Global Digital Marketing
10/7 Updated
Senior Level
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

The international marketing team is looking for an enthusiastic and result-driven digital marketing member to help us develop and execute our digital marketing campaign. As a pioneer company in neurobiotics (aka psychobiotics), Bened Biomedical develops pharma-grade probiotics that have been clinically proven beneficial to mental health via gut-brain-axis (GBA).
You will be an integral part of the development and execution of the marketing plan to drive traffic and growth of the Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) E-commerce for Neuralli in Asia Pacific and Oceania. Therefore, this ideal candidate should be able to be an excellent storyteller of all things that bridge the gap between science and marketing.
Please visit our official website: https://benedlife.com
- Lead a team to develop creative digital marketing ideas, strategic and engaging content, launch digital marketing campaigns and content distribution strategy to Asia Pacific and Oceania markets
- Plan & execute all digital marketing with agencies, including SEO/SEM, Meta ads, display campaigns, social media & integrated marketing communications (IMC)
- Evaluating campaign performance and effectiveness; providing data-driven insights to drive and optimize key performance indicators (e.g., traffic, engagement, conversion, ROAS) across various digital marketing funnels.
Support other international marketing tasks:
- UAT of website projects and MarTech tools
- Marketing collaterals
- Video production
- Other ad-hoc tasks as assigned
(此職位會需要撰寫中文行銷素材, 文案力需佳)
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Proposal and Presentation Skills
Website Planning Ability
Online Event Planning and Execution
Marketing Promotion Budget Compilation and Control
Brand Popularity Promotion
Advertising Budget Control
Website Traffic Tracking
Advertising Plan/ Copywriting
Advertising Effectiveness Evaluation
Advertising Creative Ideas and Proposals
提案與簡報技巧 網站企劃能力 網路活動規劃與執行 行銷宣傳預算編製與控管 品牌知名度推廣 廣告預算控管 網站流量成效追蹤 廣告企劃案╱文案撰寫 廣告效益評估 廣告創意發想與提案
Job Category
Website Marketing Planning
Event Planning
Advertising Copywriting/Planning
益福生醫從學界走向業界,秉持著打造全球第一精神益生菌領導品牌的信念,成功在台灣和國際市場上驗證了我們的商業模式。以台灣作為研發及品牌總部,我們陸續在美國、中國等地設立子公司,並在2024年與美國頂尖醫學院及醫院合作,深入開展神經失調與神經多樣性方面的臨床合作。我們的十年計畫包括串聯全球頂尖機構,加速科研佈局。首先在南港台北生技園區打造全球研發總部,並啟動跨國計畫,與美國、中國、歐洲等地的醫療機構建立合作網絡,推進全球自有品牌計畫。特別是於美國上市的Neuralli™產品,專門針對神經多樣性(Neurodiversity),並將繼續拓展到全球主要市場。以神經多樣性(Neurodiversity)市場的特殊需求為核心,建立共存共榮的生態圈,並積極推動品牌文化與企業社會責任。 我們希望通過各種的研究,喚起社會對神經多樣性(Neurodiversity)族群的接納與包容。 未來益福生醫將持續在全球拓展益生菌市場,並利用我們的技術優勢和市場洞察力,致力於提升全球神經多樣性(Neurodiversity)群體的生活品質,為更多人帶來健康福祉。 美國Bened Life為國際精神益生菌領域領導品牌,推出首款有助改善神經系統疾病的腸腦軸醫療級益生菌Neuralli™ MP並在美加取得成功後,戰略性拓展國際版圖,將進軍亞洲、澳洲及紐西蘭等市場。 益福生醫以深度研發為恆久核心,卓越堅實的研究基礎、高規格的醫藥水準及嚴格把關的品質控管,將每一份心力都專注在菌株及產品研究與開發,以醫藥級益生菌為目標,積極拓展全球保健食品領域,帶給現代人健康活力的新契機。不同於台灣典型的企業文化,益福生醫面向全球市場,提供開放式思考模式並鼓勵創新文化,歡迎有想法的你加入我們,一起打造國際生技王國。 Bened Life~About Us Bened Biomedical - A Global Leader in Neurobiotics Bened Biomedical’s pioneering achievements in probiotic development places emphasis on our cutting-edge neuropsychological benefits, developing pharma-grade neurobiotics, also known as psychobiotics, with significant effects on both physical and mental health. Bened Life, the leader in psychobiotics, has begun worldwide expansion after finding success in the United States with Neuralli™ MP - the first gut-brain medical probiotic for neurological conditions. Bened life is now spreading love and happiness to Asian markets, Australia and New Zealand. Learn More: benedlife.com 【台灣之光「益福生醫」再次鍍金!執行長鄭勝德打造中西兼容的開放式企業文化,獨獲2020亞洲育成協會(AABI)最佳企業家獎】 https://ctee.com.tw/industrynews/351606.html 【益福生醫PS128全球布局有成 獲台北生技獎國際躍進銀獎】 https://money.udn.com/money/story/11800/5739830 【益福生醫精神益生菌領跑全球十年 ,進駐台北生技園區打造世界級醫療益生菌】 https://money.udn.com/money/story/5635/8103523 ☆☆☆南港辦公室位於 (台北市南港區忠孝東路七段508號8樓) ☆☆☆如何前往? 搭乘捷運板南線或台鐵到捷運南港站→ 2 號出口(往國家文官學院方向) →出捷運右轉→經過工地→過個小馬路→看見摩斯漢堡/樂雅樂→就是台北生技園區→進大樓→手扶梯上二樓→請到服務台對面的自動發卡機取卡或是到服務台換證領取門禁卡,低樓層電梯匝道門禁卡刷卡→進電梯後門禁卡先刷卡再按 8 樓→益福生醫集團到囉。 ☆☆☆淡水竹圍辦公室位於(新北市淡水區民權路27號 前棟5F-G戶) 捷運(淡水線)竹圍站附近
6 ~ 10 applicants