracts such as offices rental, cleaning
12. To understand local authorities’ requirements and ensure compliance in coordination with the Site Manager
13. Planning and arranging business travel for site management team
14. To understand local authorities’ requirements and ensure compliance in coordination with the Site Manager
15. Provide backup support for employee relations coordinator
16. Administrate site transportation
17. Any other tasks assigned by the site manager
Managerial (Budget / Administration / People)
1. Site Purchaser / Buyer
2. After taking reasonable steps to protect the health and safety of any person who may be threatened, immediately act upon and report to his/her supervisor or manager any situation which could present an unacceptable risk, and which cannot be immediately and simply rectified by him/her.
3. Immediately report any injury or other EHS-related event, including near-misses
1. Ensure administrative management of the site
2. Provide front line contact for all GE and contractors team members for logistic support and relation with local administration
3. Ensure insurance/interface with local bank, opening/closure Site accounts
4. Reviewing subcontractor EWOs.
5. Drive site reporting and tracking in close relation with site manager.
6. Manage local contracts (phone, printer, site consumables, network, Local Nobo, cleaning).
7. Manage flat, hotel reservation, local transportation, rent and/or GE fleet cars for GE staff.
8. Local Purchasing Responsibilities: Perform administration of all local order realized at site in connection with the GE local entity.
9. Regular Communication/Status Updates with Site and GPO HQ Finance
Specific Functional/Technical authority (besides DoA)
1. Placing purchase orders for site requirements under competitive bidding rules and fully compliance as per Spirit & the Letter
1. 此為外商合約制工作(Contractor),一年一簽,後續依照專案需求及個人績效評估安排 續聘/調薪 或轉為正式人員
2. 有外商行政 / 業務助理 / 主管秘書或內勤相近工作經驗佳,有管理過外國人尤佳
3. 英文能力須達商業等級,會需要支援簡易文件英翻中或中翻英及日常對話之口譯
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Administrative Staff
English Translator
藝珂集團為全球最大的國際性人力資源服務公司,總部設於瑞士蘇黎世,名列《財富Fortune》全球前500大企業,股票也在瑞士蘇黎土證券交易所公開上市。藝珂集團亦獲全球最佳企業職場肯定,目前已有超過5千家分公司,服務遍佈於世界60個主要國家及地區市場,全職員工超過39,000名。每天有超過70萬名的約聘工作夥伴為超過10萬家公司提供最完善的人力資源服務。 台灣藝珂於1989年成立,以國際視野丶貼近客戶的服務網路,提供台灣各類產業及大丶中丶小型企業多元的人才資源服務,服務市場遍及亞太區。除了為台灣企業提供人才搜尋的服務外,更為企業的人力資源管理提供360度人才解決方案和教練/諮詢服務,以因應瞬息萬變的市場環境,協助企業優化勞動環境。 台灣藝珂集團於台北﹑新竹﹑台中﹑台南﹑高雄皆設有服務據點,透過全台近兩百位專業顧問與職員,協助企業經營領域的擴展,同時讓求職者有更彈性多元和跨地域的求職空間。 藝珂專業: 業務銷售與行銷/數位應用/醫藥及醫材專業/公司財會/法規稽核及風控/資訊科技與管理/銀行金融科技/證券投資/生產與製造/研發/人力資源/軟體開發與應用/法務與法遵/專利/公共事務諮詢/行政管理與後勤單位/供應鏈/採購/客服/產品管理/專案管理/工程製造與技術 服務據點: 台北總公司 02-5552-6168 新竹分公司 03-620-1558 台中分公司 04-2301-0781 南科分公司 06-510-6999 高雄分公司 07-226-2060
6 ~ 10 applicants